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Everything posted by Clarky72

  1. [quote name='WalMan' timestamp='1326007297' post='1490857'] This. When I got my S12T I paired it with a Markbass Little Mark Tube that worked well and sounded good. Not tried the LM Rocker with the S12T but tried one at the Bass show last year and for me it was too dirty for most of the use of the Tube dial, BUT that was not a test in the best conditions. Anyway in Nov I sold the LMT and got a GB Streamliner 6 and I love it with the S12T As mentioned elsewhere in a similar thread to this one when I got the Streamliner I took my S12T & basses down to Nevada to try out the Streamliner with what I would be using, and took the opportunity to try a Shuttle 6 as an A/B to the Streamliner. I had gone to look at the Streamliner but it seemed ensible the try botrh. Again for me the Shuttle was a much brighter & clinical sound. Good, but not with the valvey warmth I was after, and I turned the tweeter completely off. By comparison, the Streamliner was warmer and I then dialled a bit of the tweeter back in. I had one intending to get the Streamliner, and that is what I came away with So far I have used it for classic rock, prog & country/Americana gigs and it has been great for all styles. Then againit is all subjective to rach of us. I feel the Streamliner was better suited to getting what I wanted than the Shuttle on a test, and the LMT in gigging use, but the person I bought the LMT off had gone to a Streamliner, and I know has gone back to the LMT as he preferred that. Sooooo, the sum total of all this is try the Streamliner, and LMT as well if you can, and if you can find a dealer that has both (Nevada do both MB & GB gear) and will let you bring in your bass and cab to test then I should add those two to your testing list. Enjoy [/quote] Thanks for that, that's really helpful. I think BassDirect have both MB & GB too, I'm going to have to drive up there with my gear and try them out. To be honest I hadnt heard much raving about the Streamliner, but now I think I'll have a look at that one too. There's no harm in trying out as much as possible once I've humped all my gear up there!
  2. [quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1325958245' post='1490436'] Pop up to Bass Direct near Warwick, have a chat with Mark and play with all the relevant GB/TC/MB whatever amps you can.. In actual fact I don't think any of them is going to disappoint you, but it's your call. [/quote] That's probably what I'm going to have to do, order the S12T from Alex, pack that into the car with a few basses and head up there one afternoon...
  3. Well I'm more confused than ever. There's an equal amount of love and nervousness around both the TC and GenzBenz. 41 posts and not really any nearer a decision. There's been moments when I thought yes, TC, then hours later definitley GB. Hmmm...
  4. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1325927542' post='1489843'] That track pre-dates Eat Em & Smile by a few years it was a Talas track in '78 iirc. Still a great showcase for his playing. [/quote] Oh yeah, i love the Talas original, but i do love the Vai/Roth newer version too. I actually heard an amazing version live with Mr Big, Billy singing and playing with Paul Gilbert on guitar, now that was awesome...
  5. [quote name='jackduran' timestamp='1325895772' post='1489703'] Absolutely- and seriously underused on Ragged Tiger. Some nice chops on there, but that album for me is all about Nick Rhodes getting overexcited by his new toys. [/quote] its been that way until the latest album really aside from notorious.... how many times has anyone really listened to meddazzaland or pop trash?
  6. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1325894945' post='1489687'] Yep, seriously under-rated guitarist. [/quote] Definitley, as were the whole band really! Great musicians.
  7. Maybe we should stick to 1st 4 DD albums... might look odd playing Big Thing but looking new romantic anyways!
  8. [quote name='Doctor J' timestamp='1325875352' post='1489300'] I can relate to this. I've been going back to the Hagar era VH with renewed interest since getting into Chickenfoot though. Nothing any of them ever do will top Eat 'Em And Smile, however. The laws of physics state it cannot be done. [/quote] +1 Eat Em & Smile was and is awesome. Shyboy. wow. oh bloody good god...
  9. Love old VH, not overly taken with later Hagar VH, but I do love Chickenfoot. Off to see them next week!
  10. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1325865560' post='1489076'] Crikey, musical differences already...? [/quote] Haha!!!! who'd have thought that would happen in a tribute band of all bands....
