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Everything posted by BottomE

  1. Stonking gig last night. A lovely girl of about 20 ish came on stage and started dancing with me . She was grinding behind me then she got on her knees and started to do a hero worship thing at me bowing to the floor hands outstretched. Made my night. Thursdays gig was a great outdoor gig on Poole quay - big yachts, fireworks, BBQs - great family evening. Two great gigs in a row = happy boy.
  2. Had a Stingray that was a 2 EQ version with maple neck. Nice bass. However, it had a weak "G" string which is apparently a known issue. Also struggled to get it to sit in the mix as well as other basses. Definitely had its own tone and was well built and highly playable but not as flexible as some other basses that i have used so ended up swapping it out for a Fretless Jazz Bass.
  3. Possibly the greatest thread on Basschat? People making music instead of talking about making music Nice idea Mornats. Here is a ditty from a really good friend. He writes loads of tunes then calls me to go and play bass on his ideas. Lets Get it Down [url="https://soundcloud.com/bottome/lets-get-it-down"]https://soundcloud.com/bottome/lets-get-it-down[/url]
  4. Done so many covers over the years that a lot of the time i can visualise the chord changes. Play the track on stereo whilst driving and then just imagine where the next chord is. Add to this that if you have a starting key, the minor/major stuff works itself out by just knowing a tiny bit of theory. Some songs are just weird but you get a sense from listening to them and do a bit of a run through alongside YouTube to get it. Works most of the time but have been caught out on occasion. Then i find its best just to stare at the keyboard player and pretend that its their fault.
  5. Yep, been on a thread like this in the past. It matters not what is on the headstock. Its all about the output. Having a load of basses/effects can confuse the issue. I have 6 basses at the moment and record almost every day. Unless i actually put the name of the bass on the recording i often struggle to know which is which.
  6. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1374785377' post='2153293'] Discuss please. [/quote] Ok then. Good quality strings sound great when old. Low quality strings sound crap when old. Might depend on your style of playing, pick/fingers/slap or the genre of music. Personally, i love older strings - they are more predictable, better on the fingers and less "zippy".
  7. Cocktail bar wall to wall with MILF. Got asked to do this gig with some of my band and a bit of someone elses. So, bit out of comfort zone. Learned a big lesson. My band spend a lot of time getting things right for gigs. Yet we turn up last night and blag our way through and get an equally good reaction. Moral of the story is that rehearsing is a waste of time...
  8. I have a soundbar - quality is bad but good enough for most things if that makes sense...
  9. Take up a martial art - get a black belt and then kick the **** outta anyone who complains. I lived in France a while back in one of those old style apartments that have windows facing onto an inner courtyard. You couldn't help but see into other peoples flats and hear what was going on. It could get pretty hectic but nobody cared. So move to France?
  10. good old juicy thread this one. We have to supply a PA for most of our gigs. The one that we have won't handle bass and the monitors are too weak so thats why i use an amp. I like to be able to control what i hear on stage and know that i can reliably dial a tone that i am comfortable with on my own gear. If we are playing with a big PA i still bring my rig as a sort of comfort blanket. Even on some impressive PAs i've played through the bass sounds a bit "wrong" out of the monitors. Perhaps it is something you can get used to? I do like the sound from my rig too and it would be a compromise to downgrade it.
  11. Don't care and my opinion is not valid.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KC-PLSkQn0
  13. Can you think of one? I"ll start you with: The Four Seasons: The Night Nancy Sinatra: These Boots Were Made for Walking
  14. Salam a lickem Welcome to Basschat. Spent a lot of time in Dubai, Oman, Abu Dhabi etc playing the posh hotels in the early 90's before the Ruskies and Flip bands spoiled it all.
  15. Nice wedding in a very pretty village out near Winchester. Set the sound limiter off on the first dance - the drummer was using brushes. I aint a fan of playing loud but this thing was very sensitive. Straight into the van and got a FO extension and ran the bands power from a different circuit
  16. Lets hear it for the BadAss. Great bridges.
  17. Just given up the fags so looking for inspiration here. Got some electronic thingies charging in the USB right now and a gig tonight so will see how it pans out. Used to like a Jamaican Woodbine so just bought a bullet pipe to ingest that type of stuff. Oh, and always a black coffee and a few fingers of brandy/armagnac...
  18. Hi from fellow Bournemouth bass player!
  19. Being paranoid by nature i noticed that one of my songs on Soundcloud has been twittered and am wondering what is being said. Is there any way of finding out without joining the infernal thing/ I thank you. Jerry
  20. A midi file quickly imported into Cubase and you have an immediate groove to jam to. Great way to spend the winter hours... Heres a stab at a Lee Ritenour tune just for the hell of it http://soundcloud.com/bottome/rio-funk
  21. Too much volume always seems to be a way of compensating for other more nuanced stuff that should be going on in music. Even rock I can't think of any useful reason for playing too loud, especially in a rehearsal space.
  22. Sounds a bit sad and desperate. Like they have no faith in their own ability so are trying to get a lift on the back of others peoples efforts.
  23. Hey folks, New jam session at home using finger style, muting, slapping and a finger nail as a plectrum - all in 2 minutes Its a David Sanborn tune that i have murdered without any reference to the original. http://soundcloud.com/bottome/chicago-song Jerry
  24. The way i see it is that all my favourite players use 4 stringers and get fantastic grooves, feel, sound etc out of them. If its good enough for them... I went 5's for a while. Liked the flexibility and didn't struggle with the transition - just felt wrong. Flogged 'em all and now back to a herd of 4's.
  25. Not sure if i qualify but couldn't resist such a tempting thread title.
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