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Dave Vader

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Posts posted by Dave Vader

  1. [quote name='neilp' timestamp='1462975356' post='3047463']
    I never thought of "blacking up"! I seem to remember being a bit lost for words, then pointing out that unlike Michael Jackson I was the same colour when I was hired. After that I may have told him where to shove his cuddly toy....

    I doubt he'd have felt good baby after that.... :ph34r:

    Usually the last man standing when it all goes tits up, or I've left.
    Never been fired, begged to stay, or come to the next weird offshoot project sure, but never fired.

    Also too wussy to fire anyone, hence all the leaving or watching things crumble into sh*te.

  2. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1462831417' post='3046173']
    buzz like a fretted bass.

    Raise your action a bit if it's buzzing Dad... :)

    Fretless is no harder than fretted, just different. Practise along with other music and your intonation will be easier to get right.

    You also have the added advantage of being able to slide out of wrong notes and sound like you meant to do it.

  3. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1462817867' post='3045988']
    A paying gig is a paying gig. If a local bar/pub band is turning down gigs for any reason other than your already booked is questionable.

    I play big gigs,small gigs, gigs in cool places and gigs in not so cool places. I can't afford to be picky.


    He wasn't turning the gigs down, just moaning about them the whole way through, really put a downer on it, so I joined one of the other constant stream of bands asking me to play instead, job done. Except there's always another moany bastard in every band.

  4. Lots of bands lots of reasons, but usually this one:

    Moany moany tossers, 'this gig is too small, this gig is too big, this gig is too near, this gig is too far, your amp is too loud, I can't hear you, I'm not important enough, I am too important...'

    and that was just one drummer.
    We were not making enough money for me to put up with that sh*t. Which always makes me wonder why on earth these moany bastards go out and play in bands? Is it because I did something bad once?

  5. I've got a double locker on my recently acquired Ibanez Roadstar, am fast wondering how on earth I used to get along without it.

    It's no harder to set up than my strat once you know how. (and I've got the allen keys on the back of the headstock)

  6. Pretty much every song I have ever heard, especially if Kate Bush is singing it

    Though notably and unexpectedly, I once had to sing wish you were here at a last minute pub gig, two hours after getting a phone call telling me my friend Clive had died. Sobbed the whole way through, got funny looks from crowd, except bikers, who were sobbing at it anyway.

  7. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1458060537' post='3004296']
    I can't see how that would set work. You need to hear yourself louder than everything else but for it still to sit well in the FOH mix. Over the years you develop a feeling for just being at the correct volume.

    If you weren't standing next to your speaker you'd need it a lot louder. You'd very quickly have no sound at all. :D

    It was just a thought, I'd like a mid control for the bassist in my current band (I'm back on guitar again) he's just got a ripper and a bass balls, and has now got all of the mids. My poor little guitar has vanished.. :(

  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1457265128' post='2996798']
    rehearse sober

    that's where you're going wrong....

    The best way to sort out volume problems would be if bassists stood next to guitar amps, and guitarists next to bass amps.
    Then you'd turn each other down rather than yourself up.
    (Will never happen though)

  9. Have had the one for 20 years now, it's a crappy Sunn Mustang P-bass copy that I have never bettered.
    I've also got the other two, Rickenbastard that I sank a lot of money into making right, and does noises that the P can't (and it's got rounds on it) and my hideous lump of driftwood fretless which I will never part with.

    So yeah, I've found the three...

  10. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1457455544' post='2998775']
    Mick Jagger looks like a retired GP. Ronnie Wood looks recently defibrillated, while Keith Richards looks like he is still waiting. And Charlie Watts looks straight out of a Werther's Original advert.

    Here's two lovely old ladies who don't want to leave the tea dance just yet....

  11. Well there goes my chances of getting moulded ones. Being deaf in my left ear, I was told never to get the other one syringed, ever. I'm a waxy deaf bugger at the best of times.
    Still, saved me a lot of money, and when my other ear goes completely I can get more from selling all my musical stuff.
    Always a bright side...

  12. Ironically I woke up even deafer than usual this morning, having used earplugs at a rehearsal for the first time ever last night.
    Seeing Brian Johnson on the news was the icing on the cake.
    I think it shoved some crap down my good ear, I'm all underwatery and shall go back to pointing my deaf ear at the drummer instead...

  13. [quote name='Coldflows' timestamp='1454794000' post='2973121']
    I know mark. In fact I sold him some pedals earlier this week!

    I have a Stingray SUB USA I need to rehome but if I manage to sell it before its gone I'm planning on buying marks Joodee.

    Easy bloke to deal with too!

    The best thing about Mark is that if he gets something you like, you know you can get a chance to buy it a week or so later.
    All my current stock of guitar amps came from him over the last twenty odd years.

  14. [quote name='Coldflows' timestamp='1453847631' post='2963497']
    Boo! You beat me to it by literally seconds. Was having a long discussion about these and 'joodee'and this was found as an example of the strange truss rod adjuster on that family of basses. I post a link to it saying was it worth buying and two seconds later boom its gone!

    Atleast I know its going to a good home ha!

    I hope you enjoy it, let us know how good it is (so I can be jealous of my awful timing).

    Edit: Maybe I can babysit one of your basses your 'moving on' :-P but seriously great buy!

    My friend Mark is selling a very similar Joodee in Exeter if you're interested


    (link might not work)

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