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Everything posted by Big_Stu

  1. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1453383095' post='2958955'] Nah, deserves his own thread, and now he has 2! [/quote] Nah, they don't use threads - Muppets have like stick things attached to their arms.
  2. [quote name='neilmurraybass' timestamp='1453200556' post='2957261'] I also have an Aria bass with a Kahler bass 'wang bar' on! [/quote] Seen you several times with M3 (& spoke after at the signing stand, - I had a Snafu sticker that Micky M was trying to blag off me ), but don't remember seeing you gig a bass with a bar on it, do you not use them much now?
  3. [quote name='neilmurraybass' timestamp='1452960308' post='2955115'] [size=3][/size] [/quote] Jimmy Lea showed me his new JayDee Custom EB3 backstage in 1983 and said [i]"bet you've never seen a bass with a wang bar before"[/i]. Oops!
  4. [quote name='sprocketflup' timestamp='1452866882' post='2954248']I don't like brussels sprouts.[/quote] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vudA72hibg[/media]
  5. From what I've seen over several years Phil is quite a private person & doesn't like to do the public talking thing, he doesn't think he comes over well in it. I've also seen that he was a lot closer work wise to Lemmy than Mikkey was. So assuming he [i]was[/i] at the funeral, with no reason to think otherwise, I'm not surprised he wasn't at the aftermath. Shame, because he'd have been one of the few/only voices from Lemmy's home country, though I'm aware Lemmy made the US his adpoted home for decades. Such events are always awkward, with so many people not wanting to simply echo other comments but still come up with something original, relative and inoffensive.
  6. One of Noddy Holder's Hiwatt 200 heads and one of his 4 x 12 Hiwatt cabs, reinforced with a Marshall 2 x 15 (respeakered). Very loud, very big, very heavy. Turned out that amps age coupled with it's sparse use meant that it was a huge risk to use it without a fair amount of maintenance and a lot more use to keep it in fit.
  7. I think it was Roger Daltrey that said when he first met John E he was carrying a home made bass over his shoulder with a neck that went on forever. The one in the OP has 28 frets!
  8. Here;'s something you don't see everyday........ ................... a log in trouble!
  9. Will they make a "MURDER ONE" special tribute phone though?
  10. ......... and [i]just in case[/i], yeah - I did - I really did, on Lemmy's - and before he did too. I'll tell my grand-children about that day.
  11. [quote name='6feet7' timestamp='1451498187' post='2941020'] Posted on Facebook by my friend, sound engineer, Ian Caple Very sad to hear about Lemmy’s passing ... I'll always have fond memories of him, as Motörhead were the very first band that I engineered for... one of their earliest gigs........[/quote] There's a film on Motorhead, long pre "Lemmy" where he has a sound guy who's sole job is to have the bass volume teetering on the edge of feedback and maintaining max volume. There was footage of Lemmy staring daggers and shouting "up!". Apparently quite a few got sacked before they found a guy who could do it. Can't remember his name, but he was one of the long standing crew.
  12. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1451503628' post='2941077'] I work on the Junkyard Dogs' posters in Photoshop Elements, which is a cheap, 'lite' version of the program, and does all I need for posters, from the simplest to the most complicated design. Quick learning curve too, especially if you have previous experience of page design (for instance Quark). [/quote] Bluejay's nailed it, also P'shop Elements is aimed more at photography than design work - though it is good at both. It means that once you get even vaguely familiar with it you'll be able to make better band pics to use on your posters. This time of year especially you'll get a copy of Elements in the sale at PC World I would imagine. There's also a company called Serif who make a lot of generic programmes, they'll negotiate themselves to hell to get a sale & their stuff is very easy & commercial print friendly. - Downside is they're hard to stop pestering you with follow up calls.
  13. I got a bollocking off Lemmy once, I'll wallow in that memory while necking some JD tonight and blasting "Everything Louder". Last time I met him I got an aftershow pass off his PA to explain to Lem how come I'd played his new amps before he did. Once that was done it was more chat & he asked me what I did, so I told him I worked in the studio of a CD factory - and I'd actually passed some Motorhead artwork to get another few thousand CDs printed up that week. "Yeah? Which one?" he growled, "Aces Up My Sleeve", I said "Oh great! that's f'kin great, that's all we f'kin need, is another f'kin few thousand f'kin greatest hits CDs, that's really f'kin great. Why doesn't any f'cker print up a few thousand of all our new albums instead of f'kin greatest f'kin hits?". Then I got one of his lemon, sardonic grins, which kinda hinted he wasn't as pissed off as he sounded. Great, great guy - a huge loss.
  14. His attitude was needed in rock music, no compromise. Motorhead were a huge part of my life. A unique guy, a unique musician.
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1451344162' post='2939795'] Sospan Bach..? [/quote] No - Theron Bach.
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1451343362' post='2939786'] He doesn't like [i]anything [/i]- he's Welsh. [/quote] He's into Classical, he likes Bach.
  17. [b][size=5].......... and Run and Run[/size][/b]
  18. [quote name='scalpy' timestamp='1451242971' post='2939056'] That's how I feel. But then neither of us have Al Jackson Jr drumming, so it ain't gonna happen![/quote] Cropper still says he's the best drummer he ever played with - "the guy was a human metronome" - and that must be a hell of a lot of drummers.
  19. Musical interlude.......... [media]http://youtu.be/nbBcXvKvB08[/media]
  20. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1451083119' post='2938233'] £800,000. Seriously?! [/quote] That's what he's been saying recently. It's charted 8 times apparently, was a million seller first time out and is on every compilation going. He was saying it was half a million a few years ago so I wouldn't be surprised. I was also told Quiet Riot's version of Cum On Feel The Noize in '83 made them £3m in royalties from the hit single and then the GH album it was on too. [url="http://www.nme.com/news/slade/74322"]http://www.nme.com/news/slade/74322[/url] Course he'll get hammered with tax, but he has a very good accountant. The same one that handles the Osbournes and Motorhead.
  21. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1451040489' post='2937951'] is that really a Christmas song? what do we think makes a Christmas song? a song that's a hit at Christmas or a song about Christmas?[/quote] Their earlier hit was..........a Christmas song that is...... [media]http://youtu.be/EDc2FD-vy8M[/media] All together at the chorus....... 3, 4 [i]Gaudete, Gaudete, Christus est natus,[/i] [i]Ex Maria Virgine, Gaudete[/i]
  22. [quote name='ians' timestamp='1450390686' post='2932415'] I wonder how much cash Noddy Holder has made from Merry Xmas?..yeah we all hate it but its still an immense tune... I quite like the Mariah Carey tune with that beautifully played plodding bass...[/quote] Funny you should put them both together....... he's said that just now it's about £800k a year, but I'm not sure if that's just his alone or half, split between him & Jimmy Lea. In a recent pub chat (with me, yes, really) he actually rated Mariah Carey's above MXE, reckoned it had it all for a Xmas record.
  23. He da man!!
  24. Stax got burned by their deal with Atlantic, if they'd been able to go big without it it could have been a much bigger story than it was.
  25. No better tool for micro-adjustment of your intonation than an angle-grinder.
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