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Everything posted by BottomE

  1. In general the first song should have an impact and get attention (in a good way). As always, it depends though. I've done Masonic gigs and you start playing when peeps are eating! So in this case, something milder and lower in volume and tempo would be better. Did a dep last week and even though these guys are seasoned pros they have no idea how to put a set together. Singer was looking through a pre-arranged set list and calling out random tunes based on heaven knows what! Arranging a set is part of "band-craft". Experience and common sense are all you need but in this business the latter is in short supply.
  2. I live on the coast and feel that i should have the same rights as others, i.e. to choose if items are collection only or available to post. My problem if i limit the number of buyers from my restrictive attitude. I would never post an amp - ever.
  3. All the boys in my family are/were. Dad piano, bro drums, me bass. Done 100's of pro gigs together in our time.
  4. Dad was a pro piano player, bro is a drummer so i got bass. We ended up all gigging together in a little 3 piece doing long stints at posh hotels in the Middle East for a spell. Fun times. In the olden days I'd listen to records (or tapes) over and over again. Couldn't loop stuff back then so it was a real PITA. Also spent a lot of time round other peoples houses jamming and hanging out with other bass players and swapping ideas. I'd take gigs and have to learn a set list quickly which keeps you on your toes. Without any serious commitments or wanting to do anything else it was fun but crucially i had the time to do all that. These days you can be more efficient. Great resources on the net and forums like this, lessons online, software that helps loop tracks, midi files etc.
  5. This is about as lightweight as it can get. One of these plugs into my bass. Phone goes into it as backing track source. Boom. Works ok when on the road and in hotels.
  6. Kicked someone when i was a lot younger - they were hassling a harmless girl singer incessantly. I kept an eye on the guy and as he lunged toward the stage i aimed a kick at his nuts. I missed - made contact with him though. His mates cracked up laughing - he walked off sheepishly though gave me the evil eye all night. Wouldn't dare do that now but when you are 22 you feel invincible. Fortunately, those type of gigs are a rarity and our current girl singer looks like she won't take no messin'.
  7. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1474460546' post='3138168'] Great playing BottomE - how do you resist the urge to dance?!? [/quote] Thank you, very kind. If i move n stage i either get a trombone in the face or a singer/sax player knocking themselves out on the head-stock of the bass (not always a bad thing). I'm dancing inside
  8. Big Marquee in farm field. Another new dep played and although the overall band sound was a bit dodgy there were some nice things happening. Importantly the punters were pleased.
  9. My LH changes all the time depending on things like position on neck, style e.g. walking bass vs slap vs octaves vs tempo etc bla bla. Never really thought about it until this thread.
  10. Aside from the music - can you understand what Jools is saying in between songs? His diction is awful for a TV presenter. Just don't get what he says. While we're at it - same for that Dara O Brien guy. They both eat their words. Or maybe its my hearing...
  11. [quote name='Dan Dare' timestamp='1474659492' post='3139745'] I had a L2000 Tribute for about a year. Wonderfully versatile tonally, well built (a touch heavy but no bad thing in a bass) and people commented on how good it sounded. However, having played a J Bass for more than 30 years, I really couldn't get on with the neck. It was flat and wide and just didn't suit me. I really tried to get on with it - it was much more versatile than my Jazz and perfect as one instrument to cover all the basses (pun intended) and saved me taking more than one instrument out with me. Eventually, I gave up and got an active P Bass Special, which feels like my Jazz and covers what I need. I have to admit it doesn't have quite the tonal range of the G&L, but it's got enough. Sold the G&L. Shame. It was a great instrument, but just not for me. [/quote] Exactly the same experience. It was great in the studio - really quiet electrics - just not a Jazz bass feel. Do miss it though.
