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Johnny Wishbone

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Everything posted by Johnny Wishbone

  1. EHX Bass Big Muff. One of the better muffs I've owned but not the one for me. Toggle switch was broken when I got it so has been replaced by me. Works exactly as it should. Not mint condition but fairly minimal wear and tear. Looking for quickish sale so £40 posted. [url="https://flic.kr/p/YVtiWC"][/url][url="https://flic.kr/p/YZGyvx"][/url]
  2. MIJ Boss OC-2, serial dates it to March 1985. If I didn't need the cash (imminent wedding to pay for!) I'd keep this, but as my COG T47 is keeping it off the board it's time to let it go. Quite a few scratches and chips but nothing major, certainly looks better than I did at 32 years old! Label on bottom got pulled off when I took the velcro off . £90 posted. [url="https://flic.kr/p/YAVCaC"][/url][url="https://flic.kr/p/BTA381"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/XXphL3"][/url][url="https://flic.kr/p/YDiur5"][/url]
  3. Japan Octave 505500, March 1985. Currently residing in Sheffield but about to appear in the For Sale section! ☹️ [url=https://flic.kr/p/YAVCaC][/url][url=https://flic.kr/p/YDiur5][/url]
  4. [quote name='Meddle' timestamp='1505589752' post='3373077'] Maybe you're being ironic, and maybe not... either way, Born in the USA was on the radio today, and it is a tedious 2-chord rant. Springsteen comes across as proselytising and didactic, but clearly didn't mind when middle America took his bile at face value, interpreted it as a nationalistic chest-bump, and lined his pockets. Plus his music is basically Meat Loaf without the humour or self awareness. All parping saxophones and heart-on-sleeve stuff from a guy pretending he works in a factory when he actually tours baseball stadiums. Anyway, while I'm slaying sacred cows, Joy Division are okay but not brilliant. I'm enjoying Unknown Pleasures at the moment... but come on! People seem to think that music before and after Joy Division should be treated like two epochs. Plus girls seem to be wearing those Unknown Pleasures tops at the moment, so for an iconoclastic scorched-earth band they seem to have become the very thing they are meant to not be. Ian Curtis was a morose individual. His lyrics as are morose and depressing and his delivery was morose and non-committal. A toneless and dead-eyed bellow. Peter Hook was a dreadful bassist. He still is. A lot of his pent up anger (which is now embarrassing because he's an old man) stems, I think, from just how unmusical he is. Deep down he knows he is a dreadful bassist, and he finds creative ways of channeling this anger into other things, even if it isn't much more than sh*t-talking about Bernard Sumner in every interview he can get. Beyond that droning two-string thing he came up with, he has pretty much no sense of dynamics, groove, rhythm. Bernard Sumner was barely better as a guitarist. Stephen Morris, however, was a brilliant drummer. A powerhouse and the metronome in the band, pinning up two sub-par musicians and a fairly crap singer. Joy Division benefited from having a weird, hollow, echoey and experimental mix. [/quote] I'd agree more eloquently but I'm too busy applauding
  5. [quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1505383221' post='3371453'] With you on this one Kert, aside of the first 2 albums, which I do like, it's been essentially rock music for folks who don't like rock music. [/quote] Yes!
  6. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1505380902' post='3371421'] The Foo's for me too. I like Dave Grohl. Always comes across really well. To be honest, so do the rest of the band. I'm just not a fan of the music, even though i'd really like to be!! [/quote] The recent "Sonic Highways" series would be a case in point. Immensely enjoyable (apart from Taylor Hawkins) but as soon as the Foo Fighters song came on at the end I'd skip to the next episode.
  7. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1505378656' post='3371396'] my theory is a lot of bands/artists get overhyped if they die tragically or young. [/quote] Completely agree. In the interests of avoiding a flame war however, I'll refrain from naming a couple of glaring examples.
  8. Foo Fighters. Love Dave Grohl as a drummer and a person, can't stand 95% of their music or their "actual" drummer. The other guys seem OK.
  9. Couple of recent changes - the Guma-Drive (B3K clone) is now 99.9% always on so I had to build a new dual looper for the 30-40 seconds I need to turn it off and turn other pedals on! Also just been sent the "Swamp Fuzz" by Dizzy FX, which is a very nice Green Tall Font Russian Muff clone. [url="https://flic.kr/p/YboDBN"][/url]
  10. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1503435770' post='3358306'] "Was I supposed to come in there?" [/quote]
  11. Warwick Fortress One(s) > DIY Pete Cornish signal buffer > TC Spark Mini > MXR Bass Comp > Darkglass B3K clone > Pedalboard > Aphex Bass Xciter > FDeck HPF clone > GK 700RB-II > Orange OBC410.
  12. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1503252718' post='3356721'] And am I correct from the comments on this thread that the COG T-16 is the spiritual successor to the OC-2 and improves on it? [/quote] Others may disagree but, as a long term OC-2 user, I would say yes. It has a very similar core tone but tracks better, is louder and does away with the useless (on bass anyway) 2 octave down. On top of that, as I've said previously, the filter control sets it apart. I love my OC-2 but as soon as Tom let me try a T47 (essentially 2 T16s together - I don't even have to change settings mid-gig anymore!) I couldn't get my wallet out quick enough. For me, it takes everything that's great about the OC-2 and makes it better. I'm also a tight b@stard, so when I pay £160-odd for a pedal you know it's something special! The OC-2 was the one pedal I own that I was convinced I'd never replace, but it's now sat in my attic gathering dust. As always however, YMMV.
  13. [quote name='danbowskill' timestamp='1503176765' post='3356293'] http://www.fredric.co.uk/green-russian-sovtek-clone been out for ages, so close to the original. [/quote] Yep, my first thought too. Kind of feels like they've missed the boat on this one?
  14. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1503085295' post='3355667'] It's weird how my experience of the COG was so different - I thought the tracking was amazingly good out of the box. It's a great sounding octave for adding a beefy sub under your higher register playing [/quote] Got to agree, plus it's way louder than my OC2. For me the filter control on the COG is the key - super clean subs through to synthy filth, and all points in between.
  15. I've said it before and I'll say it again: If you want an octave with character, give the COG T16 or T47 a try. You can even dial in just how much character you want with the filter control, from relatively clean to glitchy synth madness. The T47 is so good I'm actually going to sell my Boss OC-2. This upsets me as we've been through a lot together but, having previously said I'd never sell it, I can't see myself using it again and I could do with the cash!
  16. [quote name='bobbass4k' timestamp='1501842503' post='3347706'] Something to bear in mind is the 2k2 in the diagram above is just a guide, it will vary depending on what LED you're using. I would start with 4k7 and see how bright it is, a higher value resistor will make the LED less bright. [/quote] Yep, what he said. The CLR can be any value, so just try some and see what gives you the result you're after.
  17. There are several ways, and this one is less common but works well with high gain effects as it grounds the board input during bypass:
  18. At the risk of asking a silly question, wouldn't you get [i]more[/i] buzz if the truss rod is tightened, as you're straightening the neck and effectively moving the frets closer to the strings? I would have thought [i]loosening[/i] the truss rod (more neck relief) would have been the way to go?
  19. If it helps, I have two 1990s German Fortress Ones with the MEC P/J pickups, and they both give very low output. I have been thinking about replacing the pickups for ages but don't want to alter the tone - that's what I love them for in the first place!
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