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Everything posted by BottomE

  1. I was in a band years ago where it was such mayhem - all the songs were too fast and too loud - that i decided to do a little experiment. During some of the songs i started playing random bum notes out of time. I looked up hoping that someone would notice but no, not a tickle or a twitch. I quit that band the following day.
  2. You are the bass player. Unless you sh*t yourself and then caught fire nobody will notice.
  3. Could always swap you for my DR Hi Beams that still sound a bit too bright for my liking and thats after about 8 months of daily use! I am off to get another set just now. DRs have had a bit of a slagging on this site but to me they are the most reliable long lasting strings i have ever tried.
  4. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1347605582' post='1802895'] An update: The promoter messaged me apologising profusely again and promising a gig in the near future at full whack, In the meantime I got in touch with a new venue and we got a gig there on Saturday at the double the money we would've! Win-win! [/quote] There you go. Lifes too short to go chasing around and dwelling in the negative. Full power to you.
  5. Dark suit - polished shoes - great shirt - sometimes a tie. I have a loverly black shirt with sequins that shine in the stage lights. Yeah baby - its nice to feel good on stage. We charge a lot of money for gigs so turning up in a pair of jeans is a no-no for us. Will do jeans and a t-shirt for pub gigs but don't do many of those these days (although doinf one tonight)
  6. [quote name='lettsguitars' timestamp='1347524859' post='1801886'] Get over it man. sh*t happens! You have no contract with the guy and the venue world is full of twats which you should be aware of by now if you are at the point in your career of being able to demand a fee for playing what I assume is original material. [/quote] ^ this in bucket loads. Nice post. Once you have been around the block you will develop a sixth sense for these guys.
  7. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1347360193' post='1799701'] They did actually mention that they would like to do it at some stage. [/quote] I wonder what stage. Is that the stage where they rejoin reality.
  8. [quote name='lettsguitars' timestamp='1347351910' post='1799575'] I wouldn't dream of asking an auditionee to pay their share. That's just f***ing rude and they should have recieved a slap in the bollocks instead. [/quote] Nail and Head. The effing cheek. I would also of set fire to them and cut the brake pipes on their vehicles. Run away as fast as possible and don't look back.
  9. [quote name='Panamonte' timestamp='1347275749' post='1798624'] Good on you! The Major's Bass Boot Camp over in the Theory & Technique section here is a fantastic resource - well worth checking out. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/74284-the-majors-bass-boot-camp-session-index-1-36/"]http://basschat.co.u...ion-index-1-36/[/url] [/quote] +10000 - great bloke too
  10. Good luck mate. I used to have a little rehearsal studio in Bournemouth called Pastorious Studios . I was far too lenient with the bands and ended up chasing people all over for money. It was a major PITA but all totally my own fault for being too nice. Nowadays we rehearse in an Estate Agents shop. Its free and has a water cooler thingy and we can photocopy stuff. These days local rehearsal facilities are quite upmarket - least round here and charge between £25-30 per night. For that type of money i think you should expect a decent backline and kit with a PA and mixer in a clean sound prepared room thats big enough.
  11. Friday - regular gig that was well attended. Got some local (musical) talent up on stage too for a laugh and it went down well. I was sandwiched between two girl singers - it was a tough job but somebody had to do it. Saturday - wedding in a marquee in da countryside. Even had a stage but they'd forgotten that bands need electricity so we had to rig something up pretty quickly which was effectively millions of plugs going into one socket. That said, there were some spectacular ladies jigging about a foot away from me and gotta admit that i can't remember many of the tunes we played. Rant - outside catering. There was a company doing the food in a side tent attached to the marquee. They were making coffees and i had the audacity to ask if i could possibly have one. The boss gave me a face and said that if there was any left over and if he remembered then he might. FFS its a coffee. There was loads of it and they had to pour a jug and a half away - but they didn't offer any. Why is it that some people are such a**holes?
  12. Salut Franck Ca va? I lived in Paris between 2000 and 2005 in the 13eme - rue Tolbiac. I miss it. I played in a funk band in Paris and we used to rehearse down at the Luna Rossa studios close to Biblioteque. Bienvenu a Basschat mon ami. Jerry
  13. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' timestamp='1347143015' post='1797462'] Tear Your Playhouse Down - Paul Young - cover of a song by Ann Peebles [/quote] Wow Ann Peebles. Thanks for the reminder. Gonna play "I Can't Stand the Rain". What a sound.
  14. I've seen Play That Funky Music attributed to The Average White Band
  15. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1347114729' post='1797119'] Moving swiftly on... Matt had a Markbass combo (don't know which one but it had a single 10" speaker) that made my Overwater sound lurvely. FIrst time I've heard one and I did like it. [/quote] Yeah moving on. I hope Bert doesn't give lessons. The Markbass stuff is lovely. So transparent that you probably heard what your bass is meant to sound like. And soooooo good for your back.
  16. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1347049684' post='1796552'] ( I V IV progressions can't be done in Bb though. You'll need to transpose to F#. Matt will teach you. He knows these things. ) best, bert [/quote] eh?
  17. [url="http://music.cbc.ca/#/blogs/2012/8/Take-5-top-5-bass-players-in-Canada"]http://music.cbc.ca/#/blogs/2012/8/Take-5-top-5-bass-players-in-Canada[/url]
  18. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1343504368' post='1751576'] I think the notes in the bridge section should be semitones descending from the Db, Tenths work nicely. Good stuff though. Garry [/quote] Tried it and you were bang on
  19. Hats off to you i can't work out how to video myself at all . The bass sounds nice. I found the balance between the bass and the recorded track was out of kilter. The bass is too loud or the backing is too quiet. Getting the balance in the mix with the other instruments and/or recording will make it much more comfortable for you to play along with (and hide some mistakes if you're lucky). 8 months in you are doing great. One thing i picked up was that it appears that you're right hand appears to be working hard (when doing the octaves) and you could try not to lift your plucking hand so high. If you can do this now it will pay dividends in the long run because you will be more efficient between the strings. Keep up the good work. Look forward to the next one. Love the dog.
  20. I have a TC 210 that i bought 2 years ago. It is a rough finish. I believe that the smooth finish is the newer model. I like a bit of rough
  21. We are in the "Genre Inspired" errm genre. Our specialty seems to be obscure covers from little known 70s and 80s bands with the occasional well known dance tune thrown in.
  22. I bought an EBS Multicomp and put it in the effects loop of a Little Mark II amp. It is quite easy to use and if i weren't as lazy as i am i would probably stick with it. The overall effect wasn't a wow thing at all. It was pretty subtle but i can see certain scenarios where it could be useful. To me it was noticeably more effective in the loop than just running my bass straight into it and then the pedal into the amp.
  23. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1346867110' post='1794282'] Depends whether or not they're degrading ... [/quote] ^ makes me want the "Like" button to come back.
  24. FFS 12 pages boys and girls and not locked. Impressive.
  25. It was a great dance and party fest at a local cocktail bar near the sea front. Lots of dancing from the off and some loverly ladies shaking much booty. Its one of the best gigs in town and was absolutely packed all night. We have been doing the gig regularly for about 4 years now and it just gets better and better. Groovy times...
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