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Everything posted by Ross

  1. All laws are workable, you'd just have to be the one who is strong, smart and insane enough to take over the government and change it yourself. To be honest if worse comes to worse you can just call it a "contrabass guitar" and it won't be illegal, different enough to still be legal. Or maybe a contrabass sax, there needs to be more contrasax players.
  2. I do a lot of things that are illegal, for recreational purposes. But those laws have been in place for a while, this one I'd happily be a protestor, start a small rebel group, build, network until I have a sizable global network of bassists. I would then give myself precisely 1 month to organise a worldwide protest, set the date, tell everyone where they need to be at what time. If they kill all of us, it'll be worth it, if you aren't prepared to give your life to protect something beautiful then you are no kind of artist. And thats not an over reaction, if they take away one instrument, they will take away more and make it all illegal, force an identity on us. Tell us what to think, feel, do. It's a slippery slope, you can't give them an inch or you'll be in a full on dictatorship before you know it.
  3. Cheap and quality pedal board? Only solution is to build one yourself, it's quite easy
  4. It's just a session gig, I'd play for someone I don't like if it'd get my name out there. Anyway as a musician I feel it's important to experience all kinds of music, even stuff like Justin Beaver or Rebecca black which, lets face it, is sh*t. Mixing the good with the bad, it's all progress and it's good sh*t man.
  5. Stuff the old fashioned way. If fender could mass produce basses in the 60's extremely sought after today, not to mention a whole chunk of oldschool tube amps, handwired, handcrafted. Why can't they mass produce this stuff today without it costing an absolute arm and a leg, we still have the 60's technology. dust it off and start making things how they used to be. Seems every time some kind of replica is brought out it's not the same, it's always incorporating loads of new technology and build differently so would never sound the same.
  6. A device specifically for getting a really nice polish underneath the strings and around the pickup's. Infact. A device for removing evert spec of dust and polishing basses. (I'm ocd about my shinyness, it's disgusting how long I spend polishing it)
  7. Spirit of radio - Rush. Just getting the timing of that bit at the start was a huge pain, plus it was back when I was just getting back into playing after a lengthy break and my fingers weren't nearly as fast or accurate as they are now.
  8. Back to the future II It was a genuine offer, I can pay you by paypal (or whatever method you'd prefer) then send you the picture in the post (assuming you really want a picture of Steve)
  9. I don't know, I might pay, it's more convinient than acquiring stuff you don't have but want to listen to or searching for it on youtube.
  10. "I was sitting here thinking about how much I love you, when this Raccoon came in out of nowhere and..." it's foolproof
  11. I've had a look on the bay and google and it all seems to be 0.6mm thick or unspecified, I've heard you need around 2mm to fill fret slots but can't seem to find any that thick, I don't suppose anyone knows where i could get hold of some?
  12. Bit of a longshot, would you take 125 plus postage for a quick sale? I will draw you a picture of my mate Steve watching tv as a deal sweetener if you like.
  13. [quote name='4-string-thing' post='1204034' date='Apr 18 2011, 07:53 PM']Wonder if he'd write me an ad to help shift my amp?[/quote] "I'll include the settings which make the amp rumble just right to make all the girls within a 3 mile radius gush uncontrollably"
  14. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='1204014' date='Apr 18 2011, 07:44 PM']The ones you can use to make a bass worth £40?[/quote] Are they really that bad? Didn't think it was possible to make a bass worth £40
  15. Anyone know anything about them fretless precision kits for £60 on ebay?
  16. I've had it before, really didn't hinder me at all. Now I'm pretty well educated in music theory I rarely use it when I'm writing a line, always just played by instinct.
  17. I think guitar is about the only instrument I don't play. I can play mandolin though, and thats basically the same thing...
  18. SOLD!
  19. Went into a room full of stoned music students at a party, started cranking out some of my own stuff on the bass. "Man thats amazing, who is that? I wanna learn it" felt good man, although it may have been the weed talking And I taught the dude my lines in exchange for some entirely legal substances...
  20. Learn the basics, get some notation of a line (start out with something which isn't too rythmically challenging though) Use the "good bassists deserve fine ass" method to slowly work through and you'll get better, it'll just kind of click after a while. Time signatures and key sigs are easy to do, accidentals are simple. Biggest challenge I found was the rythm of the pieces, I found the best way was to just play it in flat notes then "visualise" it in my head how I thought the notes should sound, how long they should go for etc.
  21. Ahh cheers man yeah. I've downloaded the piano sheet music from [url="http://ferropop.com/Skrillex_-_Scary_Monsters_And_Nice_Sprites_%28piano%29__arr_by_Ferro.pdf"]here[/url]then worked out the rest by ear and transposed it roughly for a 3 piece band onto paper. If I get a chance I'll smash my transposition into sibellius later on and upload it for you I was sort of thinking fuzz + synth + octaver might give me something I can work with.
  22. Nope, I am suffering extremely badly at the moment. The only thing saving me from more debt is having to wait til I go back down to Plymouth (I can't exactly bring much back on a train)
  23. After a bit of googling and looking in the usual places I cannot find a transcription anywhere, surely someone must have done it? If anyone could help me out it'd be very much appreciated Cheers guys
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