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Everything posted by Satrugar

  1. Lovely bass, I'm really tempted.....would have to sell something else first to finance it, though. Any chance of (safely) sending it to Germany? I used parcel2go and parcelforce a few times to ship basses over here and never had problems, but they were all packed in hardcases...
  2. I also had the problem with heavy fraying and a "sticky" feeling with Elixirs in the past. But since they changed the coating - maybe 1-2 years ago - they are simply the best strings you can find on the market. Fantastic feeling, no fraying even after many months of heavy use and a set lasts me around a year. Normally I'd change strings once a month or so... I like the steels a bit better than the nickels, but the difference between them isn't huge.
  3. Thanks for the information! I'll have a think about it...
  4. Nice bass... What happened to the original pickups? Do you still have them? And was any routing necessary to fit the Basscultures?
  5. [quote name='flychris' timestamp='1383993494' post='2271592'] Nope, except the nut width, all is a copy paste from bass guitar magazine, and the review is based on a 4 stringer. Reason why i would like the weight of the 5er. [/quote] Alright, that changes things... Now I'm also interested in the actual weight of this bass. Good eye, Sir!
  6. [quote name='flychris' timestamp='1383985860' post='2271482'] Wow, what an interesting bass ! Don't know if I like or dislike, but sound interesting in term or pu config. It's a shame the weight seems over 10 lbs. I saw 10lbs for the 4 string version, what about the 5 ? [/quote] You could simply read the OP.... But yes, it sure sounds and looks interesting.
  7. The neck is definitely Ovangkol, as you can see on the pics. Fingerboard should be (and looks like) ebony, it's standard on Warwick fretless basses.
  8. Oh, a B7K....fantastic piece of kit! I'd love to have this, been lusting for one for quite some time....but I'm skint at the moment and don't really have anything to trade besides basses. Is it normal that the letters rub off that easily on these pedals? I wouldn't really care about it as it's only cosmetical, but at that (new) price I'd have expected a bit more "durability" of the finish...
  9. [quote name='Scooby' timestamp='1383068410' post='2259834'] Correct It's the passive model but you really wouldn't believe the output from those pups - seriously loud and the 4-way pup control (bridge, parallel, series, neck) combined wight he tone control gives you a huge array of sounds. [/quote] I know. My Super P is also passive and packs a massive punch nonetheless. Additionally my Le Fay Herr Schwarz has exactly the same controls as your Super J (also passive with the 4-way switch, tone and volume) and it's as versatile as I could ever wish for, definitely no active pre needed! Good luck with the sale....(maybe I should check if I could offer anything as tradebait....not sure though )
  10. Incredible instruments, those Dingwalls! I'm absolutely in love with my Super P5... If it had one more string, I'd be seriously tempted... Is it the active or the passive version? From the looks of it I'd say passive, am I right?
  11. Worst strings I ever tried were DR Neons. I really wanted to like them since I simply loved the looks. Problem was they sounded extremely dull, muffled, lifeless etc. Like completely dead strings fresh out of the box, with a strange and sticky rubber-like feeling as a bonus. Pretty much the same experience with Black Devils, but with less stickyness. More like plastic instead of rubber... All uncoated strings I've ever used (and that's a lot) disappointed me in terms of life span. I somehow always come back to Elixirs, especially since the coating was altered and there is no more flaking and the slippery feel is pretty much gone. The Stainless Steels are my new go-to strings, very impressed by those!
  12. Good luck with the sale....same from me, beautiful bass!
  13. I can't say a bad thing about Music Store Professional, they're on par with Thomann in pretty much every aspect. I've bought a few things from them over the last few years and always experienced great service. I also wouldn't worry about buying from the UK....if Thomann can deliver, they can do it too.
  14. I'm a bit ambivalent on the whole thing... I had an MTD Grendel 5 once and hated the asymmetric neck. It felt strangely unnatural and especially the thick part hindered the free movement of my thumb on the back of the neck while playing. Now I have a JP Custom 5 Fretless and I absolutely love the asymmetric shaping on that neck! It just feels right and doesn't get in the way at all. The neck feels slightly less asymmetric and a bit thinner than the one on the MTD though. (Plus it got dual trussrods in case there should be any twisting.) All in all I'd say it's just the same like with any other neck shape - there are some that fit you and others that don't. So I wouldn't be too hasty with any generalizations.
  15. Nice thread! Some really lovely basses, but for me there's not enough shiny prestige-stuff in here yet. I guess I have to help out a bit....here is my SR7005MP:
  16. Might have something to do with the fact that Apple products can't handle basic internet technologies like flash.... Nice bass btw, looks amazing!
  17. Nice basses! I'd really like that 6-string Streamer....but I also really can't afford it. One thing though: Are you sure about the 35"-scale on the Streamers and the Nobby? Because normally they all should have 34"... Afaik 35" is only available for custom shop instruments.
  18. String spacing should be 18mm - at least that's standard on Consat 6-strings nowadays. Extremely nice bass btw....a Consat Custom 4 was my main instrument for a long time and I can assure you that these basses are extraordinary. Very good price, too.
  19. Same here....I also have pretty small hands and since I got a Dingwall all my other basses are retired. Ok, I've got a Super P 5 (32"-35" scale on these instead of 34"-37") but I also tried a few Afterburners and they were just as comfortable to play. Didn't really expect that... Therefore I'd also recommend to try a Dingwall, you'll be surprised!
  20. Palisander is german for rosewood
  21. I had a Grendel 5-string for a while, so I hope I can provide a bit of information. But first: The bass on the picture is definitely a MTD Beast, the passive version of the Grendel. The Beast uses a Hipshot Vintage bridge instead of the Hipshot B-style (MUCH better imho) on the Grendel, I think it was only available in solid colour finishes (instead of a flamed maple top on the Grendel). Oh, and of course it doesn't have the active Bartolini 2-band-electronics with the mid switch. Both models have a poplar body, maple neck with wenge or maple fretboard (usually wenge), 35"-scale on the newer ones and 34" on some earlier ones, passive Bartolini J-pickups and 19mm stringspacing at the bridge. Afaik there was no czech-made model with a MM-pickup, I guess you must have played a Tobias Growler.....that's the only bass I know that comes close. About the Grendel: Pretty nice bass for the money. Sounds very "jazzy", but a bit more refined and with more punch and flexibility. The neck has the asymmetrical MTD-shape, thinner under the high strings and thicker towards the b-string. I didn't really like the neck profile too much, but that's a matter of taste I guess. Playability was good though. My Grendel was a pretty light bass, i guess somewhere below 4 kg. On the other hand the light poplar body caused quite a bit of neck-dive, but it was manageable. Mine had a 35"-scale (no experience with the ones sporting a 34"-scale) and a pretty nice and tight b-string, so no complaints there. Build quality was also really good, way above the newer korean-made MTD Kingston-line.
  22. Very nice bass... Anything specific you're looking for tradewise?
  23. As far as I know Gerald Marleaux was an apprentice of Andy Schack....that might explain a few similarities in their designs for instruments, electronics etc. Btw: Very nice bass, my main instrument for quite some time was also an older Betra (neck through, different woods & pu/electronics config though). Those Betras balance and play extremely well and weigh next to nothing! I miss mine...
  24. Very nice bass. Is there anything wrong with it? Just considering you bought it less than a week ago....
  25. Sabian bought a Glockenklang preamp from me. Friendly communication, fast and easy transaction, no problems whatsoever. Highly recommended! Thanks and all the best, Janis
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