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Dave Vader

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Everything posted by Dave Vader

  1. [quote name='witterth' post='1243703' date='May 24 2011, 11:56 PM']school book covers full of Fender scrawled logos? I'm not alone.[/quote] No you're not... mine also had Gibson logos, and them funny squiggles from led Zeppelin 4
  2. [quote name='fatboyslimfast' post='1243041' date='May 24 2011, 03:26 PM']Only thing I use tabs for is if I can't quite hear what a section of a bassline is doing, and need a pointer rather than making it up myself as best I can. Obv, I realise that if [i]I[/i] can't hear it then the tabber might also be guessing...but if we both come up with the same then I know I've a sporting chance of being correct![/quote] He's right there you know. Plus Tabs are free and all over the web, try finding free dots If you just need a bit of a nudge cos you're brains fried, a bit of tab never hurt anyone. They may all be wrong, but they get you heaing the right way.
  3. [quote name='Soloshchenko' post='1242046' date='May 23 2011, 07:05 PM']Exciting. A Ricky one? Get some pics going![/quote] Sadly not, it's an SG shaped one. Bits of it are going one way, and the rest will be a baritone. Or ebayed...
  4. [quote name='Soloshchenko' post='1240787' date='May 22 2011, 08:47 PM']It's tat but it's well priced tat. One day I'll buy a Kay, start converting and upgrading it, get really bored and sell it in parts at a loss. It's what I do. [/quote] I am on stage 1 of this cycle, I just got a Kay....
  5. [quote name='LukeFRC' post='1238195' date='May 20 2011, 02:15 PM']though someone at some point dded an extra pup to the body! and done something to the truss rod adjuster thing[/quote] Truss adjuster looks sound to me, screw seems a little further out than usual but that's all.
  6. [quote name='Johnston' post='1238327' date='May 20 2011, 04:03 PM']Is there any quality difference between a [size=4]Fender[/size] [size=1]by Squier[/size] JV or a[size=4] Squier[/size] [size=1]by Fender[/size] JV Or is it just people with half the info pushing prices up?[/quote] Yes, from a distance you look like you have a Fender, oh hang on, that has nothing to do with the quality does it now? No, they're the same with different stickers (feel free to disagree with me, I have half the info and am trying to get prices down )
  7. [quote name='Johnston' post='1238239' date='May 20 2011, 02:42 PM']Are the expensive JVs not the ones with a large Fender and a small By Squier on the headstock ???[/quote] Used to be, now it's anything with a JV serial. Or an Sq actually, it's getting daft.
  8. I'll take it off your hands, I reckon it would damage your drummers walls.... You could probably get a fair few quid for it on the bay, certainly more than 6, even if you parted it out, infact, especially if you parted it out. Google JV squier to see what I mean.
  9. [quote name='kurcatovium' post='1238199' date='May 20 2011, 02:18 PM']I wonder what this one is: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/EKO-VINTAGE-BASS-GUITAR-/320699658694?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item4aab3071c6"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/EKO-VINTAGE-BASS-GUI...=item4aab3071c6[/url][/quote] Italian.
  10. [quote name='LukeFRC' post='1237502' date='May 19 2011, 10:18 PM']...[/quote] Excellent
  11. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='1237591' date='May 19 2011, 11:35 PM']Not for me afraid. I prefer rays (ATM) But you never really get a sense of what a bass is about until you are producing some high volume. A practice with the band always seals/breaks the deal for me. Even at home with considerable volume you don't get a sense of what its adding or missing in terms of sound.[/quote] More so that you can't tell until it's being played with a full band. On it's own it bears no relation whatsoever to how it'll sound with a bass drum and a guitar fighting it for sonic space. My P always gets through without me having to crank it, this is a good thing.
  12. Oh, and +1 to the undercoat.
  13. [quote name='LawrenceH' post='1237059' date='May 19 2011, 04:25 PM']Except my way - using a poweful hairdryer and a paint scraper. Takes off the outer poly on a Fender and most of the sealer too[/quote] I burned my fingers.... Went back to sandpaper. Got the nasty veneer off my P-bass with a heat gun and a chisel, it has dents in it the size of meteor craters now (yep, should have used something less chiselly). Latest project will be nitromors followed by heat and scraper. NOT CHISEL...
  14. [quote name='Eight' post='1236972' date='May 19 2011, 03:10 PM']Real men need nothing but sandpaper... and a lot of time on their hands.[/quote] Real poly sealer stripping sadly can't be done any other way.
