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Everything posted by Ross

  1. [quote name='Johnston' post='1305866' date='Jul 16 2011, 03:02 PM']Thats not true. In the last two years I've had two basses and a guitar. 1 valentines 2 fathers days. And the Mrs has 2 guitars and 2 basses picked out for when funds allow/pop up cheap. Just got to get the right gal [/quote] Ahh see you say that but my dad earns 3-4 times what he did when he got married to my mum. At that point he could afford all the new technology, gameboy, gamegear, a video player, piles and piles of new tapes and records. Stuff that cost hundreds, even thousands back then. He's got about £20 a week to spend on himself these days, I work part time and I've got more money for toys that he does I don't quite know how because we're pretty much independant of his income me and my sister, completely when we're at uni, but it happens... Seems to be for a lot of the guys round here as well, poor lads (insert whip sound)
  2. [quote name='Fat Rich' post='1305763' date='Jul 16 2011, 01:44 PM']I think a lot of drum teachers used to force their students to play crossed (and traditional grip on the stick) because that's the way it's always been done, but they now seem to be becoming more open minded and more and more players play open (uncrossed).[/quote] The best teachers will teach you crossed and open handed playing, as well as french, german, american and traditional. To see what you prefer. I use a combination of german and traditional myself (probably because I learnt snare drum before I learnt drums). And play cross hand. But I can use the other grips and play open handed. Never had a formal lesson for drums in my life, just a lot of careful practise with a metronome and reading. Some people even play open handed but have the high hats on the right using a cable hi hat stand. Which I'm hoping to try one day, I reckon that'd be a nice setup.
  3. Oh sod that, nice bunch of flowers, a bottle of wine and dvd "Oh my time with you is all precious my dear" blah blah blah, all that romantic stuff. Then blow the £1170 you have left on something you really want. (And yes I am that little red guy on your shoulder) After speaking to so many of my mates dads it's become clear that as soon as you get married you see less of your money, as soon as you have kids you see none of it. So seize the oppurtunity.
  4. Don't tell the missus, she'll want to buy a holiday or some new double glazing, something sensible. Go buy a jetski, or a really unrealiable sports car, or a hot tub. And beer, lots of beer. Resist the gas, it's a slipperly slope.
  5. You guys are putting ned flanders out of business! Righty playing a righty here. I play pool, roll and solder left handed though wierdly. Tempted to have a go at playing a lefty, just out of curiousity.
  6. Needs lasers.
  7. Total bollocks, given the right circumstance anyone from any country could be the best bass player in the world to a majority of people. Doesn't matter how naturally talented they are, enough training can work wonders.
  8. I practise 2-3 hours a week tops and I can keep up with the best. (not to blow my own horn) Don't think I've ever had natural talent for anything, I just pick things up easily.
  9. "Spiky death metal basses from hellll bllllleurgh vomit blood and muddy crap downtuned sound!!!!" To not being able to stand any of that nonsense, a nice clean cut bass, a fender or a ric. I prefer flats for most things now, occasionally using rounds. I'm more open to effects too.
  10. I very rarely find I need to use a pick. And it frustrates me because using a pick slows me down no end. This is how rarely I use a pick, I have the single and only pick I have owned, which was given to me by someone. Had it for 7 years. Never had trouble cutting through in a rock band without a pick.
  11. 2 condenser mics placed a reasonable distance away from the brass section. You're better off micing brass from a distance I always find. AKG do good cheap condensers for live sound. Percussion as in drums, kick mic, maybe one sm57 on the snare and 2 overhead condensers. (Assuming you really need to mic the kit) Other percussion you'll want to mic up close with sm57's Thing about buying cheaper mic's, is they do the same job just about but the build quality is never as good. Buy cheap, buy twice.
  12. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='1299342' date='Jul 10 2011, 10:07 PM']y' know, I've never heard a female musician say that.[/quote] Girls are sensitive, I think their vagina hurts when they lie. Which is why you should give them a firm slap on the backside and say "you're doing a good job darling" and sit down expecting a sandwich. Some excellent stories in here.
  13. Rubber mat, may have to get hold of some, genius.
  14. 7 years? Lows, losing interest, one gig where my bass totally failed we couldn't delay our set so it took 6 songs of me playing "acoustically" for someone to go grab a spare bass Highs, gigging and getting some "holy sh*t man, I didn't realise you were that good" off mates.
  15. Yeah, been having a lot of trouble with that. Moved back from uni to a room in my folks house about the 1/5th of the size of my uni digs, I've accumulated more stuff than I realised. Got one wall hanger, no other wall space, only option is to lean my second bass in the corner by my door. On laminate flooring. It loves to fall over.
  16. A bit up and down the fretboard, loud and soft. Nothing fancy, bit of improv.
  17. Well I've done a st johns course and I read a lot about human physiology and medicine as it's something which has always interested me. Not a recognised treatment but a bit of pain never hurt anyone Good luck with the gig
  18. Just tune up to standard and play like normal, if you don't need that extended range then why bother? I don't like detuning either, throws me right off. Occasionally used drop d for more reggae influenced lines but for the most part don't bother.
  19. That isn't creativity. That is teaching you how to use the tools and make your job easier.
  20. I've heard they've got that Joey Jordison, that basketball bloke you know. lololoolol spacejam etc.
  21. I was f***ing waiting for that.
  22. I either man up or use superglue. Always got some form of cut on my hands/ fingers one way or another, when I first started learning proper knife technique in the kitchen I had a monstrous amount. Just doesn't phase me any more. Apparently if you piss on your hands the ammonia forms callous. Some baseball players do it.
  23. I think it's a combination. You can't teach creativity, which is what music is all about (for me anyway). Yeah it's cool to play other peoples compositions and see what they've done but ultimately making music is the best thing about it. And that is purely down to experience. I know brilliant classically trained musicians who cannot play unless they've got a sheet of music to read, no improvisational skills at all. Don't get me wrong they can play amazingly off a sheet of music but it's the creativity they're lacking. To learn the tools? All of the above combined. And you can't take them too seriously, one mans wrong could be the next inspirational masterpiece. No one teaching method works well for everyone, especially where the arts are concerned. I could go off on a rant about how standardisation in the educational system is ruining the entire idea of it but I've just been for a 15 mile walk and I really cannot be arse.
  24. Gotta be taking the piss.
  25. [quote name='silddx' post='1293791' date='Jul 5 2011, 07:28 PM']Is this how we treat people on here? Tell them to f*** off because they are impressed with someone? Joey's a very talented multi-instrumentalist as it happens. I have seen him on bass before and although he's not Anthony Jackson, he plays with great feel and spirit. So on behalf of some of the other members on this thread, sorry to the OP if you got the impression we are all c**ts. [/quote] Pity he's a sh*t drummer then...
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