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Johnny Wishbone

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Everything posted by Johnny Wishbone

  1. I think C is actually "chromatic". At least I assumed so as with the "bass" setting mine only shows the notes EADG and if you're sharp or flat, whilst in "C" it shows the closest note.
  2. EHX Pitch Fork: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1lWRWJ7fSw"]http://www.youtube....h?v=K1lWRWJ7fSw[/url] and the DigiTech Bass Whammy: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsp34POS82A"]https://www.youtube....h?v=qsp34POS82A[/url]
  3. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1475218419' post='3144036'] You don't hear many people saying Paul Gray was an awesome bass player so I think Cliff has earnt his due. [/quote] I'm not suggesting for a minute that Cliff wasn't great (the best musician in the band probably, and definitely the best performer), but would he be held in [i]such[/i] high esteem if he was still alive? Probably not. For the record, I think "Master..." is easily in the top 5 metal albums of all time, and I do rate Cliff very highly. I would however strongly argue that opinions of Cliff are skewed purely by the fact that he's no longer with us, and that both Rob and Jason are better bassists. I also recognise that this view puts me very much in the minority, and I'm fine with that. It's just an opinion, after all. I think we can all agree that Lars is crap though, right?
  4. At the risk of being inflammatory (which is not intentional), I always believed that Cliff, like a lot of people who are no longer with us, is given undue exaltation purely because he's dead. I'm not saying he wasn't a great musician (and obviously played on a lot of Metallica's best material) but he was basically a guitarist who played bass - if you read any of the 'tallica biographies, he apparently rarely touched a bass offstage. Great stage presence, great performer and great writer by all accounts, but IMO far surpassed by both Jason and Rob as an actual bassist. There, I've said it *ducks*
  5. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1475155220' post='3143518'] the box is tiny isn't it? [/quote] Yarp. And the swivel mechanism is cack, but it does work OK so I can't really grumble for £2.
  6. [URL=http://s36.photobucket.com/user/JohnnyWishbone035/media/0F747775-3B0F-4E67-A299-6C7833A6678E.jpg.html][IMG]http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e39/JohnnyWishbone035/0F747775-3B0F-4E67-A299-6C7833A6678E.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  7. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1475010278' post='3142358'] Guma drive and antique kits ordered! [/quote] I'm seriously considering the Guma Drive but I am very concerned about the SMD soldering! Might ask him to solder them on for me before shipping. Did some SMD LEDs in my Xbox controller ages ago but it was an absolute ballache. I have a lot more soldering experience these days but it's still really putting me off ordering the kit!
  8. Signed For First Class was £4.45 when I shifted a few of mine (UK of course).
  9. [quote name='Kirky' timestamp='1474528208' post='3138530'] I like the kits at [url="http://www.musikding.de/guitar-effect-kits"]Musikding[/url]. [/quote] I have no idea why I've not seen these before! I'm ordering a couple come payday.
  10. Finished this fuzz off today. Some of my drilling's a bit wayward but I think the allover graphic came out quite well! [URL=http://s36.photobucket.com/user/JohnnyWishbone035/media/B8E71C4C-15D3-4CA5-880E-6E2B06CC7A61.jpg.html][IMG]http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e39/JohnnyWishbone035/B8E71C4C-15D3-4CA5-880E-6E2B06CC7A61.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s36.photobucket.com/user/JohnnyWishbone035/media/7C4EC737-82E2-4FDA-9CAC-9ECC2AA8AF0F.jpg.html][IMG]http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e39/JohnnyWishbone035/7C4EC737-82E2-4FDA-9CAC-9ECC2AA8AF0F.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  11. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1473678793' post='3132133'] Guma Antique with blank drilled enclosure on order! [/quote] Superb - keep us posted! How much was the shipping?
  12. NE_04 PCB is €3.50, all others are €10 + shipping. Not too bad, I guess. Aaaaaaand no plans to do the Duality B3K (sorry, "Guma Drive") is tempting though. Nice that he provides the label template with the instructions as well!
  13. The enclosures do look nice, that's for sure. I've messaged him about the PCBs (and the Duality) so we'll see what happens. Big night tonight - trying out an all-over enclosure design printed onto iron-on T-shirt transfer paper. It'll either look great or I'll burn the house down!
  14. Shame you can't just buy the PCBs. Seems to be full kit, enclosures and control knobs but no PCB only option. Kits are decent value though, comparable to Fuzzdog etc. Disappointed there's no Duality on there - that's the one I'd be really interested in!
  15. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1473337678' post='3129245'] but at this price I could put up with it!!![/quote] So could I! Very interesting stuff indeed. I had wondered, given the popularity of Darkglass, how there doesn't seem to have been much progress in terms of clones. At least not from the usual suspects (Sabrotone, Tagboard etc).
  16. Found some old pics of a few of my builds. Bit light on gutshots though - probably a good thing on some of my earlier ones. Timmy [url="http://s36.photobucket.com/user/JohnnyWishbone035/media/image_3.jpeg.html"][/url] Blower Box [url="http://s36.photobucket.com/user/JohnnyWishbone035/media/image_2.jpeg.html"][/url] [url="http://s36.photobucket.com/user/JohnnyWishbone035/media/image_4.jpeg.html"][/url] Univibe thingy [url="http://s36.photobucket.com/user/JohnnyWishbone035/media/image_1.jpeg.html"][/url] Brassmaster [url="http://s36.photobucket.com/user/JohnnyWishbone035/media/image.jpeg.html"][/url]
  17. Loving this! Noticed a couple of glaring omissions (IMO obviously) so I'll stick them on later.
  18. [quote name='Tech21NYC' timestamp='1472741509' post='3123832'] A lot of the better switching systems allow you to run certain pedals without a buffer and others with. [/quote] That would be great for my Woolly Mammoth clone. Sounds great by itself, absolute crap with anything at all in front of it. Rather than figure out some convoluted wiring/looping to get round the problem I just ditched it and replaced it with something that behaves "properly"!
  19. Just got the DIY bug again after a bit of a layoff (moving house, can't be ar$ed, etc). Built a couple of dirt pedals a while back which are now part of my current rig (Blower Box, Timmy) and did Rat, Tubescreamer and Uni-Vibe clones for our guitarist, which he's still using. Just finishing off a Tall Font Russian clone with a couple of mods (clean blend and mids control) and I need to do the enclosure, but I tried the rough build last night and I'm very pleased with it (the neightbours less so, I would imagine!) Going to move on to a few weirder sounds like the Jawari, Octavia, a bit crusher and some modulation effects for a bit of fun. Got a studio trip coming up towards the end of the year and it's always good to have some odd effects lying around for guitar overdubs!
  20. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' timestamp='1472652491' post='3122947'] When you're feeling under pressure, do something different. Roll up your sleeves, or eat an orange. S.P. [/quote] I've swallowed the Little Book Of Calm!!!!!
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