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Dave Vader

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Everything posted by Dave Vader

  1. [quote name='tazza1' timestamp='1318863026' post='1407035'] I spat my tea out over your "dog that faithfully runs after stick" answer - which is a bit unfortunate as I'm at work at the moment, people are giving me funny looks & I've now got to clean my keyboard. [/quote] My dog really does that.
  2. [quote name='algmusic' timestamp='1318859073' post='1406966'] Played a concert with a friend about 7 years back. Power lead failed. Went to kitchen borrowed kettle lead and it works.. that's why it's called that by most.. These days most have the cordless.. even though they still have a cord..(don't get me started on that) [/quote] Done that a lot. Oh, and people shouting 3,4 at the obsessive 1,2 mic testers. You have never been funny. And don't get so upset when I shout p*ss down the mic for it's wonderful sibilants, it is the best soundcheck word ever. Oh, and this wasn't your mate was it? [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Squier"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Squier[/url] (I have some of his albums, they're quite good, Fender never did him a limited run though)
  3. That's why it's got those bloody Ebs on it then. And why it makes no sense... (actually it does, but it takes a while to figure it)
  4. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1318729647' post='1405681'] Yes he was drafted in and seemed to really gel in the band. BTW, I have a live track of Go West doing Ball of Confusion and Pino just kills on that number. In fact the bass lines on a lot of Go West songs are highly highly under rated IMO. Just try playing along to We Close Our Eyes... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcjEyOc6B3g[/media] [/quote] Have just learned this for my 80s tribute band I play in. It was a lot harder than I expected. Was that Pino then? Every time a hard one comes up it's one of his (for want of a better phrase)
  5. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1318769395' post='1405941'] As someone who had to sit through countless episodes of homes under the hammer when I was re-doing my A-levels at home I can assure you everything is wrong with BBC1 on a daytime. I used to get up no earlier than 9 just so I didn't have to watch breakfast. [/quote] TVs do have off-switches (my kids haven't worked that one out yet either) And stick your old bass strings in your garden strimmer, they work a treat (though they are incredibly dangerous, especially if your cat gets too close)
  6. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1318685204' post='1405194'] Don't suppose you'd be interested in a set of 'second-hand' Rory Gallagher fingers, then..? I had them grafted on, but they don't suit my 'style' (I play drums...), so I swapped back to my original (vintage, now...) sausages. Where the f*ck then [i]is[/i] the tone, I wonder..? Incidently, was that a Bridge over Troubled (Roger...) Waters..? My coat is on... [/quote] I would definitely trade all of it for your Gallagher fingers, I believe Irish fingers are tastier than your normal english ones.
  7. Ta, amusing questions have been answered and put up for all to see, non-amusing questions have been derided by me and the wife, and deleted (well, answered nicely, just not put up, need the space for the amusing ones) Can't believe you lot are actually bidding....
  8. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/230686759312?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 Remember that rusty hondo bridge I drilled off? Well I though I'd have a bit of fun and see if I could make a few quid for oxfam into the bargain. Apologies for putting it in the ebay links, but I don't see it making any money, due to being a useless piece of crap. Oh, I put these up for a laugh as well.... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/230686757251?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  9. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1318601236' post='1404213'] At least yours doesn't have any big gouges in it lol. [/quote] That is a very flattering picture, it is fairly gouged here and there, and has big stanley knife cuts in the front, from trimming of bits to go on it, it seemed pointless not to use it as its own worktop really.
  10. Check all old Tokais, Grecos etc. and obviously the old Squiers, not budget anymore are they? *facepalm for all the ones I trashed or gave away*
  11. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1318544152' post='1403690'] Cheers mate. As it happens (no Jimmy Saville impressions, stop it ) I met a drummer in t'pub this evening that I contacted a couple of days ago. That sounds rather seedy doesn't it... I digress, good bloke so who knows [/quote] Good luck mate, keep us posted.
