I have a GK 2001RB that sounds immense, I love the tone, but it weighs a ton, load-ins up flights of stairs are unbearable.
I had a Genz Benz Shuttle 6.0 it was okay. Sounded ok, super light, but only ok. It sounded thin, no grunt.
What should I get? I looked at the GK MB Fusion 800 but haven't heard or played one.
I won't buy Markbass for the stupid reason I don't like the look of them, the yellow looks awful to me.
Something light at least 500W, ideally around 750W, doesn't have to be class D.
I play in covers bands, so need funk as well as rock out of it. I play into a Barefaced S12T with predominantly Jazz basses, so a passive signal.
Budget would be around £700 max I guess.