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Everything posted by BottomE

  1. JJ who has still got a killer sound (at least in 2011) when saw him last. The guy from Elvis Costellos Attractions - great technique. Norman of Blockheads fame - quite groovy form this genre. Never really enjoyed Foxton though lots have included him. For me his tone wasn't great - technique nothing special - haircut by mum.
  2. Ah Paris. Lucky chap. Back between 2000 and 2005 i used to spend a lot of time in this place: [url="http://www.studiolunarossa.com/Luna_Rossa-Studio_de_repetition_a_Paris/Studio_Luna_Rossa.html"]http://www.studiolunarossa.com/Luna_Rossa-Studio_de_repetition_a_Paris/Studio_Luna_Rossa.html[/url]
  3. Good 4 you. Being such a hussy means you often find tunes that are fun to play and a challenge outside of the stuff you would naturally gravitate towards.
  4. Not particularly great technical playing but a great start to a classic tune. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsSoDsxB7Yo"]https://www.youtube....h?v=XsSoDsxB7Yo[/url]
  5. Yes, love his videos - not so keen on the gloves
  6. The original question was "what does he do well?" which i understood to mean what has he done well as not aware if he is producing as much output as in the past. At the time his bass lines must have been truly innovative as a lot of tunes were mainly root and 5. He articulated melody/counter melody with his lines which was a large component of the Beatles being able to write more interesting tunes. It was different and he did it well. We all have so many references now and with YouTube we can access different styles and genres in a flash. Back in his heyday there was none of that which makes his style and the ability to pull it off all the more impressive. So for me, what he did well was melody and innovation.
  7. Heres my rig modelled by our singer.
  8. Lots of love from here too. Just added a Sly and the Family Stone tune to the set list - goes down well and is probably one of the funkiest tunes we play. Has a great groove with the spaces in exactly the right place
  9. I met Gouldman in 2011 when he was gigging (along with Kiki Dee, Paul Young and some other names from the past - it was with Spike Edneys All Stars. He seemed as keen as ever to get on stage and do his thing and quite spritely.
  10. Saturday night boob fest at popular cocktail bar in centre of town. We've had a residency at this place since 2008 - lots of dancing and partying - gave out a few cards - 2 encores - job done
  11. Get to work then young man. Do you play in a band?
  12. Always found them too distinctive in sound and by that definition a bit limiting. No doubt they have their place but if you are having to cover a lot of different genres in your playing they are not the ideal amp.
  13. Sorry Dad - disagree - if you are forking out money to do a gig you are paying to play regardless of how you define "self-promotion" - it has nothing to do with buying your own instruments etc. The equation is simple: We are being paid to do a gig = not paying to play We have to front the money to play the gig = paying to play
  14. there are so few venues now for original bands that this arrangement is a way of being able to gig with some like minded folks. Its a shame... Paying to play though is generally not a good idea.
  15. Depends on the style of music. Some genres like the one you went to see are suitable but many others would sound wrong without the mad person at the back.
  16. Good work mate. Nice playing, tone and bass. Keep it up.
  17. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1449239500' post='2921874'] [url="http://s1128.photobucket.com/user/h4ppyjack/media/Just%20Stuff/Music%20and%20Musicians/KissGoneWrong.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] Thats hillarious - is it for real?
  18. Yeah - he's sick (as my kids would say). Natural, melodic lines - doesn't overplay - bang on the money (literally). Whats not too like except the stoopid Hofner bass.
  19. We got asked back to the place we did last year - a posh yacht club in Lymington. They laid on a 3 course meal - provided a nice band room with soft and alchoholic drinks and paid in cash! It is very good money. If i wasn't gigging i wouldn't go out - much prefer to "work" NYE.
  20. Salut mon ami. Bienvenu a Basschat! I used to live in Paris on Rue Tolbiac nr Place d'Italie between 2000-2005. Happy days! I miss the cheese. Jerry
  21. Hello Basschatting Soundclouders. Keep up the good work - love listening to your tunes :-) Here is a little ditty that i've been working on which features my sketchy guitar playing for the first time. Apologies to proper guitarists. Disco music makes me smile and there were some great tracks back in the day. i found a nice vocal track on a sample CD which i thought would be ideal to write a disco groove underneath. Unfortunatley Cubase keeps crashing so i've done a quick export in case the project becomes unworkable. [url="https://soundcloud.com/bottome/ron-hall-disco-tune"]https://soundcloud.com/bottome/ron-hall-disco-tune[/url] Thank you
  22. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1449254101' post='2922037'] Here it is mate [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/156658-basschatters-soundcloud-accounts/"]http://basschat.co.u...cloud-accounts/[/url] It's a pinned thread in the "share your music" sub forum in "recording". [/quote] Ta very much
  23. The one i've been using for the last few years is a Focusrite Saffire 6 USB. Build quality was really important to me as i'm quite clumsy and this baby had a nice metal case - well put together and feels high quality. Dropped it onto a laminate floor from waist height (doh) and it works fine. I run it with Cubase on an old Windows 7 laptop and there is no noticeable latency. Drivers are excellent - support and documentation brilliant. My mate has an M-Audio which is plastic - it runs ok and does the job but it doesn't stack up against the Focusrite although the M-Audi is cheaper. This is probably the 2015 equivalent: [url="http://www.gak.co.uk/en/focusrite-saffire-pro-24/21435?gclid=CMzyyd7kwskCFUESGwod6ooIWw"]http://www.gak.co.uk/en/focusrite-saffire-pro-24/21435?gclid=CMzyyd7kwskCFUESGwod6ooIWw[/url] Highly recommended.
  24. Hi folks Not been on this part of forum for ages and was looking for the Basschatters Soundcloud thread. Where it be? Just wanted to share a little song writing exercise with y'all. [url="https://soundcloud.com/bottome/ron-hall-disco-tune"]https://soundcloud.com/bottome/ron-hall-disco-tune[/url] Cubase keeps crashing on this project now so did an export although not finished. Thank you JErry
  25. Oasis - saw them in Paris about 2004 when they were supporting Neil Young who was also crap. What a terrible gig. Both bands way to loud - no finesse and just sounded the same from start to finish. My mate persuaded me to go as I'd already decided that big venue gigs were a bit of a waste of time and this just confirmed it.
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