  15. [quote name='JPS' post='1237026' date='May 19 2011, 04:02 PM']Pros Can be quite good money (although you have to take into account all the prep etc involved). Might improve you as a player. Can get to play some nice/interesting venues. Playing to a lively crowd is a good buzz Satisfaction of a job well done etc. Excuse to buy more gear. Time away from family. Cons Can very long days/hours. Having to play songs you detest. Having to play songs you love and realising after a while that you now detest them as well. Time away from family. Boorish drunks and overly demanding bridezillas. Lots of waiting around. Lots of preparation and organising pre-gig. Realising that it's a Saturday night and there's lots of things you'd rather be doing. I did it for five years, largely enjoyable, some real highs, but ultimately became utterly jaded and bored by it to the extent where I rarely play bass anymore, have no desire to join another band etc. On the bright side I now enjoy listening to music a lot more than I have done for years.[/quote] This. He speaks the truth, I've been doing it for 2 years now, and am utterly sick of it, and sit in silence whenever possible now, rather than having to hear music all the time. Some days it's a laugh though. It doesn't help that I'm doing an exclusively 80s function band, and I hated the 80s when I was there. They have not got better with age.
  16. [quote name='PaulWarning' post='1236910' date='May 19 2011, 01:48 PM']I once had a MIM Jazz, the pick ups were awful[/quote] That's cos the electrics are completely different from the MIAs. As are the woods etc. contrary to popular myth, mex bodies tend to be made of at least 4 bits, and of cheaper wood. Whether this matter to you or not is entirely subjective. You cannot set up an MIM and then call it an MIA with a different sticker made a few miles away. Because it is an entirely different beastie, £500 different? That's for you to decide...
  17. [quote name='Johnston' post='1236025' date='May 18 2011, 05:37 PM']anyone good at drawing ?? We could all sell pictures of a drawing of a rickenbacker Thats bound to break IP. Edit: Actually thinking about it I have a collection of PDF templates but as yet never found a Ricky one. I have seen a number of posts on other forums of folks looking the same. Any one with a ricky, measuring stick and good enough with software to do one up . :brow: Now that would piss him off [/quote] How about this, [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Bass-Guitar-Rickenbacker-mousemat-Mouse-Mat-/110669257118?pt=UK_Computing_ComputerComponents_MouseMats&hash=item19c466d99e#ht_629wt_736"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Bass-Guitar-Rickenba...9e#ht_629wt_736[/url] or this [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RICKENBACKER-GUITAR-CANVAS-ART-PRINT-/260757122626?pt=UK_Home_Garden_Decorative_Accents_LE&var=&hash=item8264283960#ht_859wt_882"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RICKENBACKER-GUITAR-...60#ht_859wt_882[/url] Or maybe this one? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Miniature-Clock-Rickenbacker-330-Black-9056-/190470433786?pt=UK_Clocks&hash=item2c58ec2bfa#ht_985wt_649"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Miniature-Clock-Rick...fa#ht_985wt_649[/url] A classic? Maybe... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RICKENBACKER-BROWN-CANVAS-ART-PRINT-A0-A2-A1-FRAMED-/130519524413?pt=UK_Home_Garden_Decorative_Accents_LE&var=&hash=item641f3b69d1#ht_979wt_882"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RICKENBACKER-BROWN-C...d1#ht_979wt_882[/url] And my favourite Ricky picture ever... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RICKENBACKER-GUITARS-WARHOL-24-x24-CANVAS-ART-PRINT-/130520278871?pt=UK_Art_CanvasGiclee_RL&hash=item1e639d6757#ht_3733wt_997"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RICKENBACKER-GUITARS...7#ht_3733wt_997[/url]
  18. [quote name='Surfer-bee' post='1235533' date='May 18 2011, 12:19 PM']Thanks guys... I guess there aren't that many really prominent bass-players out there.[/quote] Fixed it for you.... Welcome to BC by the way, we need more prominent lady BCers
  19. [quote name='bassfunk' post='1235632' date='May 18 2011, 01:09 PM']- Do any of the function bands out there play bars/pubs for not a lot of money (I've read through the gigs vs money thread and there are some interesting points raised there) in the hope that it will raise their profile, and treat it a bit like free advertising?[/quote] Yep, definitely, works pretty well down here [quote name='bassfunk' post='1235632' date='May 18 2011, 01:09 PM']- Do you advertise with any of the pay to advertise sites? I'm on most of the free ones, but I was wondering if anybody had particular success with any paid ones?[/quote] Not needed to yet [quote name='bassfunk' post='1235632' date='May 18 2011, 01:09 PM']- Do you get gigs mainly through agents, website, word of mouth or is it a mixture of all three?