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Dave Vader

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Everything posted by Dave Vader

  1. Whnfgh? Hrrnnhhh? Sorry just woke up, where did you lot come from? And why are there crisps in my hair? Anyone got angry about fakes yet?
  2. I'm not touching this one with a bargepole, feel free to feed the trolls, I'll be watching from over here. :popcorn:
  3. [quote name='RhysP' post='1234358' date='May 17 2011, 02:43 PM']I couldn't understand why somebody of JPJ's calibre would be backing this f***wit, then I realised he's had extensive experience of playing with sloppy blues guitarists whose ability is far exceeded by the level of adoration they command..... [/quote] Oh, I see what you did there...
  4. [quote name='algmusic' post='1234237' date='May 17 2011, 01:07 PM']For the drummer, him a little mixer and some inear headphones.. the isolation is the key[/quote] Our drummer hates the in ear stuff, he wears big studio phones when we play out. Yes, it is funny.
  5. *probably with Jools doing that annoying boogie-woogie piano behind it, and only for 30 seconds.....*
  6. [quote name='wulf' post='1234211' date='May 17 2011, 12:51 PM']It really puts the dampers on; clapping and cheering at the end of a song can push you towards the danger zone even if you resist the typical "everybody hits everything loudly" endings.[/quote] Forgot that, we did a function back in February with one of them things, after we blew it the first time, it took the bar staff ages to fire it up again. As soon as the lights fired up, everyone cheered, and guess what happened? Yep, it blew again. Can't make the audience turn down their enthusiasm can you?
  7. Frowny face, those are my settings.
  8. Yeah, all of that, and of course the dread 5 words... "We do it our way..." Which of course means "we don't know how to play it so we made some bits up that are in fact very wrong" Also bands who think you have to play Green Day in Eb cos that what it's in on the record, not realising it is easier for all in E, because of the detuning..... (plus you can do the low E in basket case properly on a 4)
  9. [quote name='Jakester' post='1233584' date='May 16 2011, 08:39 PM']If it's here: [url="http://www.thetythebarn.co.uk/home.html"]http://www.thetythebarn.co.uk/home.html[/url] Not played it, but been as a guest with a fairly loud disco, and that seemed okay. I would just take a very long reel![/quote] Disco's always get to be louder, due to the compression on the tracks taking out all the peaks, which are what get you in trouble. I knocked out the power with just me and a guitar at a very low volume, not in this venue I hasten to add, but I have a very loud voice. And a peak or two will knacker everything. Just keep an eye on the lights, if it goes yellow, back off a bit, hit the drummer with your headstock while kicking the guitar player in the nads, and nutting the vocalist. Hopefully they will understand after the 3rd go round.
  10. Good, will rip it apart, and I like that baritone idea, I might have to steal that...
  11. Oh look at the lovely layers of ply....
  12. Ah, see your point sir. Can anyone stepwrite the parts into a midi sequencing software type thingy? Or do it with a midi guitar?
  13. [quote name='bubinga5' post='1232914' date='May 16 2011, 12:25 PM']I read silly threads on TB all the time.. ok i post some pointless music threads, but this takes the cake.. [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f8/pick-my-favorite-color-me-770967/"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f8/pick-my-f...olor-me-770967/[/url] im not knocking TB but sometimes the threads take talking bass to its limits[/quote] That Thread is pure genius, good man.
  14. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1232932' date='May 16 2011, 12:32 PM']What's wrong with making your own?[/quote] +1 Much easier, cos you know where all the cues are if you put them in yourself, makes it quicker to learn to play along with 'em.
