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Everything posted by BottomE

  1. Ok, its not a combo but for a really flexible setup I've gone for a Little Mark II head and TC 212 and TC210 cabs. Most gigs i only need one cab. I can get everything in to the gig in one trip from the car
  2. thanks skol. Bask away i shall. Its actually getting more and more hits. Daily rate is up to around 120 hits and in 70+ countries now! Thing is, if i do a search in Soundcloud with either the title of the track or my artist name i cannot find it so i can't understand how anyone else can find it
  3. Hi folks i wondered if anyone can solve a little riddle? I put a track on Soundcloud as normal. Shared it in the Basschat Soundcloud group and thought nothing more of it. I have done this a few times in the past. I logged on to Soundcloud a couple of days ago and was amazed to see that it has been listened to over 650 times in over 60 countries! How do people find it? I am curious to know how it is being shared really. Many thanks Jerry
  4. hello fellow soundclouders Just a question about the stats on Soundcloud. How accurate are they? I have no reason to believe them to be inaccurate except my latest upload has been listened to (apparently) by loads of people all over the world! I have put about 12 tracks up and they haven't generated many hits. The last track i put up has generated more than all the others combined! The only link to it is from here... Any ideas?
  5. Just murdered another tune Features tasteless slapping and fumbling trying to change sound halfway through the song. There are so many options on this G&L Tribute that its a work in progress. http://soundcloud.com/bottome/hideaway
  6. Thank you i am just looking at my holes and they look different Shame . Jerry
  7. Just received a lovely old Yammy from Bobby on which he has done a great job of refurbishing. Packed to withstand an atom bomb and arrived ahead of schedule. Communication was fantastic the whole way through this very efficient trade and i take my hat off to Bobby for being a real gent. Thanks Bobby
  8. i ain't surprised given that it is a public forum. So far i have been extremely fortunate with trades.
  9. My mum and dad got me a gig bag which is really a big leather sports holdall with various pockets. Its fab and holds all my spares - straps, tuners, strings, screwdrivers, batteries, leads, set lists, mascots and emergency ciggy papers. Had it for a few years and still going strong.
  10. Yummy yummy. You have done a great job! I also had one of these a long time ago and really really tempted and not just for nostalgia. They have great electrics too. Thing is I need to let one go as the Fuhrer is operating a one in and one out policy PM sent
  11. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1359310937' post='1952905'] It's nothing new. People have been shredding in their bedrooms for years. [/quote] Trying so hard to resist...
  12. I've learned a lot from t'internet. Certainly more than from some useless teachers that i have been stupid enough to pay. Overall i don't think it harms anyone. I like Marlowe a lot - always comes across as a decent chap and hes given a lot of time and effort. Is it a substitute for proper learning and accumulation of knowledge. No, but it is a useful tool.
  13. That bass looks tiny up against that guy. Smooth grooving. (Little bit bored of the constant guitar breaks going through the song)
  14. A massive + 1 for the Tribute range. Outstanding basses. I've yet to see a bad one. Is there anything at their price range that's better?
  15. Seems that you all have different approaches. Some of the stuff my band mates suggest is bizarre. Being an unashamed whoring covers band i believe that we should play songs that are well known. Seems simple to me. We have had stuff suggested that you can't even find on YouTube! WTF. What is the point of playing things people won't recognise?
  16. How do you choose the songs that you are going to learn, rehearse and ultimately gig? Do you reach consensus or is there a dictator? What criteria do you factor in? Is it about the quality of the song or is it about the popularity and potential audience satisfaction? An example i can give you is that our girl singer asked if we could have a go at a Bruno Mars song. On listening i can see why she suggested it as the line up suits the band, he sings like a girl and it appears to be very popular. However another member of the band says its only popular with 13 year old girls and it sounds like The Poilce
  17. Can't say i ever do that. Nah. Rarely drink any booze during gigs just water. I did it once a long time ago and Norris McWhirter was in the audience.
  18. [quote name='mushers' timestamp='1358441448' post='1939265'] because the guitarist said so [/quote] hehe i asked for that.
  19. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1358379739' post='1938397'] 1973 black Fender Jazz Bass with black blocked neck Hotpoint washing machine. [/quote] . Gotta get me one of those Hotpoints.
  20. [quote name='razze06' timestamp='1358440882' post='1939246'] Some of RHCP's offerings from Blood Sugar Sex Magic were pretty funky, and not 70's at all! [/quote] Hmm - i think we can agree to differ on that one How about The Meters? Ok, its the 70's but would suit your lineup. Sly and the Family Stone? Rocky but funky as...oh thats the 70s too!
  21. Bb! Love the key and if you have ever played with a horn section you will know it well Just to clear my own ignorance, why do you have to de-tune?
  22. I voted "no" although i do have a fiddle with the filters on the LMII amp from time to time which might count? But no pedals or rack stuff.
  23. I loved the ambivalence from French shop staff when i lived there. We had a guy in our local France Telecom shop who learned to swear in English just so he could have a right pop at me. It was great as he would rant at me in Clouseau type swearing then i would correct him when he got something wrong which made him madder until he slipped back into his native tongue. Then there was the baker who would always ask me to repeat my order even though i bought pretty much the same thing every day. After about a year i plucked up courage and asked them why they did this. They said it was because they liked my "naughty little English accent" Vivre la Republique
  24. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1357401065' post='1922130'] Shouldn't we all be getting on with some serious study and practice rather than spending our time and money concerning ourselves so deeply with minutiae of guitar/amp/speaker construction? [/quote] Study doesn't have to be serious
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