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Dave Vader

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Everything posted by Dave Vader

  1. [quote name='Johnston' post='1288714' date='Jul 1 2011, 10:18 AM']I hear unmolested ones have tripled in value. Sadly mod'd ones are worth a packet of penny bubblies. Sadly no one on BC has an unmolested one. [/quote] I bet tom1946 has got a couple in mint still...
  2. [quote name='icastle' post='1287775' date='Jun 30 2011, 02:25 PM']Well if you're handy with a soldering iron, why not just change the offending pots? Peavey have a UK service centre and are always happy to sell spare parts or you could take an educated guess and order similar pots from RS or Farnell. A couple of hours work with a soldering iron would have that old TNT back into usable condition. [/quote] That was my first thought to be honest. Then I went a bit nuts with the imaginary amp in my head (again...) also a good idea.
  3. [quote name='escholl' post='1287530' date='Jun 30 2011, 12:06 PM']using some pliers or other small tool, you should be able to adjust them at least to where you want, and then just leave them. unless it was the gain or volume ones which broke? these can be fixed easily too but if you want to be able to adjust them, you'll need a new pot. it's totally up to you though.[/quote] May have a go at this. See if I can get it to run at least. Thanks for your help Escholl, I think it's about 4th or 5th on the "Projects to try and finish" list. Which keeps re-ordering itself.
  4. [quote name='escholl' post='1287509' date='Jun 30 2011, 11:45 AM']snapped off? as in, the pot shaft is broken, or the pot has come off the board? if it's the latter, you can hold the pot at mid value (or any other value you like) by placing two resistors where it was, forming a voltage divider. i can help you with that if you like. to be honest, I don't see any major difficulties in turning this into just a little home rig if you want to, better than letting it go to waste. [/quote] Shaft has snapped off from the front. It is a pretty metal circle in the face of the amp now. Few of them have done this.
  5. cheeky bump. Also had a quick rub with some sandpaper last night on the green paint. Not ideal....
  6. Nice one, my boy drinks buckets of coke, and leaves half drunk cans of it all over the house, I shall start collecting them. Not looking for shiny perfect finish, just hoping the screws will turn again...
  7. [quote name='escholl' post='1287440' date='Jun 30 2011, 10:56 AM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=380180866806"]Caig Deoxit[/url] will sort you out. Kind of expensive but very worth it. Slightly cheaper, I think Servisol does something as well. Very easy to use. Barring that, just turn the pots back and forth vigorously for a minute or two -- can sometimes be a cheap fix to making them work correctly again.[/quote] It's beyond that, several of them have actually snapped off, it got loaned to a punk band for a while by it's last owner, they did not take care of it. He gave it to me as it took up space in his house, now it takes up space in mine. Thought it would be a handy home practice rig.
  8. Shame, most of the pots are knackered and crackly, and have to be in one position to even get a sound out of it. Was hoping it would be easy enough to cherry pick the useful bits and make something a little more basic and small. Will keep using it as a table, and carry on using my usual head into the 1x10, ta for the advice chaps.
  9. That looks lovely, how much do they go for (having visions of going all Phil lesh with one)
  10. Yep, anyone know of a way to get the flipping rust off an orange bridge? Could just pay out for a new one, but quite like the look of it, apart from it being orange and seized up.
  11. Okay, as an occasional tinkerer with soldering irons and drills and things, I was wondering if this was doable or a waste of time and energy. I have an old Peavey 115TNT at home that barely works. Is it possible to rip out all the unnecessary pots and gubbinry, refit it into a new box, and stick what I have created into the top of a 10" cab to make a lovely portable combo? If I could get it down to just a gain and master control and bypass all the rest I would be very happy. Anyone ever tried anything like this?
  12. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='1286026' date='Jun 29 2011, 07:38 AM']rip it off, throw it away and start playing!![/quote] + the 1
  13. I bought a black finished P-bass body off the bay for cheap this week, as I realised the amount of work I would have to do to sort the P-body I have lying around was more than I had time for right now. Unfortunately, some tit has sprayed green paint on the back, fairly badly, not a big problem, but is there an easy way to get this off, and leave the shiny black finish underneath? Or is it hours of work with low-grade sandpaper til I'm back to black? Also, I have no radius block for my spare fretless neck, and it needs a few bits of high filler, and various dings and lumps levelled out, anybody done this with a bit of foam and some sandpaper? Did it work? Or did it make it worse, as this is my current plan. All help much appreciated guys, Dave
  14. [quote name='Marvin' post='1285915' date='Jun 28 2011, 11:52 PM']Must be something to do with living in North Devonia mate. Some of the stuff we play should be under a rock, under lots of rocks, in a hole filled with rocks. I'd trademark the 'post-goth' before some bugger comes along and nicks and makes a fortune. [/quote] I don't know how to trademark, and suspect it costs money. Shall just do the usual, and hang around in pubs saying "I thought of that first you know, been saying it since before goth even existed...."
