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Everything posted by BottomE

  1. Don't you find though that when in a live situation with a band a lot of the nuances that you get from your electrics get lost in the mix? Then what is left is your style and feel which will be the same, especially to 99% of the audience, irrespective of which amp or pickups or whatever else you might use. Its easy to get hung up on a "sound" but actually its a style and feel thats more important
  2. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1353088886' post='1871606'] I'm a big believer in the sound being primarily in your hands... [/quote] So true. It takes a lot of money and time to get to this conclusion
  3. I'm with Luke. It's only gear after all. No matter what its worth there are far more important things in life to enjoy - most are free
  4. [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1353086061' post='1871550'] am gutted to have to say this but due to sudden fiancal problems i cant afford to take my pay for the diesel to get me there and back so im gonna have to pull out! sorry to do it last minute hope alot of ppl still turn out andy [/quote] shame - i'll take some pics so you can see what you missed
  5. Getting half a monkey just thinking about it
  6. Hi Gary have fun and see you around on the forum. Jerry
  7. Don't watch it so can't comment as i am always out gigging Just wanted to add that we were supported by an X Factor or similar show type person recently who was really nice, turned up with a small band and knew a bit about music too.
  8. Used to play every day (for years) but about a month ago a job change means i have been focused elsewhere. Only doing a few hours between gigs. I miss it a lot but also find that i am (IMHO of course) making progress. On the upside i am a lot more energised for the gigs and a bit more sociable as i am able to talk to people about things that aren't just bass (he said on a bass forum)
  9. It was amazing. The band really grooved tonight and it showed with a full dance-floor and lots of wobbly people. Nice.
  10. Running and maintaining a successful band (however you define that) Is a lot harder than peeps imagine. In theory, its simple. Good luck mate. Something will come up.
  11. Good stuff. Just checked out the 1 and 3 as couldn't find 2. He always comes across well in interviews. Interesting guy. Saw him in mid 80s. Great band of multi instrumentalists with him.
  12. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1351874308' post='1856512'] maybe getting a lesson from a guitarist isn't such a bad thing? i know some guitarists that are really good on bass, and they well tell you if you are picking up bad habits from not getting proper lessons. [/quote] Sorry but i am gonna disagree with this. It should be a lot different getting lessons from someone who is primarily a bass player than someone who is primarily a guitarist. The role of bass in any ensemble/band/group whatever you want to call it is very different to that of a guitar and in some ways the teacher should convey that whole approach throughout the teaching rather than just a few licks that sound good on bass and guitar. You might be lucky but i would think you would be better off finding a decent bass teacher who is also a bass player.
  13. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1351804104' post='1855730'] I was just about to question that. Reckon you meant this one: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aataTbxlWeM[/media] [/quote] have to be quick around here
  14. oops wrong song - sorry
  15. Agreed its a great bass part. Have you seen this killer version? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJPOGeOXNiE&feature=fvst
  16. "Oh were you in the band?" is what i normally get
  17. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1351757127' post='1854909'] When I had a Marshall 412 I kept it in the boot of my car. I figured, at 50kg, even if someone broke into the car, unless they had a vehicle, they wouldn`t be able to steal it as it was too big/heavy. [/quote] When my car was broken into a few years back they nicked everything except the cab In answer to your post I'd be delighted if some of the band would carry my gear about for me. If you can crank it up at home you might miss it - if not let your mate do it.
  18. [quote name='oldslapper' timestamp='1351708908' post='1854502'] Just waiting for York5stringer to return from a trip, then we'll decide on the choice of venues we're looking at. Sorry for delay, but the venue choice is largely dependant on numbers committed to come. But it's happening for sure on Sunday 18th 12-4 p.m. and likely to be in Sherborne. John. [/quote] Cool. Lovely Sherborne Castle. Just checked and its shut after Oct 28th .
  19. Have we got a venue yet? I have defo got the day off (double checked with all diaries). Can't wait. It'll be fun.
  20. They are mechanical children. Poor little buggers. I really hope they are enjoying themselves but i fear not.
  21. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1351279745' post='1849746'] Here we are having fun at a festival this summer: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vb2YxSuW1mI&feature=plcp[/media] [/quote] scary guy at 1:14 looks like he's taken something and having a good ole chew
  22. Hi You're braver than me as i never did an intro I'll watch your gear list grow now you are a member. Have fun Jerry
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