[/quote] Those pesky pub gigs, Lemonrock and word of mouth. [quote name='bassfunk' post='1235632' date='May 18 2011, 01:09 PM']- How much do you generally charge per member for wedding functions etc? (I don't want to start the age old pro vs amateur debate again!)[/quote] We're at £100 per member minimum for functions, sometimes a fair whack more, depending on what the gig is. [quote name='bassfunk' post='1235632' date='May 18 2011, 01:09 PM']- Following on from the above -We're a proffessional sounding band, and we try and price ourselves thus. Currently we charge beween £950 - £1100 for gigs around the Northwest. We're a 6 piece band and after PA hire and fuel etc we normally come out with around £100 each how does this compare?[/quote] More than us, but we own our own PA and there's only 5 of us. Sounds alright for your area though, Devon is a bugger to get gigs in at the best of times. [quote name='bassfunk' post='1235632' date='May 18 2011, 01:09 PM']- We hire in PA and lights because we don't currently have the money/space to invest in a large PA system (we have a small one for smaller gigs) how many bands own their own gear?[/quote] Most bands I know have their own gear, it works out better in the long run, plus you know how it works so you can deal with issues a lot easier [quote name='bassfunk' post='1235632' date='May 18 2011, 01:09 PM']- I use twitter and have made a few contacts through there and I've even had a few bookings. Does anybody else use socail networking, if so, how?[/quote] We spam the heck out of facebook with those pub gigs, and other public accessible ones, with a pile of video clips and mp3s and photos. We get a fair few PMs from that from people who've not seen us in the flesh, but liked the videos and feedback etc. Twitter still appears useless to me, but I'm sure there's a way to make it work. [quote name='bassfunk' post='1235632' date='May 18 2011, 01:09 PM']- Do you follow quotes up? i.e do you call the client a few days after you've quoted them to find out if they're still interested? do you offer to lower your original quoted price etc?[/quote] Yep, and yep, if they can't afford you they won't book you, be realistic, and also learn to know when they're yanking your chain. There are some very tight corporate guys out there that can afford you but won't admit it. Start higher than what you want to get and work down to what you wanted in the first place. Don't keep hassling, no more than 1 follow up after a quote.
  20. And close you eyes Oh, and Jaco's hack job was fixed up by Kevin Kaufman not long after Jaco realised what a sh1t job he'd done of it.
  21. [quote name='hillbilly deluxe' post='1235521' date='May 18 2011, 12:15 PM']R.I.P,Ibby. [/quote] It's the worlds slowest restoration project.... I started stripping it, then needed it in a hurry for a gig, so never finished the refin. There is a lot more to do to it, but it keeps needing to be used. Once I've finished the P, it'll get some work done on it. BTW, should have seen it when I got it for £20 off ebay, it was black sparkle with a f*** off great crack right through the middle. I had to chuck the neck, it was a banana with a broken truss rod.
  22. This will not tempt you, but it is my current main bass. Frankenstein extreme, used to be an 82 Ibanez Roadstar This will soon be my new main bass, neck is currently soaking in danish oil, pickups are on the way... Also not tempting. Oh, and Rizla is not helping build it, she just got in the picture.
  23. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1235398' date='May 18 2011, 11:05 AM']I'd have a look in the mirror before going outside if I were you. Don't worry it should come off with some white spirits..... ... oh and the other eyebrow will grow back soon enough.[/quote] Well I never knew that about myself! Amazing what you read in the mirror sometimes, I wouldn't have said I was that good on the piano though, I mean I'm alright... That does say ****ing great pianist right? (BTW MIA use higher quality parts as well, just to annoy those of us who could sort an MIM no problems, damn said I wouldn't get drawn into this...)
  24. [quote name='acidbass' post='1235072' date='May 17 2011, 11:33 PM']I think a lot of drummers actually prefer to have a stage monitor when listening to the click, instead of headphones, as they get a more general idea of what's going on and avoid feeling isolated. You have to remember that they're musicians too (apparently?) and not just timekeepers. I read a good article a few weeks ago about panning the click to the left and the music to the right - is this the way it's normally done?[/quote] Fine on a big stage, but if you're in a small venue the stage monitors bleed to the crowd, and clicks just sound sh1te to the audience.
  25. Yep, I've refinished a few of mine, and I can concur that if I was doing it for someone else I would charge through the nose for it. Especially if it had a bulletproof fender finish on it. Nitormors and Halfords, 30 quid tops, oh and about a month of your life stinking and shouting at things.
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