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Everything posted by Big_Stu

  1. I've already spent a fair bit of time chatting with Jimmy Lea in Slade's touring days, a long time ago, though if you do talk with him now one thing guaranteed to switch him into "polite pleasantries" mode is to mention Slade. My other fave player is Lemmy who I've met three times & is just like you see him on TV or whatever, not exactly keen to talk shop; what you see is what you get. I'm in awe of other players for what they do or did; Duck for one. I'd have liked to have had time with John Entwistle. He had a keen interest in getting "his sound", from what I've read & seen & I think would have been fascinating to watch trialling a rig or bass or at sound-check.
  2. [quote name='Schnozzalee' post='1219390' date='May 4 2011, 12:28 AM']Hahaha I can't imagine who would wanna own up to it![/quote] Well .............. would ya?
  3. [quote name='TheRockinRoadie' post='1220897' date='May 5 2011, 12:20 PM']I spoke to marshall and explained that they had cost me a fortune in petrol backwards and forwards, the amp was a christmas present, and that I couldn't gig because they kept sending me faulty products, but all they said was we will make the cabinet a priority. I was hoping they would compensate me in some way - bearing in mind I paid for 3 faulty products, it would have been nice to have recieved discount from them... I felt really let down - One dodgy amp I can understand, but 3 and a cabinet?[/quote] I can understand that; I'm guessing but I would imagine they'd be scared of setting a precedent (not excusing them btw ) & being the size they are would be snowed under with folk wanting compensated for other costs. A couple of years ago I was invited down to MK after having a "difference of opinion" with them. I was told very early on in the visit that Marshall give nothing away; all of their named stars "Slash, Lemmy et al" pay for their gear full whack, which shocked me tbh. Though Jim Marshall gave me a signed over auto-biog as a "thank you".
  4. [quote name='TheRockinRoadie' post='1218898' date='May 3 2011, 05:42 PM']Marshal didnt care at all, and thats what pissed me off the most![/quote] Not disputing what you say, but what do you mean by "didn't care at all"? I've never had anything but fantastic service from Marshall; & their tech dept were massively helpful; even to the point of once arranging a courier for me, to pick up a 70's tranny head to go back for a service. One thing I was told by them is that Marshall dealers are only authorised to [i]sell[/i] Marshall, only their MK factory if authorised to fix them, not something that many dealerships broadcast too widely.
  5. I can live with that, it's not like I was ever going to take it long-haul anyway, & I chose the cheaper option so it serves the ins purpose.
  6. Wasn't that long ago, early 2000 IIRC. Maybe it was just sales-talk that I fell for? The insurance insisted it had to be in a substantial case.
  7. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1217948' date='May 2 2011, 07:27 PM']Potentially a silly Q, but who's that?[/quote] [url="http://www.rvguitars.co.uk/"]http://www.rvguitars.co.uk/[/url] A really good guy, know him thru John Birch but he did a few jobs for me when I lived in Edinburgh. He lives west of Perth, I'll leave it to him as IF or when he needs to pass his address on.
  8. I got my case built by Justincase in Edinburgh; but to all itents & purposes it seems identical to a FCW one. I was told that the two price scales was because one is guaranteed for the cold against the finish at high altitudes etc - and the dearer one is guaranteed for higher flights. I took my Tele across to Europe many times in a normal Fender ABS case, used several different airlines & the guitar is fine; the case has a few battle scars though but it did do it's job. Took my SG once in a Gator case & that and the guitar were both unscathed.
  9. Why not? Sounds like you've got all the good reasons, the curiosity will always be there if you don't, you've got the ability & in the unlikely chance that you get stuck you've got an excellent luthier just down the road from you who specialises in finishing.
  10. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1214941' date='Apr 29 2011, 02:40 PM']"See this is why I think religion is a bag of sh*t." On its own would [i]have[/i] been better but still doesnt relate to the thread in any way.[/quote] Fixed it for you
  11. [quote name='BottomE' post='1214924' date='Apr 29 2011, 02:21 PM']This is insane. If ya don't like it don't read it.[/quote] ^This. And all posters getting used to the idea that all replies to all posts all carry an assumed "IMHO"; which many people, rightly or wrongly, over the centuries have died to protect.
  12. [quote name='boywonder' post='1213058' date='Apr 27 2011, 07:48 PM']head wattage, impedance etc. multiple cabs etc. ie if you have a 500W head and a cab that takes 400 at 8 ohms and looking to pair it with other cabs with different impedances.....[/quote] Yup, it's all there & should give you plenty of reading for a while. But a good idea would be to find out exactly what's in each cab & at least investigate whether they can be rewired to match their impedance. That is if you're running them in parallel, ie. you've got two speaker outs on your amp & one cab plugged into each.
  13. [quote name='RobJF' post='1212383' date='Apr 27 2011, 10:21 AM']If only I'd tightened up the truss rod or slackened the strings![/quote]It was recommended on here in recent weeks, to slacken the rod off before storing; it was a new one on me, and the direct opposite of what I'd always been told. I said so at the time but didn't get any back-up. If it's new territory to you check out the recommended luthiers section for one in your area. Worth a try before taking things too far.
  14. If it was me I'd be tracking down a good amp tech if that's easily done round your place? Then ask if he can get parts if necessary, & whether he can have an educated guess what the issues may be. Then if he says it's worth a go try to get the price down at the pawn shop due to it's issues. Hoping all along that it doesn't sell in the meantime; only you can guess how likely that is.
  15. Big_Stu