  11. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1325863705' post='1489029'] or maybe not! [/quote] haha, no love for the side projects? great rhythm section work in power station, it was effectively chic some of the time!
  12. [quote name='shizznit' timestamp='1325856187' post='1488799'] The first time I played a Markbass rig....I swear that Marco De Virgiliis was using witchcraft to build his amps! [/quote] haha
  13. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1325860946' post='1488943'] Not sure how this will pan out, as I'm in that London- SW, but if you can get a good Simon and Nick, I'll be Andy. Agreed but possibly augmented with selected later material such as Electric Barbarella, and Ordinary World? [/quote] Thats the second Andy offer I've had here on BC from a bassist! I reckon a select few of the newer tracks would be great, maybe some Power Station and Arcadia too!
  14. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1325859606' post='1488906'] I've always wanted to do this too. Could never find the people. I think most Duran Duran fans who are musicians must be bass players! Actually it was Duran Duran that lured me off the drums and on to the bass! [/quote] Me too. I never had any interest in playing guitar when I was a kid, I just wanted to be a bass player (in Duran) Every adult male I know who likes Duran is a bass player too... haha
  15. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1325552097' post='1484408'] With some rags and a few mods my rumbles went from this: to this: Cheers P.S. - Any similarity with a well known fellow BC cabinet maker's products its [b]not[/b] a coincidence... [/quote]
  16. Anyone know of any dealers that have Genz Benz amps to go and try around London/Bucks area at all? All i know of is BassDirect in Warwick, Bass Merchant's shop in Thurrock is shut now...
  17. [quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1325837510' post='1488413'] This is what I said in my email about the Classic 450: "The TC amps have a lot of compression and filtering built in which you can't avoid (which makes them sound louder than their true wattage - 236W in the case of the Classic) - some love it, some hate it, so it's very much a personal thing!" [/quote] Cheers for the clarification Alex! I think I'm going to stick with the advice given to me by Alex, Brensabre79, Raggy, Shizznit and a few others here. Genz Benz it is, Shuttle 6 or 9, sounds like they're the best solution for me, I've read up about them and watched a few clips of them. Off to find one to try in a store next weekend to make sure, then hopefully pick one up from BassDirect on their deals and then take a drive down to Brighton soon for a Barefaced S12T to finish the new rig. I did consider MarkBass but not too sure about their sound, plus I hate yellow... Anyone need an Ampeg BA500? It'll be up for sale pretty soon now! Thanks for the help and advice guys. Lets not all fall out over a little TC amp eh? ;-)
  18. Thomann are great, buy from them without any worry. I have many times.
  19. Starting to edge more to the Shuttle now... Alex said a pretty similar thing to me about TC's quoted power and actual power when hooked up to anything else, only 236 watts out of the TC in reality.
  20. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1325783038' post='1487639'] I like having two, but that's just me. It's not like I actually [i][b]need [/b][/i]two. [/quote] Haha... that might actually be all it is! doh!
  21. Alex recomended the Shuttle 6 to me too. In my head I already had that and the TC Classic 450 in mind and they seem to be the ones mostly recomended... I'm a bit put off the TC by the single speakon output though, anyone else had any experience of this?
  22. Good point... I'm looking around £600-ish I suppose.
  23. Sorry, I dont need 2 amps, that's my point. I'm after one that will service both bands
  24. So here's my dilmena. I have two bands, a rock/indie band and an 80s pop band. Both need a very different sound. Currently I'm using my Ampeg BA500 combo for most gigs, which is fine for the balls out rock material, but not so good for the pop. I'm going to sell it to get something more suitable. I'm getting a Barefaced S12T, but I need a good head to go with it. I'm not so bothered about the size/weight issue as thats now going to be eased with the new cab. I've been looking at the regular amps and micro amps, there's so many to choose from. What can replace the monstrous Ampeg and still work for some 80s pop??
  25. [quote name='bassatnight' timestamp='1325529474' post='1484062'] I still think this talented photographer could put together a belting calendar - I'd buy one!!! [/quote] +1 ...but leave the Warwicks out, no need to sully such a beautiful concept!
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