  15. Yep, have to work at it if it's too funny a rhythm though. Amusingly can do Hendrix-style lead and vocal with no relation to each other no worries. Odd...
  16. I use it as often as I can get away with, am currently building a back up fretless, so I don't have to go fretted when one packs up at a gig (or before, or whenever it decides to throw a hissy fit)
  17. [quote name='Marvin' post='1284793' date='Jun 27 2011, 11:27 PM']Sell out/musical whore. [/quote] +1 although I think we're just under rock, despite not being very rocky at all. I am plugging post-goth as a genre (not sure if it exists yet)
  18. [quote name='4 Strings' post='1283305' date='Jun 26 2011, 08:16 PM']Why not Squiers, they've been around for 30 odd years or more, aren't they becoming old and magical? Or is it only the US factory that can cast such a spell?[/quote] Check the prices on the early 80s ones on the bay now. Apparently they are....
  19. [quote name='jacethebass' post='1281342' date='Jun 24 2011, 06:23 PM']Basically can you tell me anything and everything about these. The one I'm looking atm has stereo output and he believes it is a solid body but I heard the Hondos were ply, whos right, how do they sound, build quality, feel, and how much would you pay for one of these?[/quote] I had one, it was definitely ply. I ripped the electrics out and stuck them in a rockinbetter. It now rocks better IMHO (though the hondo was lighter and perfectly fun and decent). Pay no more than £200 and you can't go wrong.
  20. [quote name='matt_citizenbass' post='1274315' date='Jun 19 2011, 12:59 AM'][/quote] Are you gigging in your socks? Muchos Respect! I would worry about splinters. (I like it best at this stage as well, but your refin is also pretty darn cool)
  21. [quote name='Clarky' post='1281168' date='Jun 24 2011, 04:09 PM']This little chap's unique too [attachment=83407:ugly_dog.jpg][/quote] Scrappy's looking a bit rough these days.
  22. I was hoping for a comedy auction by a pillock. Instead I just have renewewd T-Bird GAS. Thanks Farmer....
  23. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1280877' date='Jun 24 2011, 12:46 PM']But in the grand scheme of things, the body wood contributes less to overall tone than the tronics. For argument's sake I'll pluck a figure out of the air along the lines of 2% - 98% to illustrate the difference. I agree about the ceramic / alnico thing. They are just floating magnets for gods sake.[/quote] I think we may be vaguely agreeing somewhere, but I'm not sure. My tale is one of woe, hang on a minute.... Back when I was a young lad I had a cheap as hell jap-crap strat copy that I, as a 13 year old, assumed was crap. I went on to play a bunch of far more expensive guitars, but didn't like them anything like as much as that cheap as hell japcrap strat. I eventually got my hands on what was supposedly a pre-CBS strat. (It really wasn't at all, years later I stripped it and found plywood) I always assumed I just preferrd cheap nasty guitars (always thought that japcrap was ply, again, stripped it later, tis nothing of the sort). Now I swapped the pickups between the 2 more times than I can remember, and both sounded completely different when swapped round, and nothing like the other in either situation (if you get my drift). Turns out that nasty jap crap strat (still have it) was one of them there fujigen-gakki ones that fender got so upset about, and made of a lovely lump of alder or somesuch. Which is why the pretend pre-CBS got sold on for sweeties. Point is that by golly was the tone of those two different (I used to swap the necks around a lot as well, with similar results) when the only difference was body wood. Turns out I don't just prefer the sound of cheap and nasty after all, shame, bit like that crappy old WEM amp I used to play through....
  24. oooh, look at that. bet it stung a bit...
  25. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1280609' date='Jun 24 2011, 10:09 AM']Come off it DV, the body wood isn't going to make it louder. It's down to the 'tronics.[/quote] Ah, yes you're right certainly. But the (oh dear god what am I starting) different tonal characteristics between a hefty maple body and a standard alder one will be there for the hearing (what I mean is, if you build it from maple, it will be a lot less fendery). And 'tronics are just as debatable as woods, whilst differing pups certainly sound different or better, I'm not sure I could pick out the hand-wound from the scatter-wound from the machine wound, or the ceramic from the alnico in a line-up either.
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