I've been all over the spectrum of amps, from the amazing but ridiculous Ampeg SVT Skunkworks which took 2 of us to lift it onto the 810, to the god awful GenzBenz Shuttle which needed repair after 2 months and sounded like cr*p for its entire life in my hands. I miss my GK 2001RB and the Skunkworks still, monster amps, but better when someone else is carrying it for you.
Now settled with an Ampeg SVT-II non pro for the big gigs, Ampeg SVT-III non pro for everyday pub gigs, and a Sansamp RBI + Peavey IPR1600 for when we're limited on space in the cars or I have to carry it a long way. Oh, and there's a GK MB500 Fusion in the cupboard too just for fun.