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Everything posted by Big_Stu

  1. The Doncaster shop used to have several John Birch customs and one of their staff - James - was their JB expert. Not so sure about the neck radius thing but certainly the weird shaped bodies was right down his street. I bought a JB pup off them for about a tenth of what it would be now. Now the MG name is only known for constant rip-offs & lies.
  2. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1319396737' post='1413680'] Unlikely but true.. [size=5][b]Manchester United lose 6-1 at home[/b][/size] [/quote]
  3. [quote name='the_skezz' timestamp='1274693821' post='846318'] I much prefer Lemmy's Hawkwind days in terms of his bass playing, in Motorhead he plays it too much like a guitar IMO (still a cracking band though). [/quote] Describe Lemmy as a bassist in his presence & he'll soon put you right. He's "[i]a rythym guitarist who just happens to play it on a bass[/i] [i]because he likes the noise it makes"[/i].
  4. Just found a couple of old casettes in the bottom of a drawer. One was Monty Python at Drury Lane; the other was a home tape which I had no idea what was on it. Playing it now & recognised the songs but it was live - and [i]Snafu [/i]didn't do a live album Just did a search & found I must have taped it off a John Peel Sessions repeat donkey's years ago & forgot about it. Snafu were awesome; after my first Slade gig in '73 I saw them again in '74, closely followed by 'Quo, then Nazareth the year after supported by Snafu. A few years after Snafu split their guitarist, one Micky Moody co-formed Whitesnake. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwcX-fZvnu4
  5. Unlucky! I would have said Maplins, but they're either 3m or 5 [url="http://www.maplin.co.uk/3.5mm-stereo-plug-to-2-phono-leads-35928?ordercode=L70AU"]http://www.maplin.co...ordercode=L70AU[/url] ha! beaten by seconds!!
  6. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1319291726' post='1412337'] Finish will be danish oil. I'll have a lot of sawdust so superglue/epoxy and that is probably the way to go. [/quote] If it's just to fill holes or gaps you don't want I'd be more inclined towards a PVA based woodglue & use as fine sawdust as you can. If you've got bits off the actual wood/body then cut it up with a hacksaw & mix the dust as thick as you can with PVA. The wood-glue in a green bottle made by Evostik is excellent. Done it too many times to count & it's never failed.
  7. [quote name='Pow_22' timestamp='1318853619' post='1406831'] Could do with getting mine serviced at some point but no way would i pay £500. Ive been quoted crica £60 which would iclude full service, any cap's replacing and valves tested but not replaced. This was from a guy in Preston. Will get it done after payday methinks [/quote] If that's with David Pye it's money very well spent.
  8. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1319033037' post='1409122'] Very funny. Yeah except CBBC ends before then because all the kids will be at school by 9:00. Genius. [/quote] I'll have to take your well-informed word for that, is that when CBeebies starts?
  9. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1318949732' post='1408122'] Sorry if that's the way it came out, It is a source of constant irking that people moan endlessly about what is on TV, when there is a simple option of not watching it. I was a little taken aback at your planning what time to get up to coincide with CBBC admittedly.[/quote] Fixed
  10. Looking at the "wear" on the body I seriously doubt the seller has seen any other aged guitar apart from another dodgy "relic" job.
  11. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1318888355' post='1407520'] You 'ad a shoebox? You posh b*st*rds - we had now't but a crisp packet... [/quote] N you try n tell the young people of today that ........... and they won't believe you.
  12. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1318751927' post='1405707'] Folks - all references to hurting cats have been removed after multiple reports have been submitted to the mods. Seems there are lots of animal lovers on Basschat... so lets please keep the animal cruelty out of it. On a serious note though, ........................... [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1318689144' post='1405252'] Garotting guitards. [/quote] [/quote] Fixed it for you
  13. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1318854338' post='1406849'] I got an A* in maths [/quote] Naaaaay, I can remember t' day they were A-[i]levels[/i] .... and you 'ad to work for 'em like a bugger not dig 'em outta Cornflakes packet of a morning. There were 'undred 'n fifty on us living in shoe-box int middle o' road.
  14. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1318872198' post='1407240'] The sax player forgot me once... turned up in London and the band asked where the bass player was. I was at home..still. [/quote] You must be the quiet one of the band.
  15. I've heard so many people on here endorse the OBBMs that it would be pointless not to, never needed to replace anything for a long time so I can't say personally. All mine are bought Klotz cable off the reel and Neutrik jacks el cheapo from Maplins; it does have the benefit of honing your soldering skills.
  16. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1318848745' post='1406725']The medical profession don't just pluck things like 'keep it elevated for a week' out of thin air to entertain themselves. Think what you're risking - a second round of surgery (never nice) and a 50/50 gamble that they can actually replace the joint a second time. Hertfordshire is a big county - if the gig is that important to your old band then they'll find a dep in time. [/quote] another +1 from me; and some excellent additional 3 points here too.
  17. FWIW - I put two Eminence Delta 15"s into a Marshall 2 x 15 & it is the bollox! I don't think you could go wrong with any of the Eminence line
  18. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1318521277' post='1403289'] the only girlfriend that has ever asked that question had not much interest in shoes, having no feet. [/quote] An ex-girffriends sister was getting on my nerves over something once, so I asked her "If you had no feet would you wear shoes"? "Of course not" she said, "So why do you wear a bra"? She didn't speak to me for quite some time
  19. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1318542670' post='1403675'] Or maybe [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f8/scrap-lumber-bass-vs-alder-bass-can-you-tell-difference-743932/"]this is everything you need to know about wood[/url]. [/quote] Yeah but ........... what colour scratchplate should he put on the lumber bass? ... would be the most important/popular question usually asked on TB.
  20. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1318345340' post='1400900'] Now you've done it. I'm making one on the printer for Friday's gig [/quote] Loving the irony of that - a bootleg (blackleg?) MU sticker!
  21. Bloke I know pronounces bass as in the fish.
  22. Saw a band with one in an Irish bar in Edinburgh years ago. It was seismic!!! How big a difference is there between the two pickup outputs? Looking at them you'd assume it was night & day.
  23. Like what they did with the inlays there, overlapping the frets.
  24. He's also another south-paw that plays right-handed.
  25. [quote name='clarkpegasus4001' timestamp='1317926372' post='1396420'] Are you kidding? it's worth twice that. [/quote] I said it first
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