  12. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1318544682' post='1403699'] Like with a car, both hands on one edge and make it bounce up and down [/quote] Okay.... thanks Marv... might not try that one actually....
  13. [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1318517122' post='1403210'] Should've just gone "Well i had one, but it was a pile of sh*t so i sent it back to noteveryonehasafender.com and bought a Squier instead" Liam [/quote] Oh, that one isn't real (had no idea my brainchat was, quite chuffed now)
  14. Thanks Stevie. The magnet is bloody huge and weighs a ton. Unsure of how to check for stiff suspension though.
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1318506631' post='1402969'] Christ where's this, a tent? Are you a bass-playing Bedouin by any chance? [/quote] Would be nice, sadly the Missus likes to make sure that dog hair will not get near the sofa itself. Belt and braces and sticky tape approach, makes it look like we live in a tent in photos though,,,,,
  16. There was a hilarious sketch on the original Mary Whitehouse Experience Radio series which pointed out what a bunch of tossers Musos were, for the phrases they used. Sadly it is not online anywhere, but they had a point. I would not know any of the technical phrases used in Brain Surgery, but I'd hope a brain surgeon's forum didn't have a thread about how annoying and stupid non-brain surgeons are for pronouncing Medullah Oblongata incorrectly (or spelling it wrong, as I undoubtedly have). (I expect they have though, over on Brainchat.co.uk)
  17. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1318501571' post='1402859'] I think she just chose an ugly bass so that people would notice her more, kind of like what Amy Lee and her backing band. Sorry guys, but you all lose. This really is the tattiest, most monstrous bass you could possibly have ever seen in your life: In fact I use it to play "gears of war" by megadeth since it looks like it's been hit by smart bombs and precision guided armaments. [/quote] I quite like the look of your Columbus Jazz project actually Eddie. But then I am regularly seen in public playing this monstrosity.
  18. oooohhhh, the flickr link makes a slideshow in the post... shiny....
  19. To go, this unknown 10" driver what came out of an old cab I got on ebay. Here's what I wrote about it when I tried to get a quid for it on ebay..... This speaker is a completely unknown quantity sadly, I can verify that it works when you hook it up, but there is no indication of ohmage or maximum power rating on it, and my multimeter is broken so I can't help you there. I can tell you that it's a 10” driver and has 8/47/90 10/140 8 written on the back in white. At a guess that means 140 watts at 8 ohms, but that really is only a guess. It weighs a great deal for a 10” and came out of a cab I bought to make a diddy bass cab out of, couldn't tell if the driver would handle bass frequencies or not, so I pulled it out and put in one I was sure of. Take a punt, it might be exactly what you're looking for. No makers marks, just a plain metal back. Could be the very thing you need for your project, and it's going very cheap. See here for more photos. [media]http://www.flickr.com/photos/50579126@N03/sets/72157627657867421/[/media] Feel free to ask any questions Sadly there were no bites, you can come to my house in Devon and pick it up if you want it, or send me a tenner and I'll chuck it in the post for you. It is taking up space and I can't bring myself to skip it.
  20. See, told you they were great didn't I? Maybe it's time to start a club? here's mine again... Nice work there Nancy, you seem to have spent a little more time getting yours to look nice than I did. (Although mine was red and black when I got it, just not a nice red)
  21. should have kept the bog in there Good work though very jealous
  22. Your family will thank you for leaving before you have another project. You will be less moany (or so my wife says). Off the top of my head I can think of a few pubs you can go into round North Devon way and usually by the end of the night you will have joined a band with somebody. I also know of a band in Okehampton looking for a bass player (I am actively avoiding them as I know some of the guys of old, they are not good). But it would be a gig... you would hate it. Better off going first if it's doing your head in that much, if it's still a chuckle and you can put up with the sh*t it's worth sticking it out, but if it's not then go my son, go.... RUbber Dinghy Rapids....
  23. Really? Nobody's posted the Mothman yet? First in, for once....
  24. Balance is restored, and those are still proper ugly.
  25. Nope, you're dead on the money mate.
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