  12. Wanted to share the horns. Someone recorded bits of the gig (on a phone) with reasonable quality. First track was a surprise that i hadn't played in years. Drummers count-in between breaks was interesting. 6 one time, 5 the next? [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-4VrxeQ-3Y[/media] Second track - not cool but the punters love it. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WI_dLAbBEf4[/media]
  13. Years ago in a galaxy far etc etc i did this in a band. Can't remember how we played it though.
  14. Horn section turned up impromptu at gig. This tune was announced, I'd last played it about 12 years ago! Eeks, count of 6 at the end of the "verse" - blagged it a bit. They have threatened to come along again (have known trombone player for ages) - that would be so good. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-4VrxeQ-3Y[/media]
  15. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1474224517' post='3136366'] Last November our singer was diagnosed with what the docs thought was pancreatic cancer & had his op on dec 20th 2015. Came out of it OK and we thought we would be in maintain mode for two or three months. Found out he had lesions on his lymph glands & he underwent some major chemo and radiation therapy. Looked like a walking corpse. W did a benefit gig for him In late July and he got up and did a couple of songs and seemed like he was doing better. Three weeks later the docs confirmed he was 10)% clear! YAY!! So last night was our first gig back with the regular lineup. Could not have been a better one. A club at one of those caravan and chalet holiday park venues in Northamptonshire, where we played to an absolutely packed house, who really made the night. Up and dancing to the first song, lengthy applause after each and every tune and THREE encore at the end of the night. I was pissed off - knackered and way past my bedtime. A great welcome back gig for Paul. Oh and we were offered 3 gigs for next year on the strength of it. Ker-ching. [/quote] Nice ending. Hats off to you for supporting your singer.
  16. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1474194325' post='3136109'] Oh I got that, but it just sounds very much like me years ago, when I was holding myself back from doing what I wanted to do because I felt I couldn't do it. Not necessarily that (which I get isn't the sort of music he wants to play anyway), but there are a load of fast bits in other songs that are nice to plays, which I have heard time and again (and done myself) people saying they are too fast or too tricky, and given up without starting. I guess I am just replying to any previous me's out there who are doing the same as I was. Don't get me wrong, I am not very fast or good, but I have been a lot better since I decided not to hold myself back from trying! [/quote] I'm a "previous you" and completely get what you are saying. We can all do it (to varying degrees) if we put the practice in. There are songs i play now that a few years ago would have seemed overwhelming. Woodinblack is right - its as simple as changing your mind and then doing the work. No black magic involved. That said, if you are happy doing what you are doing then the above is irrelevant
  17. I enjoyed it up to a point. The setting up of the groove is great - the solo playing over the top after is a bit patchy, at least for my ears. That said, hats off to the guy he's having a ball!
  18. I've got 2 goto basses out of 6. You may be right about culling the herd. I'm thinking of selling 4 and buying 1 nice one to replace them. 3 basses seems about the right number. 1 pickup bass in the house for grabbing and playing/recording when needed and 2 for gigging?
  19. Quincy Jones - Quintessesnce...
  20. Had the pleasure of a horn section joining us tonight. They'd worked out some great parts. What a treat.
  21. The guitarist owns the PA as he has another sideline as a solo entertainer. Our singer has monitors and mics. I never use PA so don't feel i need to contribute to its upkeep. h If i were a singer i'd get a PA. everyone else in the band buys their own stuff. Y not the singist?
  22. 35 years yep - 35 at Harewood Youth Club in Bournemouth playing in a rock band of sorts. Someones dad took the drums and amps. We took a shortcut through a cemetery carrying the guitars whilst swigging cider. Dripping in patchouli oil and leathered up with studded wristbands we were going to rock the sh*t out of the crowd. A friend (who i went on to be best man for) had to hold onto the drums as they were sliding across the polished stage. I got to be Lemmy as we played "Ace of Spades" also got to kiss a lovely blonde girl. Full frenchy and didn't come up for air for at least 5 minutes. Yikes the germs! Crikey hand't thought about all that for ages.
  23. Et toi dead dog BB
  24. Me too. Bound to be hanging around if there's blues n beer
  25. Got one of these - great feel/neck. Its done loads of gigs and has always done a great job. Badass bridge for chrisake!
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