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Johnny Wishbone

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Everything posted by Johnny Wishbone

  1. [quote name='Meddle' timestamp='1498677927' post='3326319'] [size=4]The Foo Fighters always strike me as a bit of a Christian Rock band, just without the Christian element. They look the part, they sound the part, their lyrics are suitably rocky but... I dunno they just seem a bit safe. Angry rock in a contained environment. Going to see 'The Foos' at Murrayfield or Hampden seems to be the thing that folk do if they don't necessarily like music very much or listen to a lot of it. I'm drawing on my Facebook feed here; folk that don't normally go to gigs, play instruments, or listen to a lot of music don't mind ponying up a lot of cash to go stand in a sports stadium and yell out "[font=arial, sans-serif]What if I say I'm not like the others?" with ten thousand other folk[/font]. Given how reactionary and iconoclastic Nirvana were, I find it odd that Dave Grohl has taken a progressively safer and consistently more orthodox path in rock music. He's now in the same arena as older rock legends as a result, and part of that Jack Black/Spinal Tap rock-as-overblown-joke set. Or, to put it another way, I don't understand why Nickelback receive so much criticism and are constantly downplayed when the Foo Fighters offer the exact same product and are somehow keeping it real. They are both boring, contrived bands.[/size] [/quote] Yep, pretty much this for me. I really rate Grohl as a drummer and the FF's have released three or four fantastic singles but the albums are always just 'meh'. I don't know if it was contrived or not but his involvement with QOTSA on "Songs For The Deaf" certainly did them no harm. I'd go so far as to say he propelled them from being fairly unknown outside the rock press to being a huge global success pretty much overnight. Plus he knocked out some pretty iconic drum moments in the process!
  2. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1498228172' post='3323309'] Toneknob and Johnny Wishbone - many thanks! [/quote] No probs! Glad you found it - that's the same one I've got.
  3. This sounds like a book I picked up at a book fair a few years ago. I've literally just unpacked my books in the attic so I'll have a gander when I get home from work!
  4. Bought some Dunlop straplocks off Andy for a good price. Easy to deal with and good comms throughout.
  5. Not built anything for a while so thought it was time I fired up the soldering iron again. I've been disappointed in the tremolo pedals I've had as the Boss TR-2 had a massive volume drop and the Marshall Vibratrem is too "polite" and can't do the extreme choppiness I wanted, so I order the "Puls" kit from Musikding. It's certainly not polite! I didn't spend a lot of time on the enclosure as it's not an effect I use that often, it just needs to be functional. Managed to get the drilling pretty much spot on this time though (there's usually at least one hole where the drill wanders a bit), so I'm pleased with it. [URL=http://s36.photobucket.com/user/JohnnyWishbone035/media/chopper.jpg.html][IMG]http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e39/JohnnyWishbone035/chopper.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  6. I'm the same as you - have run 14 pedals from a Diago Powerstation for years with no issues. I get the science of isolated outputs and everything, but daisy chaining has never caused me any issues and it takes up next to no room on the board, especially compared to the current crop of PSUs everyone seems to be using.
  7. Rancid's bassist is stupidly good, and is fairly prominent in the mix. Check out their "...And Out Come The Wolves" album.
  8. [quote name='Kirky' timestamp='1497354359' post='3317459'] The Behringers are 3 for £29.99 [url="https://www.amazon.co.uk/Behringer-XM1800S-Ultravoice-Microphone-slightly/dp/B000NJ2TIE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1497354229&sr=8-1&keywords=microphone+3+pack"]here[/url] [/quote] That's the XM1800S. Not sure that's the same as the XM8500?
  9. [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1497295085' post='3317156'] i always find its super easy to perceive the od/drive sound too loud and turn them down hence live you drop in volume, massive pain but i love all my pedals to much not to deal with the pain however i for the most part just trust ive set them right lol [/quote] Same here - played solo it sounds like a massive jump in volume between my clean sound and my distortions, but in a full band mix the levels are pretty much bang on.
  10. Is this the one that Rabea Massaad used on his recent Tool "Sounds Like" video? Cos it sounded sheeite on that, so I'll be looking forward to the AndyBassist video with great interest!
  11. [quote name='fleabag' timestamp='1496600282' post='3312600'] Blimey guv, you would have thought EB would have hurled an MM at the public [/quote] I believe the fact that MM repeatedly refused him a sig model is the reason he stopped using them and went to Modulus. Can't remember where I read that though.
  12. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1496242282' post='3309855'] Take two...if re-stringing a bass from EADG to BEAD, is it necessary to go down a step in the gauge of the strings, or would the bottom four of a five string set with EAD the same weight as currently strung be OK? I'm actually planning to simple buy the B string and move the others over. Obviously, a bit of nut filing is likely to be needed, any reason not to do this? [/quote] Yep, that's what I do. Just use a 5-string set with roughly the same gauge E,A,and D as I'd use on a standard 4, then chuck the G!
  13. [quote name='2 left thumbs' timestamp='1496107393' post='3308844'] the enclosures. do any of you use an etching primer before spraying ? the vinyl decal / t shirt transfer method, just checked my printer don't suppose anyone knows if this method would work with a bubble jet printer ? cheers tony [/quote] I just use normal primer. t-shirt transfer works with bubble jet, but you need to use VERY little heat as the metal enclosure conducts heat like you'd expect, and the label will burn very quickly.
  14. [quote name='El_JimBob' timestamp='1495790374' post='3306575'] There's actually a printable layout amongst the build instructions on the chap's website - perhaps you could just take the switch labelling from that? [/quote] Yeah I saw that but it doesn't seem to print the right size for me, despite the instructions stating to the contrary! I'll probably just end up nicking your idea!
  15. [quote name='El_JimBob' timestamp='1495718929' post='3306116'] Finally finished my GUMA Drive B3K clone last night... [/quote] Wow! That enclosure looks amazing! I've had the kit lying around a while but haven't got round to building it yet. Getting the artwork looking somewhat decent around the toggle switches is putting me off a little, in all honesty.
  16. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1495709333' post='3306003'] marshall echohead - great reverse mode! [/quote] Beat me to it! Can be picked up for £20-30 used as well.
  17. Yep, did it with my Jaguar. Little bit of filing the nut slot for the B and a slight tweak of the truss rod and Robert's your father's brother!
  18. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1494595274' post='3297235']What are they supposed to do, bus down a bunch of mates who've already seen them play plenty of times back home?[/quote] IME, this has actually been implied by several "promoters" over the years, and not just in London.
  19. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1494339266' post='3295105'] What's wrong with just giving the FOH 2 feeds and let them do the mixing? [/quote] I have to admit that did occur to me - presumably to retain the ability to tweak the blend to your liking rather than relying on the engineer?
  20. [quote name='Jack' timestamp='1494325044' post='3294936'] You don't sound as though you need any kind of control or switching? If not, [url="https://www.thomann.de/gb/millenium_sml_21.htm"]this should do it[/url]. I found it when I was looking for a way to blend the two Dis from the new Geddy Sansamp. [/quote] Yep that looks just the ticket, unless he needs control over the mix/levels.
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