  15. [url="http://www.bass-guitar-museum.com/bass-2827-1960-s-Vintage-Kay-SG-Copy-Short-Scale-Bass"]http://www.bass-guitar-museum.com/bass-282...hort-Scale-Bass[/url] I swapped my home made bitsa Jazz for one of these On friday night (with some money my way as well of course). It's surprisingly fun, my original plan was to rip out the pickups and stick them in my scary dave bass, as I quite like the gutsy old school sound of them. However, if, as this mad website suggests, I can get 200 odd quid for it, I should probably sell it as is, and buy some decent pickups. It is without doubt, as big a piece of sh1t as all old Kay basses ever were. They have not aged well, they are fun to mess about on, but not £250 fun, not by a long shot. Would take pictures of mine, but it looks like the one on the website, just without the dopey picture on the plate, which looks after market on mine as well, but can't be. Just badly lined up. Where's Jon when you need him eh?
  16. [quote name='Soliloquy' post='1230085' date='May 13 2011, 04:06 PM']It depends what you call cheap. I bet you're careful what Chicken you eat though ? Anything 'cheap', ie £200 or so I wouldn't bother with anyway, chances are the seller just wants rid of it......why ? Anything more than that I wouldn't risk because I couldn't afford to get stung. Just because you buy from Ebay, or pay with Paypal, that doesn't mean that you are guaranteed your money back, and it can take ages to get it back. This year alone I've travelled to Edinburgh, London twice and Oxford to collect items that I've bought or traded. I've been to Scotland previously to buy a bass. I make a day out of it.[/quote] Sadly I am still not that picky about chicken, and am often quite ill as a result. Only buy cheap stuff anyway as I can't stop myself ripping them to bits and rebuilding them. As a result I am mostly buying parts, which are fine from ebay generally. I have neither the time nor the funds to devote to taking a day out to try something I might not even want afterwards sadly, so more power to you sir for being able to do this. Luckily I do not suffer from GAS and habitually play the same old POS P-copy i've had since 1989, despite the occassional foray into other more expensive items that I don't get on with so much. Still, vive la difference and so on.
  17. [quote name='Fat Rich' post='1229976' date='May 13 2011, 02:39 PM']Depends what options you don't specify.[/quote] Yep they add £1000 if you don't want strings on it, and if you want a single pickup wired direct to the output it'll cost you £9999999999 extra for the work they don't have to do to not put the holes in...
  18. [quote name='Soliloquy' post='1229960' date='May 13 2011, 02:29 PM']I don't intend to offend anyone, and I really hope that you get this sorted out, and your money refunded to you. It just goes to show that you should never, ever buy a bass unseen or untested. Certainly never off anywhere as vermin infested as Ebay.[/quote] Seems a bit over the top mate, I mean I might die if I eat a dodgy bit of chicken, hasn't stopped me eating chicken yet. And the chance of a nice bass quite cheap is worth a punt. Never say never
  19. [quote name='bremen' post='1229918' date='May 13 2011, 01:57 PM']Yeah, but you're one of [b]us[/b] ;-)[/quote] one of us, one of us, one of us, one of us, one of us.....
  20. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1229842' date='May 13 2011, 12:26 PM']Y'see ... Jon's barely gone and we're missing him already.[/quote] Can someone go and cut and paste his response from the other columbus at extortionate price threads round here? Just so it feels right?
  21. Apologies if these has been up already, and indeed if it's someone on here selling it, but come on.... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/COLUMBUS-EB3-SG-BASS-MAHOGANY-FINISH-MIJ-/310317332198?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item48405ab6e6#ht_570wt_882"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/COLUMBUS-EB3-SG-BASS...e6#ht_570wt_882[/url] Used to see these for £25 in junk shops a few years back. And they should have stayed there.
  22. All very nice for you but.... What do I get? I'll get my coat...
  23. If the buzz goes when you touch the strings then your bridge is grounded. You might want to try shielding it, going away from all electrical things like computers, fluorescent lights etc, moving away from your amp, putting in humbuckers, or using less gain. Or all of these. Sadly this is the price one pays for lovely zingy single coil goodness. Don't worry about it, or keep your hands on the strings at all times.
  24. [quote name='bremen' post='1229023' date='May 12 2011, 04:52 PM']I reckon it's someone's college project. As bollocks on the Interwebs goes, it's a drop in the ocean![/quote] True, but comes up surprisingly high on google when looking for advice on setting up your fretless nut height (which is what I was doing)
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