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Dave Vader

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Everything posted by Dave Vader

  1. Sounds like you're thinking the right way, can be worth recording the guitar riffs onto something so you can work out what goes well underneath them when nobody else is listening. Allows you to make horrible mistakes on the way to the right thing. Check out Geezer Butler on early Sabbath records, he pretty much solos underneath Iommis solos, but all with enough rhythmic intent that it doesn's sound w***y and ridiculous. 8th note roots have a place, do not underestimate them either. Try everything you can throw at it while you're rehearsing, and you should find something that works, and is neither dull not too showy off. Oh, and when he goes for that lead solo and it sounds a bit thin, hit that thing harder and louder to fill the hole, maybe even go for the lemmy approach and wang in a load of chords.
  2. Oh I want one... The lake placid blue used to put me off, but that new one looks proper lovely. Need money...
  3. and still nobody says Moondance.... So What here as well, kind of blue just did something.
  4. [quote name='bosozoku' post='1192506' date='Apr 8 2011, 04:26 AM']This [url="http://cgi.ebay.com/Aspen-Bass-Rickenbacker-4001-Copy-/120709087750?pt=Guitar&hash=item1c1ad28206"]Aspen[/url] will be removed shortly...[/quote] You weren't wrong
  5. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1191490' date='Apr 7 2011, 10:34 AM']I would hazard a guess that the people who play more than just bass are also songwriters? It would be interesting to know how many of the people who are strictly bassists only are also writers, in that they come up with the initial ideas that start of the song writing process.[/quote] Yep, caught me, I do write stuff as well. Sometimes on a bass, sometimes on a keyboard, sometimes on a biscuit tin, though that only happened the once.
  6. I play both, and keys, and banjos, and mandolins, and anything else I can get my hands on and don't have to blow into. Don't make me choose, I love them all equally, Its just easier to get work on a bass. (Please don't shoot me)
  7. I would guess that if you want to bury the decal so you can't see the edges, your brown tint might make it disappear a bit. Or it might look cool and aged. I would say test it first on a spare bit of wood, but if you're trying to save money then 2 decals and extra lacquer isn't going to help. Go for it, and if it doesn't work, strip it and do it again.
  8. Might be a sign of a control freak in charge of a band. Plain shirts, no jeans, proper shoes, no trainers, feel like I'm going to a nightclub, not joining a band.
  9. [quote name='aceuggy' post='1190251' date='Apr 6 2011, 10:50 AM']Thanks for your replies, I have the neck now and it has a very light coat of lacquer so will need a few more I think. One more question, spray or paint on? (I assume the fretboard needs to be masked off!)[/quote] Spray, a brush will take off the decal. Oh, and mask off the back of your tuner holes, or it'll drip all down the back of your neck, like wot mine did....
  10. [quote name='Marvin' post='1190310' date='Apr 6 2011, 11:39 AM']Nuts, I missed your post. Too late now, obviously All the best in Exeter with the new project.[/quote] Cheers, that I did put up for tomorrow night, although I have already had an email telling me to wear the right shoes.... hmmm...
  11. Get a second band as a side project, then if this one does fall to bits you've got something else to do. Being in a similar position I've just started 2 side projects, and my main band has come back to life with a vengeance, leaving me with no spare time, oh well... don't listen to me, it will backfire.
  12. It is best to apply the decal to a finished headstock, otherwise you get an uneven look as you can see right through it to the bare, scratchy bit of wood. When you start lacquering over it, go slow, little misty coats, or you'll kill it. Lots and lots of info on the web about methods of applying decals. I've done a few, and it's easy enough, but it can take 2 or 3 goes before you get it right. I use the 3 quid a can acrylic stuff from halfords, does the job and is cheap. Good luck. and look at my old build thread over on another well known bass forum I used to frequent, has my decal attempt and advice on how to do it in there somewhere [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f8/rebuilding-p-bass-copy-step-step-fun-watch-558473/"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f8/rebuildin...n-watch-558473/[/url]
  13. Answer is to buy whole basses, build what you want from them, then sell the leftovers, should end up in profit
  14. I know a few covers bands that pull the same crowd wherever they go, and my current covers band also has a fair few people who travel quite some distance some times just to see us. Which is nice.
  15. [quote name='mcnach' post='1182896' date='Mar 31 2011, 12:08 AM']cheap basses? hmm... is the P-bass in your avatar a Westfield by any chance?[/quote] Ah, McNach, not even that classy, she used to be a Sunn Mustang, I am very fond of her, and have rebuilt her many times. Irreplaceable in many ways, but I would replace her if I had to.
  16. My one ear deafness was due to an accident involving a cliff edge and a crate of stella 15 years ago. Nowt to do with the music part of rock n roll. The tinnitus in my good one is all down to the tunes though.
  17. My basses are cheap, they fall over, I laugh, other people look surprised. Happy times. No stands for me, they take up space.
  18. Another one with a dead right ear here, used to go wherever the monitor could be on my left so I could hear it. Now stay on the left, betwixt drums and keys.
  19. [quote name='Blademan_98' post='1181563' date='Mar 29 2011, 10:32 PM']As long as I [s]get[/s] don't have to play Freebird then I'm happy [/quote] Fixed it for you
  20. that'd make a brilliant relic, it's smoking hot.... oh dear
  21. [quote name='Doctor J' post='1176227' date='Mar 25 2011, 05:45 PM']Do it. Deeper lows but greater highs, all part of the originals path.[/quote] That's what I thought, it's been 10 years since I last played in an originals band. Somebody offered me money to play other people's music, and since then I just got too over-excited at the thought of actually making money from music, rather than spending it. Time to hold my head up high when people ask me what sort of band I'm in, rather than the current mumbling (I play slappy crap in an 80s tribute band, please don't ask again). Shame I still need the money for the next few months, oh well. Be good after that.
  22. Righty, as some of you know, i have recently joined an originals band again, and was toying with the idea of dumping my 80s tribute band as things have gone very wrong since the old keyboard player left. I was feeling a bit bad about the idea of leaving them in the sh*t though, however... The singer with said 80s band rang me last night about some gigs I had to put up on line, and as we had spoken for a while about me maybe playing guitar for them if our current guitar player throws his toys out of the pram and quits (which is quite likely) he told me he's got another bass player lined up in case of this situation happening. This means I'm off the hook, I can go whenever I feel I can afford to. Signs are good, I am feeling the force, it says go towards the original scene again, turn from the dark side...
  23. Apologies for being mean, but some things deserve a little ridicule, I've stopped laughing at trust rods, but I would like a threat board... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/alvarez-short-threat-board-acoustic-bass-guitar-/320673214850?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item4aa99cf182#ht_500wt_935"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/alvarez-short-threat...82#ht_500wt_935[/url]
  24. [quote name='dlloyd' post='1175994' date='Mar 25 2011, 02:57 PM']Yikes! I read that as Lemonparty... which is an entirely different thing. (Seriously, don't google it)[/quote] too late.... thanks for that... my eyes burn now....
  25. [quote name='Low End Bee' post='1175958' date='Mar 25 2011, 02:29 PM']Just got an email about joining up again. My reservations are it looks pretty awful and dated visually which doesn't make me want to press any buttons. It seems without delving too deeply to also be mainly for covers and tribute bands. Not sure it's worth £25. Any positive experiences with an originals band using it?[/quote] Just joined an originals band from a lemonrock free-ad.... Oh, I see what you mean, then no, not really. You've probably better placed with a decent facebook page.
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