A few years ago I was using all Ampeg. SVT HD with an 810 cab, plus I had a BA500 for tiny gigs, ones with too many stairs, or car parking at the other end of town. Slimmed that down to a 4x10 for ease.
I got all caught up in the tech rush and sold the lot. I bought myself a Barefaced Super 12T, which I still love, but not so lucky with the amps. I first bought a Genz Benz Shuttle. It was the most disgusting nauseating whine of amp I've ever had the displeasure to own. Utter crap, packed up within 3 weeks and had to go back to manufacturer to fix. It had absolutely no soul, no grunt, and sounded like a super clean hifi signal. I sold that on ebay straight away and regretted selling my SVT instantly.
I then bought a GK1001RB-ii, heavy-ish but sounding good again. Traded up for a GK 2001RB, heavier again in sound and physical weight and now I'm itching to get the SVT again.
There's a reason we all carried round super heavy amps for so many years. Its because they sounded amazing. If I played jazz or did gentle 2-piece shows maybe I wouldn't be so affected by the change, but nothing rocks the stage like an SVT and an 810.