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Everything posted by BottomE

  1. Cabs are TC Electronic RS212 and RS210 both 8 ohm rated at 400 watts
  2. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1389101054' post='2329864'] Then I'll throw some more spanners in the works: Markbass TTE500 GK MB Fusion 500 Ampeg SVT 7 Pro [/quote] Oh dear. Now I'm fooked. Confused of Bournemouth
  3. [quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1389037952' post='2329195'] Tecamp puma 500 at £600 from Thomann with a 3 year warranty is a worthy contender here. I recently acquired the puma 900 and its a fantastic piece of kit. best amp i have had the pleasure of playing through. [/quote] Damn, I'd nearly made my mind up.
  4. Thanks. I am a pretty quiet player, more likely to be told to turn volume up rather than down. Most gigs I use only one cab running at 8 ohms. No effects or eq boost except what is on my onboard active preamp and am more likely to cut frequencies than boost. The 9.2 is looking good.
  5. Both my 8 ohm cabs are rated at 400 watts each. Do you think that they will handle the shuttle 9.2 safely?
  6. So far the Genz Benz Shuttle 6.0 is looking favourite.
  7. Googling some of the suggestions. Thanks folks..
  8. [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1388951502' post='2328084'] this is totally the reason i went out and got a terror bass, saw a pink band and fell in love! i cant recommend the terrors enough, would be a 500w version for you budget but that will be loud as hell! also the gk mb heads are really nice. andy [/quote] They had one of those in one of the local stores. It was loud but I found it limited tonally. Need something more flexible.
  9. Not many shops to choose from round these parts unfortunately. Any thoughts on Ampeg?
  10. Didn't think I had until I saw an advert for a Yamaha BB1100s recently. Had one in the early 90s and it was the first quality bass I'd owned. So I bought it and was really glad I did.
  11. Surprised at how busy it was. First weekend after New Year is normally dead. Last night was heaving and folks were really up for it.
  12. Surprised at how busy it was. First weekend after New Year is normally dead. Last night was heaving and folks were really up for it.
  13. Ta folks. Prefer to buy amps new. Amps are probably the only bit of bass gear (as well as strings) that I insist on owning from new.
  14. Got a Snark footpedal tuner for Christmas. Used it twice on gigs. Bloody brilliant. Highly recommended.
  15. Thanks. Main reason for change is to get something whilst the funds are available and partly bored with my setup. Whilst I've been really impressed with Little Mark just want something different.
  16. Hello folks Time to replace my Little Mark II amp which has been brilliant over the last few years. Criteria: reliability, ability to run at 4 and 8 ohms, lightweight. Cabs can handle about 750 watts at 4 ohms. Mainly playing without a PA so needs to have clarity at reasonable volume. Ideas welcome. Thank you.
  17. Been away from,BC for some time. Hope you folks are well. Yes, love to. Either date looks good. Last venue was good but cold.
  18. Its all one and the same depending on the tangent
  19. This is a track that my brother recorded in his home studio and asked me to do some bass on. Great fun. https://soundcloud.com/bottome/rio-funk-si-jerry-v2
  20. Gotta be Warwick gear for me. Amps and cabs are awful and basses so one dimensional. Got mates who swear by them but just can't even pretend to like them.
  21. Watched the whole thing and my order of preference would be - Jazz, Stingray, P-Bass, Bongo To my ears the Jazz sounds best in most of the clips (EDIT for stupidity)
  22. Getting everyone pulling in the same direction is about the hardest thing to achieve in a band.
  23. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1376255597' post='2171480'] I think if you read a lot of interviews with session musicians they all come up with pretty much the same answers. They play something that fits. The artist either likes it or asks for them to play something differently. The key is that you are able to interpret what the artist wants. Then they leave the studio and hear the finished article later and think 'oh, I should have played this...' The main issue is often they're only given guide vocals and/or rhythm so the option of dissecting a tune based on whole arrangements isn't there. [/quote] The point at which the bass track goes down really has an impact. If you record with just guitar and drums you might want to fill out a bit whereas with a lot more going on you might be more inclined to keep it simple.
  24. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1376245733' post='2171283'] Four areas I`d look at: Compression More mids on your eq Less bass on the guitars eq Play these runs an octave lower, it`s a bass! [/quote] I'd agree with the first 3 but hey guys lets have a little more love for the dusty bit of the neck please. I know what the OP means and to some degree i have stopped fiddling up around past 12th fret in a gig cos there is a lot of competition for those frequencies. You can control your own EQ but (unfortunately) not that of everyone else. Maybe having fixed arrangements to tunes might helps cos you will know when there is a potential bit of space to play with. Just ask nicely that others don't fill that space too.
  25. [quote name='barneyg42' timestamp='1376152966' post='2170332'] I wondered if I was on the wrong forum for a moment............... [/quote] hehe i thought i was at the wrong gig. Outrageous and there are pics out there somewhere. Love to see them.
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