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Everything posted by XPAULUSX

  1. [quote name='stingraybassman' post='1019045' date='Nov 10 2010, 05:22 PM']Hi there, Got a few pedals that I'm not using anymore and I could do with some cash for Christmas. First up is a Dunlop 105Q Bass Wah. In full working order other than the plastic clip on the battery cover has broken. I have just used tape to keep it in place. [b]NO[/b] box or Power supply. [b]After £50 + postage[/b] Second is an Electro Harmonix Big muff PI. Few marks here and there but again in full working order. Again no box or power supply. [b]After £30 + postage[/b] Finally I have an old school Boss ME-6B multi fx processor. Loads of cool effects. Excellent condition with brand new power supply. No box but will put the manual onto a disc. Seen a couple on the 'bay for £80-£100 which looks mental to me. [b]£50 + postage sounds fairer to me[/b]. In Stockport for pick up. Could be persuaded to work out some kind of trade for a nice DI/OD pedal (sansamp etc). Cheers for looking folks.[/quote] PM'D re: Big Muff
  2. [quote name='phil.mcglassup' post='1017746' date='Nov 9 2010, 04:12 PM']Thanks. So a TE amp that says 'Pre-amp' on the front will have a built in pre-amp AND a power amp which connects to the speakers. Is that right?[/quote] Yes mate, mine only says gp12smx pre amp on the front, simply stating that that's the model of pre amp in it. Edit: UNLESS!!! It is just a dedicated pre amp! Mine makes noise which would suggest it has a power amp in it =D I was confused by the exact same thing when I was getting into rigs as well
  3. [quote name='phil.mcglassup' post='1017655' date='Nov 9 2010, 03:15 PM']How much should I expect to pay for a 300W head? Does the model make a big difference? i.e. GP7, GP12 And what about cabs? i.e 2x10 and 1x15, what is a sensible price to pay for them? I have spent a lot of time searching but there is little info on models/year etc and the completed listings on the 'bay don't tell me much!! Finally, I know I'm a bit of a newb regarding rigs, but why are some heads classed as 'pre-amps'? As usual, any help appreciated!![/quote] A head consists of a pre amp and a power amp. The pre amp conditions the signal from your bass (eq) and the power amp amplifies it. Some people choose to have rack mounted rigs that consist of seperate pre and power amps, horses for courses and that. I might have a Trace ah300smx for sale in a few weeks time, it's rated at 280 watts RMS. The power amp section is currently being completely replaced by my tech, so no more reliability issues from this thing! I'm going to put it through it's paces proper when i get it back to see if i want to keep it, but i'd let it go for something between £230 - £250 if i decided against it. "300 watts of TE power is plenty" - he's right there. Hope this helps.
  4. [quote name='andi-m' post='1017103' date='Nov 9 2010, 01:11 AM']I's a fantastic amp! I've just sold the 18" combo version. You won't be disappointed!![/quote] This is actually a Trace AH300SMX I know because i own the exact same head.
  5. hoof!
  6. [quote name='umph' post='1011449' date='Nov 3 2010, 10:32 PM']to be fair it'll still do great grindy punchy tones, just not upper bass etc. what tuning do you play in?[/quote] just half a step down mate. e flat. So if i use this cab on it's own, it's not going to be as effective as my ampeg 410hlf? I think it may be beyond my means at the minute, and a little bit complicated for what im about at present. I'll have another think, and then let you lads in on the lad who's selling it, so you can all then tell me how what i missed out on
  7. [quote name='umph' post='1011245' date='Nov 3 2010, 07:27 PM']Is what i'd also do, although i've already got a matamp 2X15 that does that haha.[/quote] Aw man I dunno what to do what could it be paired with?
  8. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='1010945' date='Nov 3 2010, 03:50 PM']Personally I would at least try it with what's in it, who knows you might like it[/quote] But would i be able to get enough out of it without damaging anything?
  9. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='1010933' date='Nov 3 2010, 03:42 PM']Yes it would be fine you'll just get less power to it but that's not the end of the world depending on the head[/quote] My head is only 300watts at 4 ohms. But i'm looking at a bass terror or a vba400, wiring the cab for 2 ohms would suit the marshall, as it can go down to2 and the bass terror can handle 8 with the selector switch on the back. Will those speakers you suggested give a decent sound or will it just be money wasted on a lovely old cabinet?
