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Everything posted by XPAULUSX

  1. [quote name='geoffbyrne' post='930498' date='Aug 20 2010, 01:02 AM']That one's probably overkill. 35W is about the minimum to get a good solder weld to the back of a pot which acts like a heat sink. I use 40W. 60W might actually cook your components. G.[/quote] I lent a 30w one of one of my buddies, any way to cut a long story short, i bottled it and took it to a tech
  2. [quote name='Johnston' post='930698' date='Aug 20 2010, 10:54 AM']Have you tried the diagrams on the SD website? [url="http://www.seymourduncan.com/support/wiring-diagrams/"]http://www.seymourduncan.com/support/wiring-diagrams/[/url][/quote] Yeah, mine's a 50's MIM pbass, wiring is different. =D Proper confused me like, how the fender stock pickups use exactly the opposite colours to the SD ones. Dropped it off with a guy i know who's gonna fit 'em for me. So, problem solved. Should recieve my Gotoh 201 today though =D
  3. [quote name='ezbass' post='930561' date='Aug 20 2010, 08:31 AM']Point to remember is that the white lead on SD p/ups is the hot, whereas it's the other way round on p/ups. Doesn't matter if the bass only has one p/up (P Bass, Stingray) but in a 2 p/up config (P/J, J/J) wiring the wrong way round can cause phase problem leading to a drop in output with both p/ups on at the same time.[/quote] Thank you, so in that case i'd solder the SD White wire (neck pickup) to where the black wire goes on the stock ones. And then the black wire (bridge) to where the white one goes? Not that it matters like =D
  4. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='930369' date='Aug 19 2010, 10:30 PM']Aye as far as I know.[/quote] Thanks very much, i know im a pain in the arse and have started multiple threads, but i really appreciate it. Thanks
  5. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='930267' date='Aug 19 2010, 08:25 PM']Ignore them. They only indicate + or - which is useful (in theory) if you are using them with other pup so they aren't installed out of phase. For a single P (as in a lone pair of humbucking P's - not a single coil) it matters not.[/quote] So it doesn't matter at all which way round i put it in?
  6. Bottled It.
  7. It looks as if the stock pickups have been put in upside down when comparing them to the SD Diagram! Do i just solder the white wire to where the white wire currently goes, then the black wire to where the black wire currently goes, and just ignore the colour of the connecting wire? It's really frustrating me and i just want to get my pickups in!!!!
  8. Now then the stock pickups i am taking out of my bass have been installed with a black wire coming from the top right of the neck pickup onto the volume pot, there is a white wire connecting it to the other pickup, and then a white wire coming from the bottom left of the bridge pickup, going to the middle prong on the tone pot. So all in all, 2 white wires, and 1 black However, on my new Seymour Duncans, there is only 1 white wire and 2 black, i'm pretty confused about what to do and am hesitant about "just having a go". HELP!
  9. [quote name='The Bass Doc' post='929884' date='Aug 19 2010, 02:47 PM']If you were closer (i.e. up the road to Tyneside) I'd only charge a tenner - done while you wait.[/quote] Aye yeah it is a shame like! I might even give it a go myself, anyone got any links to any decent guides or anything? i've got the wiring diagrams for my bass, it's just different from the diagram thats come with my pickups, i'm sure it'll all work out splendidly.
  10. [quote name='geoffbyrne' post='929754' date='Aug 19 2010, 01:24 PM']Probably not too bad for a commercial job. get a soldering iron (35W min.) & do it yourself. It's not that difficult. G.[/quote] [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B003JBJX7S/ref=ord_cart_shr?ie=UTF8&m=AG7YRL2T1YXMS"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B003JBJ...m=AG7YRL2T1YXMS[/url] So this would do the job then? Why the minimum wattage by the way? Im just curious.
