If you sell it for £200 someone will get a right deal. Coincedently ,the other day (when i had a mad moment)the Bass Gallery suggested i should ask £275-300 for my extremely well kept Nanyo SGC 311(310??? see attachment) in transparent red.
I have done a bit of research and in some parts of the world private sellers are asking £450 -575 for some examples( i dont know how much the exchange rates affect this). The Bass Gallery has a tatty looking one up for £300 and i recently saw a tatty 'made in korea' one in Denmark st for £240.
What you paid for it new seems cheap too, i know of one person that paid £500 second hand for a 320 in 1999. Im thinking that when you bought it it may had been seen as a bit of a white elephant by the shop owner as Bass collection went out of business around 1996. He may have just wanted to get his money back on old stock or was flooging off liquidation stock..
As you will know the Japanese ones are excellent build quality. I have been a french polisher/woodfinisher for 25 years and i'd say the finish on my 311 is flawless .As flat as the polyester finish on a Yamaha grand piano.I have seen some horror "blemishes" on some of the mega buck basses i have been looking at recently ranging from runs, to cratering or dimpling caused by sillicone or oil contamination, probably from machines used on production lines......
My advice, hang on to it and find £200 another way if poss......... Read the forums, so many people have regretted selling their little japanese BC's
Good luck.
Ps,,,back pain sufferers, my BC weighs exactly 8lb with the strap !!!