  10. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1010924' date='Nov 3 2010, 03:37 PM']No prob with an 8ohm cab. You don't need to squeeze extra watts from a head with low impedance, if you have 2 15s. Alternative style is close the top hole, add a mid driver there, and stick a Kappalite 3015LF in the bottom one, and sort a port. Immensely powerful modern sound and oldschool style.[/quote] So it would be okay with a tranny amp?
  11. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1010872' date='Nov 3 2010, 03:04 PM']That is pretty small.bunch smaller than I guessed, with speakers I was thinking of, gonna end up with a big peak at 150hz or so, boomy rubbishness. Eminence Legend B15 looks ok, but this is looking more guitar cabinet sorta size, where WinISD isn't so handy for 'tone'. Hopefully someone will apply better knowledge, because I'm not an expert on such things. Edit: Browsing Eminence website, [url="http://eminence.com/bassguitar_speaker_detail.asp?model=legendca154&speaker_size=15&SUB_CAT_ID=5"]this one seems to claim to be happy in a sealed box of that sort of size.[/url][/quote] Am i going to be pushing it trying to get this to work you reckon? they arn't exact measurments like, just the lads approximation. besides, them speakers only are 4 ohms a piece, so i'd only have the option of either a 2 or 8 ohm cabinet right? Wont be any good for me when i've still only got a tranny head!! Would be okay with a valve head though i guess. hmmmm pretty bummed out!
  12. [quote name='3below' post='1010733' date='Nov 3 2010, 01:30 PM']Rather it all went in one go - however lets see how it develops thanks[/quote] Could be interested in the vba400 w/ flight case like if that was a deal breaker to get the cab moved to that other fella?
  13. [quote name='XPAULUSX' post='1010753' date='Nov 3 2010, 01:43 PM']Just waiting on his reply now, surely if i get them, you can work your magic with that program you were talking about??? I'd be ever so grateful! [/quote] Approx measurements are 34" high, 18" wide and 12" deep, work your magic Mr Foxen
  14. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1010747' date='Nov 3 2010, 01:37 PM']Definitely get dimensions.[/quote] Just waiting on his reply now, surely if i get them, you can work your magic with that program you were talking about??? I'd be ever so grateful!
  15. [quote name='XPAULUSX' post='1010151' date='Nov 2 2010, 10:48 PM']Aw man, seems like i've got a lot more to learn about now. Could treat myself to a matamp 2x15 if this purchase comes off, now a 4x15 would be INSANE![/quote] Yo! I've had more info about the cab, turns out it is part of a PA column and is loaded with Fane speakers. The lad who's selling it is waiting to hear back from someone in terms of it being modified but i'm sure some people on here will have a good idea about it! Apparently, the cab isnt deep enough for a super bassy sound but will have a nice rattly midrange. The lad selling it said it would probably be best to use it accompanied with a seperate sub? Anyone got any thoughts? I should probably ask for the dimensions right? Paul
  16. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1009831' date='Nov 2 2010, 05:37 PM']Depends what is in it, might be able to wire it to 16 if it has 4 16s or 4 4s in it, actually, those are pretty likely. Might not contribute much though, if you run both together, you have the whole mixing drivers fun then, which you could also search on the site.[/quote] Aw man, seems like i've got a lot more to learn about now. Could treat myself to a matamp 2x15 if this purchase comes off, now a 4x15 would be INSANE!
  17. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1009784' date='Nov 2 2010, 05:02 PM']They require specific impedance, as they have a switch, usually it is a choice of 4, 8 or 16, ampegs do 2 or 4, some do 8 or 16 only. 16 means you can have 16 alone, or pair with another 16 cab for 8, or 4 16 cabs for 4, gives most options, guessing Sound City will be a 4/8/16. Look up impedance in the wiki, linked up the top of the page.[/quote] Ah right sound, reckon ill wire em up initially for four ohms, then at least i can use it both with a tranny amp and a valve amp until i get more cabs. Wonder what i could do to alter the impedence on my ampeg 4x10, it's 4 ohms now! could that be changed to 16? then paried with the matamp, be reduced to 8
  18. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1009725' date='Nov 2 2010, 04:06 PM']Yep, and converting is just swapping wires, looks like a lot of screws to undo, but not really skilled.[/quote] So wiring the speakers in series equals one impedance and in parallel another? If valve heads output their full amount no matter what the load they still have a minimum impedance right? For example a gt200 will only go as low as 4ohm, hence the need for 16 ohm speakers if your wanting to bring the DOOM right?
