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Posts posted by horrorshowbass

  1. Great pedal, rave reviews all over basschat and talkbass, just not for me unfortunately. Bought off UncleMeat (sound fella) a few weeks ago. After much tinkering and debating, ive decided the tubey warmth is a little too subtle for my tastes and im selling this as ive already have a behringer BDI21 for valve amp sound emulation and want to fund GAS for a Swollen Pickle.
    Bought it for £50, been used a handful of times, never gigged so say £55 posted? (including a 12v PSU worth a tenner).

    Thanks for looking, any questions, fire away!

  2. First of all, this isn't one of the countless "which valve/tube emulation pedal is for me?" threads, ive read them all! :)
    Its more of a question of why, after loads of research,I can't hear the lovely sounds fellow basschatters and talkbassers hear and describe from their pedals. Ive owned a behringer bass di v tone (sansamp BDDI in a plastic box), Sansamp VT bass and Dave Hall VT1, all in search of that lovely tubey, bit of grind/dirt sound. I did a LOT of research (when i should have been playing bass :) ) and bought a Behringer (its a cheap DI after all, even if its crap, i thought).
    I LOVED the sound the Behringer gave me, even tho i heard it scooped mids, it sounds great to my ears, live and in the bedroom practicing.
    Ive since bought a VT bass and a DHA VT1 and i just can't get the same sounds, they seem to be too subtle to my ears and don't give the bass sound the same ballsy agression as the Behringer !!!!!
    Am I eartarded? I know there are rave reviews all over the net for all three of these tube type pedals but I can't seem to coax the same sounds out of my DHA VT or VT bass.
    I sold the VT bass and im very close to doing the same with the DHA VT1. I know my amp isn't great ( cheap ass Behringer Combo) but that shouldn't effect the sound THAT much should it?

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