  11. Just rang my local guitar shop to ask how much it would cost to fit my Seymour Duncan QP's He said £25 quid just to fit 'em. Is he ripping me off or what? Cheers. Paul
  12. [quote name='BT!' post='929280' date='Aug 19 2010, 02:00 AM']did this sell after?[/quote] Yeah mate i've got it now
  13. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='927712' date='Aug 17 2010, 04:25 PM']Pinched off the web..... How to choose the right tone capacitor for guitar and bass? Most guitars and basses with passive pickups use between .01 and .1MFD (Microfarad) tone capacitors with .02 (or .022) and .05 (or .047) being the most common choices. The capacitor and tone pot are wired together to provide a variable low pass filter. This means when the filter is engaged (tone pot is turned) only the low frequencies pass to the output jack and the high frequencies are grounded out (cut) In this application, the capacitor value determines the "cutoff frequency" of the filter and the position of the tone pot determines how much the highs (everything above the cutoff frequency) will be reduced. So the rule is: Larger capacitors will have lower cutoff frequency and sound darker in the bass setting because a wider range of frequencies is being reduced. Smaller capacitors will have a higher cutoff frequency and sound brighter in the bass setting because only the ultra high frequencies are cut. For this reason, dark sounding guitars like Les Pauls with humbuckers typically use .02MFD (or .022MFD) capacitors to cut off less of the highs and guitars like Strats and Teles with single coils typically use .05MFD capacitors to allow more treble to be rolled off. Keep in mind that the capacitor value only affects the sound when the tone control is being used (pot in the bass setting) The tone capacitor value will have little to no effect on the sound when the tone pot is in the treble setting. [/quote] I LOVE THIS FORUM thanks again Just got the scratch plate and everything off my guitar, just from having a look at the stock pickups i see the black and white wires are going to different points than what they are in the SD diagram, surely if i wire the black wire on my SD to where the black wire is going currently, and the white wire to where the white wire is currently going, i'm in business =D
  14. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='927676' date='Aug 17 2010, 03:54 PM']They both work. The simplest thing to do would just be to de-solder you original pups and directly replace them with the new without changing any other wiring. The cap only determines how much top end is bled off so you may like how your original 0.1uf sounds if you are unhappy with it simply swap it for the .05 or swap it and redo the whole loom as per SD. It's up to you really.[/quote] Hey thanks for the reply! it was very helpful! what differences in tone could i expect if i replaced the capacitor with a .05?
  15. Hi there, i've just bought myself some new pbass pickups, and would like to install them into my bass! however, my bass is a 50' MIM Precision. Im unsure about how to wire my new pickups, do i try and wire them as the diagram suggests? (even though my bass has different capacitor values and locations? Or do i wire them how my stock pickups are wired? If i do the latter will I lose any output from my Seymour Duncans? I'm new to this, but would really like to teach myself how to do it! Any help appreciated. Links: Seymour Duncan Wiring recommendation: [url="http://www.seymourduncan.com/images/products/basslines/501030-100.pdf"]http://www.seymourduncan.com/images/produc.../501030-100.pdf[/url] American Standard pbass wiring diagram: [url="http://support.fender.com/diagrams/basses/0192200_02A/SD0192200_02APg2.pdf"]http://support.fender.com/diagrams/basses/...2200_02APg2.pdf[/url] Vintage 50's pbass wiring diagram: [url="http://support.fender.com/diagrams/basses/0190115C/SD0190115CPg2.pdf"]http://support.fender.com/diagrams/basses/...0190115CPg2.pdf[/url]
  16. Right, i've had a look at these wiring diagrams and i'm, to put it bluntly, confused. I've heard that in order to "get the most" out of my SD's i should wire them the same way as the diagram suggests, however, the capacitor values in the standard precision circuit (.05uf) are different (my bass apparently has a .1uf capacitor located in an entirely different place!) Will i lose any output from the pickups if i wire them in the same way my current pickups are wired? Yours confused. Paulllll
  17. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='926586' date='Aug 16 2010, 03:44 PM']Basically, yes. Unless you really know your stuff and want to try a different way. I tried a 70s wiring recently and it ended with no sound (doh!) so I just stuck with the traditional. If you are not sure your local shop will fit it for a few quid.[/quote] Yeah theres a shop round here that will do it like, trouble is he'll probably be peeved that i didnt buy the pup from him Thing is i'd like to learn how to do it myself really! Surely it aint that hard if like you say, i wire it exactly the same as the stock pup! What differences do different methods of wiring bring like? Im intrigued
  18. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='926497' date='Aug 16 2010, 02:34 PM']It's the same as the American vintage. However you can wire it in many ways. The trick is to watch what you do as you take theold one out & put the new one in the same. SD do come with diagrams though. This is what you'll get [url="http://www.seymourduncan.com/images/products/basslines/501030-100.pdf"]http://www.seymourduncan.com/images/produc.../501030-100.pdf[/url][/quote] So the craic is, when taking my old pickup out, make a note of where the wires were connected and wire the SD exactly the same way?
