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Everything posted by Clarky72

  1. My S12T has arrived. Played it this weekend after spending Friday night annoying the wife breaking it in through Eastenders and American Next Top Model. Gigged it Saturday and it sounds amazing. Truly the best cab I've ever played through, my post-sale sadness getting rid of the Ampegh is well and truly over, there's a lot of love for the Barefaced. I've paired it up with a Genz Benz Shuttle 6.0 and it sounds amazing. Both the guitarists in my band now want Barefaced for guitar, apparently Alex is considering the idea already... get one before the 6 string bunch get in there!!
  2. Here's mine. It needs some work though, I'm not that happy with the MXR so I'm looking to swap it out for something and may split the feed to keep a clean and dirty signal mix going to the amp...
  3. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1328711728' post='1531498'] The 70s Antoria one I had looked just like this. Short scale so easy to fly around and super fat sound from the pickups. But you will not get anywhere near a Fender bass sound with one of these.. The genuine Gibbo one I had was white, and not so friendly. Theres an Epiphone version which is longer scale bizzarely called the EB-3 which is what the Gibson SG Bass used to be called. [/quote] Yeah I saw them, no idea why the Epi ones are 34"scale? Couldn't be arsed to make short scale necks? Actually clean forgot they were meant to be short scale? All possible... I wonder.
  4. http://www2.gibson.com/Products/Electric-Guitars/Bass/Gibson-USA/SG-Standard-Bass/Specs.aspx It does look nice... wonder if it's really playable?
  5. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1328697204' post='1531182'] I've always wanted a LP bass, but every time i've gone to the shop, cash in pocket, and tried the selection they have just not felt quite right. I even bought a Thunderbird one of these times and hated it from the first gig! Funny isn't it, almost every time I've bought a Gibson/Epiphone bass it has been passed on within the year. One bass I did gig with for quite some time was an Antoria EB-3 copy, I really miss that bass. I replaced it with the genuine article for £££s, but that was pants and went within 6 months. I'll stick with my Fender/derivatives from now on I think. [/quote] I think the flat top/thick body had a lot to do with it. I had a Tbird too for a while, sold that too. Its fine if you're playing below the waist but as soon as you hike it up its near impossible to play and cuts your wrist if you try. Maybe the SG bass would work but I've never tried one...
  6. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1328694602' post='1531133'] Hopefully we'll sort that out! Si [/quote] Hopefully Sibob Snr will be able to fix it for us!!
  7. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1328685046' post='1531018'] Definitely. I`ve had loads of quality gear, but the two basses I think about fondly are my Fender 51 Reissue, and my Gibson Les Paul. Neither were right for my playing, but I just, well, liked them - gut feeling etc. [/quote] There's something special about LesPaul basses, loved mine. Retroman (here on BC) has mine now. It just wasn't right for me either, but it sounded and looked amazing.
  8. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1328633558' post='1530408'] Some gear you bond with, some you don't. I definitely do not miss using my Hartke Amp, it was a good amp and it has served me well, but it has no soul. My Sabre bass on the other hand has been an absolute bitch to me on occasions but I would never get rid.... I think you have to live with gear quite a while before you become emotionally attached to it [/quote]+1
  9. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1328629871' post='1530317'] Is it just me who's got Toy Story 2 in his head while reading the OP? [/quote] haha
  10. Hows that Bass Juice pedal? I was thinking of trying one out...
  11. Hopefully it will be preserved, rather than left to die. Sounds like you had a mare with your SWR gear Bren! I loaned an old Marshall Guv'nor pedal to my guitarist, who is my best mate, I know what he's like though, I should have asked for it back after a few days. I got it back about 6 months later after being left in a garage and all the pots had seized...
  12. Last night I sold my beloved Ampeg SVT-HD Skunkworks. I don't use it so much anymore and it's just gathering dust. It needed to be freed, let out to rock once more instead of being caged up at home. I sold on dreaded eBay, but it went to a guy who messaged to say how excited he was as he already had one of the 500 already. This is great I thought, imagine the fat dirty rig he's going to have, one clean, one distorted, it's going to tear someone's face off when that's all hooked up! Awesome. He came over to pick it up and he is in fact a collector, he doesn't think it'll get much big gig use, and the thought of hooking the pair up with a pair of 810's hadn't even occurred to him. I almost wanted to give him his money back, I feel like I've just handed my SVT it's death certificate. It's now going to sit in a little room, maybe overlooked and left to die one day
  13. [quote name='GRAHAM SG1' timestamp='1328521643' post='1528284'] Isnt it great to see a british manufacturing company doing well, fingers crossed my Super Twelve comes soon [/quote]+1
  14. Mate, that looks fantastic. I'm looking to build a jazz/stingray hybrid with Jon on the course too. Now I've read your diary I need to book it up more than ever! You have an awesome looking bass
  15. Just done the deed. My S12T has been ordered...
  16. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1328260846' post='1524429'] DHA bass driver and a modified Markbass Compressore. Pure creamy warm filth [/quote]nice, never tried one of those DHA boxes out, but heard good things about them!
  17. looks great! more pics!
  18. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1328191279' post='1523315'] so I use a couple of dirty valve pedals [/quote] What are you using mate??
  19. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1328176437' post='1522932'] Sometimes its not possible to try something out before you buy it, although you should always try to. I bought a HA3500 based on the ratio of good reviews to bad ones. It has served me well and hey, it's not a bad amp at all. I tend to read the bad reviews more so I know what to look out for and if its going to be an issue for me (to each their own). Like you bassman, I considered a Promethean at one stage but having read a number of reviews saying it was not all it promised to be (and how would it defy the laws of physics in this way anyway?), I asked the question on here, a number of people commented and based on this I reconsidered. A huge number of positive reviews for the Barefaced stuff reassured me before firstly getting in touch and eventually placing an order, I could only find one negative one, and even that said "it's just not for me" rather than anything actually wrong with the design/operation. The key thing about the Barefaced stuff is that, whilst its not available in all the shops you can return it in 30 days if you don't like it, no questions asked*. Not many manufacturers do this sort of thing, not many shops do either. Also, as it stands, you get to speak directly with the person who has designed the entire product range before you hit the button, meaning theres less chance of you being disappointed. When I spoke to Alex at Barefaced I enquired about a completely different cab to the one I ended up with, after a chat about what I wanted from it he pointed me in the right directon, with a couple of options. I doubt you'd get the chance to speak with 'Mr Ibanez' about what the amp could deliver before purchasing a Promethean. If you did, you might decide to go for somehing different too. [/quote] Great reply, well said Bren! I've found Alex to be so helpful. Although I haven't actually heard a S12T one of my friends has a compact and a midget, they sound incredible, really cut through the mix live which is where it really counts for me. I will be ordering my S12T even though I haven't played through one yet.
  20. [quote name='psychojoy' timestamp='1328049521' post='1521116'] Seriously - put a calendar together. I'd pay literally money for it and I can imagine many people would too. Fantastic images of the models and the instruments! [/quote] +1
  21. reported to ebay.
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