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Mrs Tinman

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Everything posted by Mrs Tinman

  1. [quote name='MartyBRebelMC' post='359148' date='Dec 19 2008, 08:45 PM']this thread is of great interest to me as the band I'm in has been asked to do a few weddings next year, the venues require that we have PI insurance - does anyone have any recommendations as to an insurer ?[/quote] PI? Do you mean public liability? If so, have you read this thread?
  2. Yay for the awesome Katie
  3. [quote name='phil_the_bassist' post='354348' date='Dec 14 2008, 04:51 PM']...it's the hiding from Mrs PTB who's getting handy with the breadknife that's the fun part...and yes, the plan'll have to be more cunning than the most cunning weasel professor at Cunning Uni, Cunningford.[/quote] I'd like to wish you good luck You are [i]so[/i] gonna need it
  4. [quote name='BassMunkee' post='351038' date='Dec 10 2008, 05:31 PM']Can I therefore now please have a sticky poll as whether or not I should have a poll about the fact that I had a big old strop last week; kind of a retrospective poll, if you will.[/quote] Have you consulted the wiki to see if there is any advice as to the correct procedure at a time like this?
  5. I love that choon!
  6. [quote name='AM1' post='347639' date='Dec 7 2008, 12:34 AM']Mr bungle[/quote] What about Mr Zippy, Mr George or Geoffrey?
  7. Hello AM I'm Mrs T, I talk a load of waffleybollox, I don't play bass but I have swum (is that the correct past tense of the verb?) with dolphins Welcome to BC, it's full of loonies but they are mostly harmless
  8. We just got Tinman a nice new shiny Tefal steam iron. You think I'm joking don't you?
  9. That'll be me told then
  10. And another thing Don't think I haven't spotted you getting perverse enjoyment from using two of your favourite words, namely 'gusset' and 'moist' in the same sentence One mention of the word 'crevice' and I may need to resort to physical violence
  11. [quote name='Tinman' post='341202' date='Nov 30 2008, 04:11 PM']For lo, it shall come to pass that I shall sit at the right hand of our Lord, shaking the very foundations of the earth and moistening the Angelic Hosts gussets[/quote] Nay, I defy thee SINMAN If I catch you anywhere near any gussets, angelic, moist, or otherwise the divine creature known as 'Lady T' will henceforth be remodelled into firewood
  12. [quote name='bluesparky' post='339050' date='Nov 27 2008, 11:10 PM']Some of me, at work, rest and play![/quote] *swoon*
  13. [quote name='Galilee' post='313677' date='Oct 24 2008, 11:59 AM']* lurks and waits for someone to suggest a naked bass players calendar *[/quote] Ooooh, you just beat me to it [quote name='Adee' post='313707' date='Oct 24 2008, 12:27 PM']Oooh great I can't wait so see the pic of Dood, tastefully posing with his long flowing locks, maybe taken in black and white with his DOODLE HANGING OUT FOR MRS TINMAN! No thanks fella ![/quote] Yes please!!!!!!!!!!!!! :brow: Nekkid Basschatters, YAY (not that I'm offering my services, you'd only all be very jealous of Tinman having me all to himself ) [i]NOT![/i] Errmmm, Basschatters' wives? OK, I go back to Off Topic where I can do less harm
  14. Thanks for explaining [quote name='HeavyJay' post='312211' date='Oct 22 2008, 03:49 PM']All that coupled with the fact that some of the places she has to park for work are pretty tight starts to make them nonviable.[/quote] Of course, the answer seems obvious to me, get yourself a 4wd and her a bicycle
  15. We saw a feature on [url="http://www.simonleeguitars.com/guitars/"]these[/url] last week - guitars and basses made from various recycled materials - some of what goes into them depends on what colour you would like the finished article to be. Someone (Joe Brown I think it was) had a bit of a play with a guitar and declared it as being great sound-wise. For me recycled = cheap (in monetary terms) so what has really shocked me is the [url="http://www.ethicalsuperstore.com/products/simon-lee-guitars/simon-lee-recycled-guitar-(cyclotron-benton)/"]price[/url] of them - over £800 for a guitar Now I know that's not a massive amount when it comes to a new bass or guitar, but I also know that you can get very decent ones for a lot less than that. I suppose the technology is quite new and he will have massive start-up costs to recoup but I can't help wondering how many of these he will actually sell, other than to those with plenty of spare cash that want something 'gimmicky' (or those with big wallets and kind hearts as I believe some are being auctioned on ebay at present in aid of St Jimmy's Hospital). Of course, if the sound quality etc really is comparable to others of a similar price, that might make it more attractive. What do others think? If you tried one and liked it would you ever buy one of these in preference to a similar priced 'regular' bass or guitar?
  16. [quote name='HeavyJay' post='311089' date='Oct 21 2008, 10:15 AM']I've been trying to avoid going for enormous estates or MPVs because I think my wife would be a bit embarassed driving one.[/quote] Can I ask why this would be? I found it a little tricky to start off with due to the difference in size/height off the road from a 'regular' car but I wouldn't be without our Espace now, particularly because of their 'safety' rating (or whatever the correct term is) and the fact that we can fit so much in it. Bit of a b*gger to park though
  17. Flippin' heck WD, what a dreadfully scarey thing to happen I'm so glad you're still here to tell the tale, and I'm sure the valuable advice on this thread will save others too
  18. Aww, I hope someone can help you out
  19. Hi Steve I'd like the Crocodile Hunter book if it's still available. Let me know how much for postage. Thanks, Terri
  20. [quote name='OldGit' post='300315' date='Oct 6 2008, 10:20 AM']Go on then Mrs T "To Go: The husband" ....[/quote] Awww, I'm not bright enough to write something witty and bass related about that, besides, I'd rather keep him, he does come in useful sometimes I think if Tinman ever put me on here, never mind recycling - he would probably be offering vast amounts of money to anyone daft enough to take me off his hands
  21. [quote name='skywalker' post='290278' date='Sep 23 2008, 08:00 PM']Mrs Tinman has yet to find this thread.............[/quote] You think? I check back every now and then just to make sure Tinman's not been talking about me [quote name='noelk27' post='290372' date='Sep 23 2008, 09:59 PM']She'll be paddling about in the off-topic end, per usually.[/quote] Just because that's where I restrict most of my posting to, doesn't mean I don't read lots of other stuff You horrible lot had better watch yourselves as you never know just where I might be 'paddling about' next Oh, and for the record - very funny thread
  22. Hi Chris, welcome back
  23. [quote name='Hamster' post='298745' date='Oct 3 2008, 05:08 PM']because I want to launch a DOS attack at their IP! (or something like that )[/quote] Does your sniper training come in handy for that sort of thing?
  24. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='298739' date='Oct 3 2008, 05:02 PM']Don't worry Mrs T, they aren't those 'home videos' Mr Tinman made a while back [/quote] I should hope not, they didn't really show your 'best side' did they?
  25. Oh, I'm always lagging behind everyone else aren't I? Could someone at least give me chance to look at these rude posts before they are deleted? Sorry chaps. Sounds like a major flippin' headache, as if you lot running this place don't have enough to do already
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