  19. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='926444' date='Aug 16 2010, 01:52 PM']All your wiring options are here [url="http://www.fender.com/support/wiring_diagrams_parts_lists.php"]http://www.fender.com/support/wiring_diagr...parts_lists.php[/url][/quote] Im not sure my bass is even listed on there? It's a MIM 50's precision, only thing i can think of is it being classed as a standard precision : / [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/68234"]http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/68234[/url] Someone correct me?
  20. I've just bought some quarter pounders Gonna shot them in and just give it a try, if i dont like them i can always just whack 'em up on here Wiring them should be an easy job right? anyone got any links to wiring diagrams/methods? I know they will come with a diagram but i wouldn't ming having a look now
  21. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='926297' date='Aug 16 2010, 11:41 AM']It completely depends on what you are hoping to achieve. The SPB-3 is better for rockier stuff, I have the SPB-1 in my 57RI P-bass but I'm going for a trad sound. Seymour Duncan & Wizard are the 2 companies I personally use for upgrades as they are always reliable. Thumper & Area 51 by Wizard could also be considerations [url="http://www.wizardpickups.co.uk/shop.asp?category=Bass"]http://www.wizardpickups.co.uk/shop.asp?category=Bass[/url] but certainly the SPB-3 is probably going to be a good choice for you[/quote] Thanks! That wizard website looks like a good place to look! I'm just looking for a bit more attack from my bass i think, them area 51's look like the sort of thing im looking for. Its still gonna be hard for me to decide though I've heard EMG's are also a fairly decent replacement, is there going to be that much difference in tone between the different pickups makes?
  22. Hey, i'm looking to upgrade some of the hardware on my MIM 50's pbass. Here it is: [url="http://www.dv247.com/guitars/fender-50s-precision-bass-black--40951"]http://www.dv247.com/guitars/fender-50s-pr...ss-black--40951[/url] Trouble is I aint got a clue what pickups to put in the thing! Anyone got any recommendations of the different pickups that would be available to me and the advantages/disadvantages of each? I play in a metal band if that helps. I've heard a lot about the Seymour Duncan SPB-3 Quarter-Pounders and they're only £54 quid here! [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/68995"]http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/68995[/url] Gonna shot a BadAss II on it as well I think! Any help advice appreciated, thanks in advance! Paul
  23. Hi, i've got a big gig coming up tomorrow and want to use my newly acquired VT pedal (thanks Etienne), when usually playing large gigs my signal chain usually consists of: Bass > bddi > rig (DI From bddi XLR out) however as you will know the VT pedal doesnt have an XLR out, so i'm wondering about the best way to go about setting up for tomorrow? should i just run the VT pedal into the BDDI with the blend knob rolled completely to the left so that only the VT pedal signal is being sent through to my rig and to the FOH? or would it be just as easy to just have: Bass > VT Pedal > Rig and use the XLR output on my head? (trace AH300SMX)? if i use the first method (VT Pedal and BDDI) how would i have to set up the "level" knobs so not to overload my amp head??? Cheers Paul
  24. Just bought a VT Pedal from Etienne, good clear communication throughout the whole process, delivery was incredibly quick and the pedal was packed really well. Would definately do business again. Nice one mate! (by the way it sounded killer at my gig last night =D) Paul
  25. pm'd
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