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Everything posted by Big_Stu

  1. [quote name='toneknob' post='1241895' date='May 23 2011, 05:11 PM']Both, really: Denmark St has indeed got all the shops but I'd never buy anything there; also just because there's a lot of tourists and places to eat in Leicester Sq it doesn't mean they're any good for tourism or food! [/quote] It used to be that Denmark St was almost all owned by MusicGround; is that still the case since they got nabbed, are they all indepedents again? Andy's used to be a cracking shop, but MG killed it, it was hard-core rip off prices when I was last there, but that was in MG's peak days.
  2. I've been in two separate editions of Guitarist. Both variations of "my guitar is....."
  3. [quote name='Soloshchenko' post='1240787' date='May 22 2011, 08:47 PM']It's tat but it's well priced tat. One day I'll buy a Kay, start converting and upgrading it, get really bored and sell it in parts at a loss. It's what I do. [/quote] I did that once with an Antoria EB3, I wondered how it would look & sounds as all black with two Musicman pups in it. It was still in bits months alter & went in the bin when I moved house.
  4. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='1240891' date='May 22 2011, 09:49 PM']But we're all fat, bald guys in our 40s playing bloody Oasis and Kasabian covers to drunks. Perhaps that what I should put [/quote] Say that you're thinking of channging your name to OAPsis, looking to the future.
  5. We had a similar thread a few years ago. My 2p was that I've wracked my back from many years hunched over a drawing board from the good old days before Macs. It was brought to light after a crash on a mountain bike that I had. As was said already; GPs are mostly not much practical help, the start & end of my advice from mine was to take up latin ballroom dancing, to aid flexibility. I was then referred (by the guy who sold me the mountain bike) to a genius of a physio in Edinburgh, who worked for many Scottish Rugby & Olympic atheletes. He made my life worth living again, seriously. For one thing, he'd explode if I took any form of painkillers; "treat the cause, not the symptoms" he'd say. He said the problem is in your fascia, the yellow plasticy cartilidge that separates your muscles & lets them slide against each other; they go stiff with immobility or injury & that causes pain when the muscles either side of them can't move as they should. And from being a shambling wreck on my 1st appointment I left his clinic & walked 5 miles cross-country back home. The advice to find a good physio is bang on; I'd try going to your nearest big rugby or football club & asking if their physio does open days, many of them do. A trick to try that he showed me for lower back pain is this, it'll get you thru the pain until your next visit.............. Sit in an upright chair, dining table type job, having first placed an object half way back on the floor under the chair. With your knees slightly apart, hands straight with thumbs together & arms straight out in front of you, [u][b]slowly[/b][/u] attempt to lean forward as though trying to pick up the object. STOP as soon as you feel tension in your lower back (the first few will mean hardly moving at all if you're as bad as I was) when you feel the tension hold it for one breathe & go back to sitting upright. Repeat this process & by the 15th rep you'll probably be able to touch or lift the object under the chair. I've shown/told/passed on this trick to many people (about 20+) with lower back problems & it hasn't failed yet. Hopefully you won't be the first.
  6. [quote name='Robert Manning' post='1223898' date='May 8 2011, 08:58 AM']Just a shout out for anyone who may know. im not a gibson expert at all! but does anyone know where i can find official original gibo pickups for it? or good after market ones! Cheers![/quote] [url="http://bassoutpost.com/index.php?topic=5613.15"]http://bassoutpost.com/index.php?topic=5613.15[/url] At $300 a pair they're not cheap, but I know the poster GodofThunder very well & he's an expert on Thunderbirds. If he says they're good then they're damn good.
  7. [quote name='sambassman' post='1237673' date='May 20 2011, 07:12 AM']N Our soundcheck is a little later than expected mate. It's gunnar be more like 5 when we get our check. So immay not see you there. But cheers anyway chap! [/quote] No prob, have a good one!
  8. How big a treat? I'd be looking for a late 60's Gibson EB3 - unmodded, no damn DiMarzios.
  9. John Birch was never a "one-man band" but he was never far from it. He was making Rick copies up until the very end - and there was still one left at John Carling's the last I heard. It begs the question that since JB guiatrs was so tiny why didn't Rickenbacker hit JB with some kind of injunction, or even go so far as to sue him. Might be worth having a word with John Carling; who was John Birch last business partner up to his death, about how they avoided Rick's wrath?