  19. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1009718' date='Nov 2 2010, 04:00 PM']Speaker sensitivity is pretty dependent on the cab in practice. Plus Ampeg's claims about speaker cabs are the most dubious ever. The 2x15 is going to be louder than the 4x10 as long as you are half way sensible with the speakers. Basically, this will work out cheaper/better than commercial cabs because they have a few more stages of markup going on, plus massive 2x15s are the most unfashionable things ever, so commercial cabs are small and lame. Even Barefaced have discontinued their 2x15. With a Pair of 8 ohm speakers, you have a choice of 4 or 16 ohm, valve heads you are best going for 16 so you can chain up more cabs (Doom), with SS, best with 4 as I think the Bass Terror switches between 4 and 8.[/quote] Because valve heads output their full power no matter what cab right? say i got the speakers and had them installed to 4 ohms, if i went and got a valve head at a later date, would it be possible to convert the cab to 16 ohms?
  20. [quote name='umph' post='1009695' date='Nov 2 2010, 03:38 PM']yeah they are and it would, well if you think about it it's gonna be a hell of a lot better than any comercial cab you could buy for that price.[/quote] I'm not trying to sound clever by any means, but why is that the case? I think the speaker sensitivity is the same of that in my SVT 410HLF? right?
  21. [quote name='umph' post='1009665' date='Nov 2 2010, 03:11 PM']trust me with the soundcity and a pair of basslites you'll get far to loud. I get to loud driving a single basslite with a 30watt head![/quote] Are they the 300watt ones by any chance? 8 ohm each? so if i had two, that would make the cab impedance 4 ohms right? looks like they're £100 each like OUCH!
  22. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1009605' date='Nov 2 2010, 01:41 PM']Impedance and RMS are just adding the rating that comes with the speaker together in the right way, the box doesn't affect that. Speaker sensitivity is an issue if you are lacking power, the the mere fact you have 2 15" speakers is going to give a fair chunk of sensitivity because of the amount of air they are in contact with. Really, RMS and sensitivity are separate concerns, if you don't have much power, worry about sensitivity (and the first thing to do if that is a concern is not use a sealed cab), and if you have unlimited power RMS is a concern, but not as big a one as people make out, because the thermal power handling isn't a very useful spec in the real world (other things will make your speaker break first). Really, if somone knows what they are up to enough to recommend some speakers, and some other people concur, they'll be able to tell you all of this. Best thing to do is learn WinISD use and be an internet know-it-all.[/quote] I guess i'd like a compromise. Im thinking about replacing my head with a bass terror for the time being. (currently have a Trace AH300SMX) But then in the future, i'm definately wanting a Matamp GT200. The bass terror has 500 watts RMS if im not mistaken so that will need to be considered. Also, i may even be looking at getting a sound city 120, obviously less RMS, so sensitivity is an issue also. I think i'm going to have to find some kind of compromise.
  23. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1009575' date='Nov 2 2010, 01:24 PM']Been googling some, and in a 2x15 closed cab thread someone mentioned the Eminence Delta 15, so bunged it in WinISD at a guess of 180l sealed cab volume, looks ok, and comes in budget. I'd scout for other opinions (I'm sure they'll come shortly) on that before doing anything, because I've not had that much first hand experience of bodging in speakers.[/quote] Whoah man im getting confused now. How would i work out the overall RMS of the cab? I'd also need to consider speaker sensitivity right? and i'd also need to be able to work out the impedence of the bloody thing! Man this is starting to get complicated!!!
  24. [quote name='umph' post='1009550' date='Nov 2 2010, 01:03 PM']in that cab, would go for celestion orange labels or eminence basslite speakers since they should both be okay in a sealed enclosure, bit over your budget though[/quote] [url="http://professional.celestion.com/bass/orange/index.asp"]http://professional.celestion.com/bass/orange/index.asp[/url] These bad boys? far right? Whats the difference between the orange label and the green label?
  25. [quote name='umph' post='1009489' date='Nov 2 2010, 12:10 PM']depends on your budget i reckon.[/quote] Well, say another £100-£150 on top of what i pay. What would you recommend? [quote name='umph' post='1009489' date='Nov 2 2010, 12:10 PM']Also getting a ad200 with this cab would be sacralidge![/quote] HAHAHA i guess a GT200 it will have to be then! Or a sound city 120!
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