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Everything posted by BottomE

  1. Hiya, [url="http://www.musicnotes.com/sheetmusic/mtdVPE.asp?ppn=MN0056090"]http://www.musicnotes.com/sheetmusic/mtdVP...p?ppn=MN0056090[/url] for Jerry Lee Lewis Bit busy at the mo but i got that from a Google search and that was the first result! Good luck Jerry
  2. [quote name='Doddy' post='1342075' date='Aug 16 2011, 04:33 PM']They're an extra trip to the car.They're often a pain to load unless you drop your seats. They're a git to carry if you have to walk any distance. A good gig bag,for me,is way better and you can just sling it over your shoulder and take it with you easily.[/quote] Maybe you hit it on the head. I can't think of any gigs that i do where the weight of the bass in the case is prohibitive. All my hard cases fit in my normal sized car along the back seats in the footwell. Each to their own.
  3. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1342059' date='Aug 16 2011, 04:21 PM']I have used bags for 25 years on my Wal - it has fallen sideways, forwards, backwards, been left unattended on the road in a car park (for 45 minutes minimum) and been banged, wedged, stood on and spilt over. My bass is still in full working order although the pots are a bit scratched - serious mojo! Its a bass not a rare antique. Its gonna get bished and boshed. But that's all superficial. Hardcases are a pain.[/quote] Why are hard cases a pain? I am missing something here. I don't use public transport or ride a bike which is about the only reason i can think of ever contemplating using a gig bag.
  4. I never use bags any more. They rip, can't stand up on their own and are only protection against slight knocks. I don't understand why after spending a £1000 on a bass it is put in a sh*tty little cloth bag.
  5. We are 5 at the mo but can be 4 if keys aint available. Lucky to have a female singer who can play sax/flute and a versatile guitartist with strong vox. The keys do make it easier from the bass perspective IMHO as there is no need to be on the button all the time - can do a few show offy things but not too many - two per song max
  6. The beauty of this business is you should be free to do what you want (bland statement of the day). It doesn't matter. Whatever floats your boat. There isn't a rule book that you have to stick to.
  7. Sweet
  8. Thats a good one i'd like to know too. I have a set of both here and visually they look identical. The mex ones were allegedly put into a Squier and the US ones i have just ordered and received from Thomanns. That said the mex ones are still installed on the bass so when i take them out there may be a difference underneath.
  9. Very nice wedding for a mate in a beautiful converted mill in deepest Dorset. Stunning setting and really game "up for it" crowd. Lots of musos present so some guest slots and a fun time had by all.
  10. Welcome aboard. I think we have similar taste in basses - i had a Lakland 5501 which was fantastic - i just didn't want 5 strings in the end. Great preamp. Very funky sounding. Good luck Jerry
  11. yeah had this with keyboard players mainly. Very capable players who can't get the "less is more ethos2 - specially with some of the old skool funk and soul. I let it go with one guy for about 2 gigs and then had a quiet word. He said ok and that was that and then did the same thing at the next gig when i stomped over the stage mid song and shouted "wtf are you doing"? Although upset he got the message.
  12. Just sweet sweet bass. Thanks Major.
  13. [quote name='icastle' post='1337971' date='Aug 12 2011, 05:59 PM']It's a chemical that allows the solder to flow smoothly over a surface. It's not generally used these days for the sort of work you're doing as you'll being using rosin cored solder.[/quote] Thank goodness for that. Trying to keep costs down as already shelled out £15 on solder kit and extra £20 on helping hand and some decent wire cutters. I found this video which seems quite good - [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CC8dI9A-Tw"]Soldering to a PreAmp[/url]
  14. Welcome aboard matey. Luv the cab. You'll now need to find a venue to "test" it. I am in sunny Bournemouth. Let me know when you are gigging. All the best. Jerry
  15. Wait a sec. Flux i hear you say. What is this substance?
  16. I jump between Jazz and Precision and though i am concious of the difference it doesn't seem to affect the playability of each bass for me. A bass either feels right or it doesn't but it tends to be more a combination of string spacing, string height and neck profile that determine playability than just the neck profile itself.
  17. Back from maplins with a "helping hand". Cost about a £10 - pretty sturdy and looks like it might be a good investment.
  18. Useful info chaps. I like the look of the "third hand". I had a go last night at soldering some random bits of old wire - great fun. What a mess. It slowly got better. What is the third hand called? Can't find it on Maplins site.
  19. This site is amazing. Thanks guys.
  20. [quote name='icastle' post='1336736' date='Aug 11 2011, 05:19 PM']This is a rather good example of various soldering techniques. Ignore the drag soldering at the beginning - the interesting stuff for you starts at about 1.30 and goes on to about 3.20. Have a few practise runs on some old scrap cable and parts before you start. Something that's not plainly obvious on this clip is that once you have flowed solder over the joint - keep it totally still until it 'sets' and don't be tempted to cool it down quicker by blowing on the joint. [/quote] Thank you
  21. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1336723' date='Aug 11 2011, 05:15 PM']Heat up the old solder joint and.. ahem.. suck it off with your pump.[/quote] Might get the missus to do that bit
  22. [quote name='janmaat' post='1336702' date='Aug 11 2011, 05:00 PM']is it true that while squire basses sound good, squire guitars sound crap? i was under that impression.[/quote] I get that impression too although i am told it is dependant on when/where they (Squier Guitars) were built. I really don't know enough about the weaker sex (guitars) but i have a friend who says the same thing - he won't go near Squier guitars.
  23. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1336695' date='Aug 11 2011, 04:57 PM']"Tin" the tip of the wire you are soldering by heating it then bleeding in the solder once it is hot enough... you kind of need 3 hands for this Make sure the area you are soldering it to is clean - preferably desolder it with a solder pump first. Place your wire on where you want to solder it then apply the iron simultaneously heating both at once then again bleed in some solder - hold still for a few second until it has changed colour slightly and Bob's your uncle.[/quote] Thanks. I sort of know about tinning but not sure what you mean by desoldering with a pump? I do have a pump (i think) which came with the soldering kit but am not sure how to use it...
  24. Hi, I have just received a set of Fender vintage P bass Pickups in the post that are going onto my bitsa build. I have never used a soldering iron so wanted to ask what i need to be careful/mindful of before i get soldering? Is there a good site or YouTube video that you have seen and can recommend? The wiring looks fairly simple and i am not replacing pots or anything else at the moment so i figure i just replicate what is already in place at the moment. Any advice gladly received. Thanks Bottome
  25. Just to complete this thread i recorded very quickly a track using the Squier on my home studio. Very quick mono track alongside an aretha frankiln mp3 with the bass EQ'd out as much as possible. I think the Squier sounds great for this stuff! [url="http://soundcloud.com/bottome"]£75 Squier Bass - great sound[/url]
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