  10. [quote name='mart' post='1235910' date='May 18 2011, 04:15 PM']No hard facts, but [url="http://www.fender.com/support/articles/fender-instrument-replacement-decal"]this[/url] (and common sense) would strongly suggest that you are right in thinking that Fender don't sell decals. It certainly would be difficult to understand why they would.[/quote] I didn't even know Fender had that service; so maybe the route is "yeah, a dealer I know ordered one up from Fender but the guy never came back for it"....... 8 times!!!!
  11. [quote name='dave.c' post='1234387' date='May 17 2011, 02:59 PM']I've got a Hoyer EB3-a-like and it's a great little bass, I prefer it to the Gibsons that I have tried over the years! Sounds great, plays great and excellent construction and hardware.[/quote] That could be a good call, I've heard that the Hoyer pups are based on the Gibson 60's EB3 pups, whereas the Epiphone & current EB bass pups are like night & day compared to the genuine 60's ones. I've got or had both. The Mustang bass [i]was[/i] originally intended to be cheaper bass, in much the same way as the Gibson Juniors & MM's [i]were[/i] supposed to be, but that was then etc.
  12. Hey Bud! Who ME? Ssssh! riiiiiiight, d'you wanna buy a Ricky Piccy?? A Ricky Piccy, Me? Riiiiiiight
  13. I'll throw it in here cos it might be interesting to someone. Many years ago when I bought my Nod Hiwatt it had been kept in a damp lockup for many years. About a year later a guy in the USA bought Jim Lea's old flight case (without the bass) which had been kept in the same lockup. When it arrived there were a few odds n sods in it, picks, loose strings etc and this .............. A note from Nod to the roadies with his amp (now my amp) settings written on it, so the new case owner sent the note to me to be kept with the receipts. Not much physical use though; he played guitar thru the Brill channel.
  14. [quote name='noirpunk' post='1209706' date='Apr 24 2011, 12:13 AM']Any more JB content?[/quote] Yeah, OK - it's a guitar - but damn they're versatile! Just to keep it on topic, my baby taken this morning..........
  15. [quote name='hillbilly deluxe' post='1235238' date='May 18 2011, 09:20 AM']The only thing wrong with that is,you forgot about the fake baked beans being knocked up in someones shed and sold as Heinz. [/quote] There's a bloke on Ebay knocking up fake Heinz labels to stick on your Tesco own-make tins to impress the neighbours with.
  16. If it had been a '62 Jazz and "has not been gigged" he should have been able to stick another "0" on the end of his price.
  17. [quote name='Johnston' post='1233380' date='May 16 2011, 06:22 PM']and surprise surprise look at what else he's sold [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270725531478"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=270725531478[/url][/quote] I've seen that "[i]I purchased it from and authorised fender dealer in the States"[/i] a few times in such ads & had it said at a guitar fair. I would doubt very much whether any Fender dealer was authorised to have them, or whether Fender let them leave the factory. But I'm guessing, does anyone know if it's a possibility? I can only think that anyone who does that to a bass & thinks it looks good has never seen a naturally worn instrument in their life! The number of those fake logos that he's sold is scarey! How many will end up on copies back onto Ebay for the unwary?
  18. [quote name='ash' post='1234853' date='May 17 2011, 08:37 PM']Yes you are correct I did buy it off eBay and the original ad had lot's of implied 'R word' references. You've got to admire John Hall's determination but eBay? They just get worse, the amount of people selling fake Fenders is beyond belief, you spot them everyday, the very fact is I was selling my JB as a JB and nothing else that's why I have dug my heels in over this.[/quote] And quite right too, if I had the spare funds I'd snatch your hand off. Unfortunately you're fighting two huge corprorations, in cahoots with each other while it suits them.
