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Everything posted by BottomE

  1. [quote name='interpol52' timestamp='1465676169' post='3070183'] Hello all, I've had to learn this for a dep. I'm surprised by how much love playing it. So simple, very Police but just great. Pick with a bit of bridge dampening, I love it. Had a go at Treasure too earlier which was also fun to play. He must be a closet bass player that Mr Mars. Anyone else play his stuff? [/quote] Yep do both of those. The reason we do them is that they work well live and peeps love em. Good songwriting in terms of verse, chorus, mid 8 so that a small band can do the tunes. Bass lines are not challenging but very distinctive. I use my nail instead of a plectrum and also do a little palm muting. One little annoyance is that in the verse of Treasure, the drums drop out a bit (i think he stops playing the hi-hat on the original). So i pointed this out to the drummer and remind him each time, after all it adds to the dynamics. Drummist just doesn't get it...
  2. Just a decaf coffee. Don't like to eat past 8pm. On a long distance gig i might pig out on some extra strong mints for the journey home.
  3. Feel for you Steve. Have had a similar ongoing complaint. Like above, i'd advise expert help although its pretty difficult and expensive once found. Painkillers and/or marijuana seem to be the most effective treatments for my personal circumstances.
  4. Focusrite - they've had (i know this is Windows and not crApple) drivers for Windows 10 for ages. My USB interface, Saffire Pro, is about 6 years old and they support every OS update. Bloody good quality interface as well.
  5. We binge on new songs though it can be a right faff agreeing on what material we are going to learn. That said, once agreed we try and nail 6 tunes at a time - 4 of them will probably make the set. We rehearse about once every two months. This means that in a year we are likely to add approx 24 new tunes to the repertoire which is almost 2 sets of material. This way we can add contemporary stuff if needed, cull older stuff that we are bored of, re-jig the order and dynamics of the set. That seems to work for us.
  6. 100's of gigs with Markbass stuff and not been an issue. The head rarely gets warm so i'd be surprised if it were amp related though worth checking. Like you i have TC cabs and they seem a good match at 4 ohms.
  7. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1465068039' post='3065132'] We`re doing a preamp/DI pedal shootout tomorrow at the Herts Bass Bash, the BDI21 being one of the pedals included. I`ll link the results to this topic. [/quote] Great, thanks.
  8. Is the overall opinion tipping towards "disappointing" rather than "positive"?
  9. Wow quite shocked by that! Looks like many years of experimentation have gone into getting a setup as complex as that. I wonder if there is stuff in there that isn't used? Where would you start if you were a non pedal user? Coming round to the idea of using some pedals (got a couple that live in my bag) but always worry about trying to problem solve if something goes wrong.
  10. Can always do both at the same time. Playing covers and originals isn't mutually exclusive.
  11. We did it be getting local gigs and then having a website and business cards. Peeps would approach after the gig and ask for a card which points them to the website. All gigs now are word of mouth fuelled by two residencies the band holds in venues in a busy seaside town. It takes time.
  12. My reservation is having loads of really good equipment being influenced by a £21 pedal - logically it appears to be a silly thing to do. That said, it might be great if its the sound you are after. As a back-up DI - why not? The first couple of YouTube vids didn't inspire but what constitutes a "good sound" is a personal thing. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nv1fcgUq2ng"]https://www.youtube....h?v=Nv1fcgUq2ng[/url] [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mrrrH7xcFE"]https://www.youtube....h?v=3mrrrH7xcFE[/url]
  13. Classy wedding in Surrey. Great people who'd laid on a hotel suite plus food and drinks for the band. Peeps up dancing right from the off. Sound limiter was in evidence but we didn't trip it. For me, the sound was great - nice balance. One of those gigs which remind you why you do it.
  14. Good drummer is like GOLD. I'm lucky in a couple of bands i work with great drummers and in these instances it pulls the whole thing together. However, in my main band hes a lovely guy but really inconsistent and "limited". Trouble is hes reliable and not bad enough for punters to notice - we get a lot of work and everyone likes him. Real dilemma. We play a lot of funky soul stuff and hes just not that type of guy. Whenever we get a dep the band is elevated to a new level and we are all conscious of this but after 9 years together and having tried everything to assist him he aint gonna change.
  15. Should be fine. I have an 8ohm 2 x10 and and 8 ohm 2 x 12 fed by my amp - MONSTER sound. Enjoy the power
  16. I am sure someone does
  17. Too many previous comments to read. Quick view. Thats about 2 hours too long for me, the audience and definitely the singer. I've seen some of my fav bands - top class acts - and have had enough after a couple of hours. Attention span is like that these days. I remember Marcus Miller coming to do an encore and thinking "no" thats enough, i want a crepe. During a few years of being pro and doing the 5* hotel circuit around the Middle East we had to do 4 x 45 minute sets. Felt a lot more like work than the 2 x 45 minute sets im doing tonight at a wedding.
  18. Instantly forgettable
  19. Some nice little touches on the aesthetics of the bass but how does it sound and play? We are none the wiser from that clip.
  20. [quote name='gs_triumph' timestamp='1462631403' post='3044545'] The strings do feel very toy don't they! [/quote] yeah - you'll get used to it with time. Definitely easier to write tunes on a guitar than a bass - stick with it. I use it for home recording and might put a guitar track down first as a guide. Another product of playing the guitar is scales over a wider range - this and playing chords gives you more ammo for your bass playing.
  21. Did the same thing recently. Good idea. Is strange playing a guitar after bass - feels like a kids toy but get used to it after a while.
  22. [quote name='Skybone' timestamp='1461880675' post='3038534'] I would have said that my old 4003 was the one that I'd keep, but I ended up having to sell it. I now have 2 RikenFaker's that are more than ample replacements for it. But I get the feeling that my "keeper" is the G&L L2000 Tribute I've been trying to sell for the last year or so. [/quote]Is it green?
  23. There is one that i think i will never sell. But never say never. In the wider scheme of things they are all replaceable. The downside of getting rid of one is balanced by the buzz of getting several in its place.
  24. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1461863930' post='3038346'] Originally played by Chuck Rainey on the superb Young Gifted and Black album. It's a great bass line and lots of fun to play. [/quote] indeed. Used to be a regular song in our set. Really helps if you have a nice swollen organ in the background...
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