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Everything posted by BottomE

  1. My first "proper" gig was Thin Lizzy so that would be our Phil on bass.
  2. If someone buys it around that price i'd say they deserve it
  3. Never ever seen one like that! Welcome.
  4. Instrument insurance isn't worth anything. I have looked into it and asked a lot of questions to potential insurers. Turns out that apart from accidental damage the instruments aren't insured against much - certainly not from being nicked from the car or stage - now heres the killer bit - [b]unless supervised[/b] What does that mean? So, if you are watching your instrument and someone nicks it then you can make a claim! FFS what is the point in that. I'd rather sic my dog on the thieving bugger or twat em with a mic stand.
  5. BottomE


    [quote name='Castagné' timestamp='1346261803' post='1787212'] There's an obvious filiation between all these cats for me : I mean, there are all simple but not simplistic, serious groover , "sober" but never boring...that's what I wanna find & like in bass line... [/quote] I think you described the essence of good bass playing brilliantly.
  6. Welcome to Basschat B
  7. First dance for a wedding - Celine Dion | Power of Love ...awful just awful
  8. Its sooooooo last century
  9. The power of music eh. Great story. He hasn't got a friend in the Jamaican Woodbine business has he?
  10. I think you get a sense pretty quickly if the song is or isn't going to work. Our approach is to gig a song a couple of times because sometimes with the levels of energy at a gig a song that might have been a bit lame during rehearsal seems to work out. If it doesn't work out naturally after it has been gigged a couple of times we drop it and move on. After all, there are a lot of songs to pick from.
  11. I think since hes paying the wages he has a say. Funny though. I know of guitar shops that ban certain tunes - first time i have heard of a pub banning songs!
  12. I've developed some great hand and wrist strengthening exercises which i have been using for years, even before i started playing bass
  13. It'll be fun and if you can relax you can do all the normal wedding gig things like "tackle the buffet" and "oggle the bridesmaids".
  14. Hi Dean Welcome aboard B
  15. BottomE


    Hola amigo I like your list of Bass heroes. B
  16. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1345828649' post='1782197'] I think bands have a finite life but not many recognise this..or want to. [/quote] True that. If you loose the groove its time to move.
  17. Love to be able to do that. Gotta wait for the kids to grow up a bit. Nice one.
  18. I got rid of my "proper" US Fender when i managed to acquire one of these that had an Audere Preamp installed. Still have it and gets a lot of use. I got rid of the white Pickguard (oh why do they do white) and replaced with a Tort. This price is ridiculous.
  19. Bump - me bad timing otherwise you would have a deal.
  20. Wow - enjoy. Looking forward to your review.
  21. Funny how people approach this stuff differently. I shared my rig with someone on Saturday. Nice chap took a look at my amp during the soundcheck and couldn't understand why i had everything flat. I had taken a little bit of bass as the room was a bit boomy - other than that it was flat as the proverbial. Turns out this fellow does all his eq on the amp and has his bass flat out on everything. Works for him. I am completely opposite and like to have the amp as flat as poss. . Different strokes and all that.
  22. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1345572499' post='1779027'] What about D or Eb though? If you can get your head around a five all the notes are still there so you can still play songs you know as you always have and getting the open E and 5th fret B string is the easiest bit anyway so its no problem to play the E anyway if you feel it needs it [/quote] You're right Pete but my point was really how nice those open strings sound and not to avoid them just to make it easier to transpose. Unless you want to of course When you guys play Josie doesn't the open E sound lovely when pulling those double stops in the bassline?
  23. - 1 on the not playing open strings. To my ears open strings sound wonderful and allow your hands to go to all kinds of places on the fretboard - even the dusty bit. Learn to transpose the songs - it'll serve you well in the long run.
  24. Theres no logic to it and so many great basses to be had for around the £350 - £450 mark! I really don't understand the Mexican Fender price thing either. For generally rubbish quality basses they are seriously overpriced considering the Lakland Skyline and G&L Tribute series that completely blow them away in all aspects. I mean why? Just for a logo? Managed to get a Stingray, Black and Maple 2 EQ for just over £600 last year in original case. They can be found. Musicman quality control must be fantastic as this had a weak "G" and didn't sit in the mix like all the other Rays i have tried Its a really good market second hand if you have cash at the moment. Unfortunately, i just don't have GAS at the moment.
  25. [quote name='tinyd' timestamp='1345124481' post='1773869'] playing two strings at once - a 'two note chord ' if you like. I think the term is used a lot more for orchestral string instruments like violins etc, but it's appropriate for bass guitar as well. [/quote] Thanks. Strange terminology. I do this a lot playing parts of chords but don't see what stopping has to do with it? [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1345125017' post='1773886'] A place where you can get on or off more than one bus. [/quote] Don't give up your day job
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