  19. [quote name='Musky' post='1234849' date='May 17 2011, 08:36 PM']The catalogue isn't claiming that JB invented the through neck (which he didn't), but the first one piece rock maple through neck. Rick necks are 5 piece laminates.[/quote] True, but he was building his own guitars since WW2, & having spoken to many of his ex-colleagues I can assure you he was one of the first to make it routine & unless spec'd otherwise always built them neck thru when he went commercial (the WW2 was for his own use) I've seen dozens of JBs & only two were bolted necks, one being a Strat copy, & only one set-neck. [quote name='Musky' post='1234849' date='May 17 2011, 08:36 PM']Because it's a miniature copy of a Hofner?[/quote] Pedant alert! Yes - obviously - but my point was that J Hall will pounce even for using the Rick word (as he said himself in his quoted email) regardless of what it's attached to.
  20. Can't believe the hypocrisy of Ebay - isn't that where you got it from? - and if they're so red-hot on catching copies how come they let this one go? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Rickenbacker-Bass-Model-guitar-/280678029736?_trksid=p4340.m263&_trkparms=algo%3DDLSL%252BSI%26its%3DI%26itu%3DUCI%252BUA%252BFICS%26otn%3D8%26pmod%3D300556179208%252B300556179208%26po%3D%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D9220574893862058503"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Rickenbacker-Bass-Mo...574893862058503[/url] I was once shot down in flames - but it was worth it ......... when I pointed out on Rickresource that any JB bass is far superior in built quality than any original Rick. And since JB pioneered the straight thru neck I'm wondering who copied who. [url="http://vintage.catalogs.free.fr/johnbirch.pdf"]http://vintage.catalogs.free.fr/johnbirch.pdf[/url]
  21. [quote name='sambassman' post='1230851' date='May 14 2011, 11:56 AM']no worries stu. im not sure what time sound check is. im guessing its gunna be earlyish. but ill let you know if you want? and ill be sure to try the peroni haha[/quote] Last gig I went to there (Quireboys IIRC) they closed the hall/bar at 3pm to start the sound-checks, but dunno if that's always the case. I'll be in anyway before then.
  22. Can't make the gig, but if you're in early, around lunchtime-ish, to check out the venue I'll happily stand you a good-luck pint. They do an excellent Peroni.
  23. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' post='1230472' date='May 13 2011, 09:44 PM']I'd love the Bo but can't really buy more guitars right now - have a bump.[/quote] Cheers mate, refreshing to see you'd have gone for the more obscure one.
  24. I've got one; bought it because of my fond memories of my first bass - a '69 EB3. Though if you're being picky it was really an EB0 which a previous owner had converted by adding the bridge pup. The Epi EB3 is like night & day to the old Gibson it emulates. The pickups look the same & that's about it; much less output, the neck pup hasn't got the Gibson boom & the bridge pup has no bite, no attack. If I can ever be arsed I'll get some originals from the USA & switch them in. The neck dive is bad too; caused IMHO by the extra length of the neck & the headstock being MUCH bigger than a Gibson original. But the neck is very friendly, slim shallow D. And of course the Epi doesn't have the 4th position fuzz-tone, but you can't get everything at that price. Bas(s)ically it's an EB3 in name & first appearances only. Oh yeah - and I'd have preferred the dots to the trapeze inlays.
  25. These two geetars are surplus to requirements. Both a bit obscure so I'm not expecting to be snowed under with interest, but I fancy another bass & my other half says I've got enough gear cluttering up the cupboards - which I can't argue with ..... so here goes ............ Gretch Bo Diddley Electromatic model, bought by me in NYC 4/5 years ago. Stamped "Used" on the rear of the headstock but I can't see anything on it to say why - poss ex-display? Totally unmarked apart from some very faint surface lines/scratches behind the bridge from where I changed the strings. Comes in a Kinsman Tweed case; which I've adapted with black fur padding to be form-fit. £225 + P&P at cost. Also:- (Is it OK to have two items in the same post?) Applause by Ovation Electro/Acoustic, black with leaf trims around sound holes. Bought new by me 3 years ago in Blackpool. Again, mint- (polishing swirls). No dings or dents. Comes in a Kinsman gig bag, still has tag/paperwork with it. £150 + P&P at cost.
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