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Everything posted by Ross

  1. £85? Blimey, you gave him more money after the £40? Why would someone say they were a luthier when they don't even know how to set up a guitar? Most I've paid for a setup is £30, that was quite a few years ago but I can't imagine it costing much more nowadays.
  2. Well it was my first instrument, took it up purely because I wanted to get into a band. Oh how the times have changed...
  3. Parents have had to move their router away from the desktop due to the extension line being corroded so I want to connect them up, if anyone has a spare wireless adpator I'll happily have it off your hands. Pm me.
  4. I use 3 fingers to achieve this. It kind of came naturally to me, don't think about it too much, and use your fingers like they were paintbrushes. I find using the pinky impractical as it is significantly shorter than the other fingers and to do so you would have to put your hand in an awkward position, wheras the first 3 are similar in length.
  5. Working behind the bar would either sacrifice my morning drinking with friends, afternoon/ evening band seeing/ drinking, or my late night drinking with friends and trying to pull random girls. None of which I want to sacrifice, I'd be tempted to do it for a couple of other festivals though, it's a better deal than the CAT and most other volunteers get.
  6. Can you turn it up a bit soundman? "No the bass is far too loud in the mix anyway" faint rumble of bass, massive load of guitar, drums and vocals. turn it up you little bitch of a soundman.
  7. [quote name='risingson' post='1250938' date='May 30 2011, 11:08 PM']That part is solid advice. When I played in front of 10,000 people last I substituted alcohol with caffeine (lots of it), also not advisable![/quote] Wouldn't really do to sh*t yourself in front of 10,000 people.
  8. On my birthday, in my home town. Wheres that then? I didn't think swindon did festivals, except town gardens.
  9. Erm, just use a 2 bass gig bag with a bit of foam glued in one of the compartments? (or just use it standard, a guitar isn't gonna move that much) Gonna be the most cost effective and easiest options. I can't imagine many people take a bass and an electric guitar to gigs. Maybe a bass and an acoustic but you wouldn't want those in the same bag.
  10. Some people care, some don't. There are examples of good and bad sounds from both ends of the spectrum. I don't spend hours on it, occasionally I think "oh I wouldn't mind a bit more punch" or "that'd sound good with flats", my main interest is in playing.
  11. [quote name='Doddy' post='1249192' date='May 29 2011, 02:15 PM']never felt the need to have a drink when I'm at work.[/quote] Wish I had your job then, I'm always craving a cold pint about 10 minutes after I get in. To be honest I'd love a job where I could drink and smoke whenever I wanted. And no retarded uniform/ dress code. Why I love gigging, my ultimate job, i hate the fact my degree is gonna land me in some office with a bunch of stick up their arse w***ers telling me what to do.
  12. Wrap an old shirt round your strap when practising and just brave it live.
  13. Well I found out today the jack socket on my bass hasn't been earthed since I've owned it. I always thought it sounded kind of thin and I had loads of problems with it not working properly live. Stuck an earth wire on today, sounds instantly so much thicker and nicer, definitely louder. Is this possible or am I just getting high off the sanding sealer drying in the corner?
  14. Wirings done, finishing off the sanding sealer today. Jesus christ though, it's eaten my paintbrush, just clogged it up a treat.
  15. I can play sober, I don't get stage fright really because I know logically when I get up there I'll be fine. However I prefer being drunk under any circumstance.
  16. You know the bits in between the groove, they are chops. For me anyway.
  17. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='1245376' date='May 26 2011, 11:18 AM']I remember once coming home buzzing my tits off on speed and knowing I wasn't going to get any sleep, so I picked up a bass intending to do some serious practice, and ended up spending the next five hours tuning it.[/quote] I'm the opposite, I have a really crap attention span usually but whenever I'm on uppers I get so much done. If it wasn't for the crippling comedown I'd probably be a junky. I came home one morning, ran to wickes, bought paint and painted the entire front room before my housemates had gotten out of bed (which was mid day in fairness) then preceeded to do a 2000 word essay in a couple of hours (for which I recieved a solid first), had a little jam out and then had the hellish comedown grinding my teeth and twitching curled up in a dark room thinking "oh god please can I just pass out, or die, something".
  18. Can't stand slap play mainly fingerstyle with 3 fingers, occasional tapping. I can slap ok but strangely can't play with a pick, I've had the same pick for 7/8 years now, thats how rarely I play with a pick. Speed and dynamics just seem infinitely more difficult if I can't feel the strings.
  19. Made a little progress today, finished drilling the holes. 4mm > 3mm for the neck pocket/ neck. 1.5mm for pickguard (though I fear these will be a tad small) 2mm for the tuners 3mm for the strap buttons. Just waiting for screws but thats largely irrelevant as I should be on to starting the finish tomorrow. 5 coats of sanding sealer then a much clear gloss lacquer as is needed I think. Debating about the neck because it's gloriously smooth without a finish on it at all but I know it won't last with regular playing. A few pictures:
  20. Some crappy stagg thing, p and j pickups, 24 frets. It played ok after I'd had it set up, really thin neck. Sounded like total sh*t though.
  21. It's definitely true, some of the best music in the rock genre is created on drugs, and I have my theories why. LSD has been theorised to be a conciousness expander by so many people, and it is one hell of an experience. Salvia and mushrooms fall under this. Cocaine and speed can make you think really quite fast. MDMA, always a good to write a song about ups and downs. Ketamine is kind of wierd but I could happily write a song on it. Painkillers in general, relaxation, time to process. Weed is the only one I don't get though, whenever I get stoned all I wanna do is lay about eating crisps and listening to the beatles. I don't want to talk to anyone just chill out. If i had to sit up and write a song I'd be most annoyed.
  22. Wheras I'm really into my volkswagens and if I had £20k it'd be on a car. If a 1948 split rear screen beetle came along, I'd have to drop it all and change my trousers shortly after. I already have a bass and an amp, if I had like 1 or 2 grand then yeah I'd be after a new bass or rig, but £20k is mental.
  23. Look for second hand bargains man, thats where I picked up my jazz for just a few hundred. Haters gonna hate, personally I can't stand all these botique basses, they sound ok but they look daft to me, all jagged and dark. Fenders, rics, musicmans. Pretty much my bass repitoire if I'm the one buying.
  24. The who, or James brown. Way back when they were mainstream. If it had to be someone today I'm pretty easy, most of the crap on radio 1 today would just be another session gig for me.
  25. I'd go to that bass shop that sells cars... Or get a tubax (cause thats kind of a bass anyway). One with a decent selection of second hand/ interesting basses, I don't like buying new, such a waste of money paying all that extra for a bass thats got maybe a few less scratches but isn't even set up. I could probably spend it just browsing the BC classifieds and ebay.
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