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Everything posted by Duyster

  1. I think I'm going for the Markbass, just got a nice deal with a new shop here. One last question: Will the 102HF 8 Ohm cab, rated at [b]400 watts[/b] rms be a problem with the power of the LMT 800 ([b]500 watts [/b]at 8 ohm) ? Sorry if this sounds stupid, but I'm quite the rookie...
  2. Hi, Last Tuesday I played on a couple of Markbass amplifiers and cabinets. My favourite was the [b]Little Mark Tube 800[/b] combined with the [b]STD 102 HF [/b]cabinet. Another option is a [b]Gallien Krueger 1001rb-II[/b] combined with a [b]410 RBH[/b] cabinet I can both buy them for 1500 euro, I think I'll go for the Markbass... Only problem is that people say you can get much better cabinets for less money, but it sounded good to me... Any thoughts?
  3. Ok thanks for your opinion, I will think about that! Nobody with Markbass III/Jeff Berlin combo vs. GK 700RB-II/1001RB experiences?
  4. Hi there! Yesterday I played on a [b]Markbass Jeff Berlin Combo[/b], I was very impressed! I still didn't got to try out a GK though. I think (especially with the Markbass heads, because they are so light) that I might go for a head and cabinet. A combo doesn't have that many options in my opinion... I've heard that the amp inside the JB combo is similar (or even the same as) to the [b]Little Mark III head[/b]. Now because there weren't any [b]15" or 4x10"[/b] in the store (only a 12"), I could not check them out. I have only the money for [b]one[/b], so a combination is, at the moment, not possible... Any thoughts about what may be the best for me (pop,rock, funk, slapping)? Is there a significant difference between the New York, Standard, Club (I've heard that this is for 'beginners') or Traveler [b]in sound[/b] ? Thanks!!
  5. Sorry to bother you guys again, but are there any alternatives in the price range (1500 euro = approx. 1444 GBP = 1648 USD), or is this the best choice? I want to be very very sure I can find little sound samples of the 1001RB-II on youtube to compare with other amps. I only played on an Ampeg SVT-3 before and I didn't like the sound, it was too dull for me, I like a little bit more punch/attack/definition, without losing the lows...
  6. Ok, thanks everyone! One step closer to the decision
  7. Hi, I'm looking for a new amplifier. For a couple of weeks now I am quite fond of the Gallien Krueger 1001RB. I can order it here: [url="http://www.thomann.de/be/gallien_krueger_1001_halfstack.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/be/gallien_krueger_1001_halfstack.htm[/url] The problem is, I live in Belgium and I've been in MANY music stores, never a GK.. I like a good clean sound with much attack, but it has to have enough bass. A little growl is no problem, but I don't want to get the sound distorted if a add just a little bit of volume. I like the sound of Flea, Justin Chancellor and Jamiroquai and I basically play funk/rock/pop/... I rarely use a pick and I like slapping. Is this a good choice? I know nothing about electronics and I've seen other topics where the ohm difference is discussed. Unfortunately, It's still not clear to me. Is the cab that comes with the amp on the website above a good choice? Will it 'fart' and should I look for another brand or is it just fine? Also: Any reason to get a 700RB instead of a 1001? I've heard that the 700 is a bit warmer and that many bassists don't need the extra power of the 1001... Thanks A LOT! Thomas
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