    Kay K-2B

    A guy I knew had a Kay Strat-alike in the 80's; the pups were so microphonic you could shout into them & it came over the amp. I saw a s/h one of those sunburst Kay basses in around '79/80 for £65, after trying it I passed & bought an actual (10th hand) EB3.
  16. [quote name='Axebassmurderer' post='1211673' date='Apr 26 2011, 02:11 PM']3 - Should I have bought a Punisher instead[/quote] IMHO the Punisher is a gorgeous machine in it's own rite, regardless of Gene's connection.
  17. The town where he lives used to have a very good vintage instruments shop, which doubled as an agency for the kind of bands that had the remaining members still touring. A link on this sellers Ebay listing mentions an agency in a similar vein.
  18. [quote name='Schnozzalee' post='1210492' date='Apr 24 2011, 11:13 PM']There was a penis one on Ebay for ages, probably like 3 years lol wonder why? I like the Glitterband Star[/quote] Oh the history of that one! I mentioned it to John Birch when I first heard about it; he was ballistic! It's not one of his he said, someone had used his parts on a body made by someone else & was passing it off. (It's good old MG that has it) It next turned up in Guitar & Bass in someone's collection, claiming it has belonged to Andy Scott of The Sweet as a promo item for their hit "Little Willy". Time for someone else to go ballistic - Andy wrote a disclaimer for the magazine denying any connection with the guitar in any way shape or form. Strangely enough the guitar then went back into the ownership of MG in one of their Denmark St shops. If you see it on Ebay they now claim it was made for Showaddywaddy; but if you see it in the window of their shop, last time I looked it said it was made for Dave Hill, which I know for a fact is a lie. I've been told by Greg Dorsett that if you see it up close & personal it has no JB logo - and stinks of fresh paint.
  19. [quote name='Darkstrike' post='1210331' date='Apr 24 2011, 08:33 PM']Here's one I've always loved, originally made for Barry Devlin, bassist for Horslips(he eventually gave it to a fan/friend). One of the other members of the band designed it, I don't remember which. I've often thought of asking a luthier to make me a copy, or something close to it.[/quote] Amazing! It's the kind of thing that made John's name in the early to mid 70's................ Glitterband Roy Wood Mud More than anything in particular I like the look of the pups; they look like they ooze power!
  20. [quote name='noirpunk' post='1209706' date='Apr 24 2011, 12:13 AM']Any more JB content?[/quote] Oh dear - well since you ask - I did keep these pics, some of which were recent-ish appearances on Ebay The Bat - John Birch made only two of these, this isn't Dave Hill's one, his has American Indian images engraved into it. Dave's was on Ebay for IIRC - £25k or nearest offer. A John Birch T-bird - very nice - for some reason three of these came up in a month, then nothing since. John's take on the Gibson Moderne??? A 10/5 bass??? Now in the possesion of the aforementioned. Dave Hill with two of his J1s, a J2 bass loaner, which Jim was trying out (rounder horns) and Nod's customised SG Junior
  21. [quote name='Schnozzalee' post='1209749' date='Apr 24 2011, 01:33 AM']If you PM me I know the worth of the 4001's too after a pro valuation and an SG collector to anyone who has one...[/quote] Ahem? [quote name='Big_Stu' post='1201228' date='Apr 15 2011, 09:58 PM']You'll be incredibly lucky to find one. There's an American collector; Gregg Dorset, owner of RockStarsGuitars who collects any and all John Birch SG's, he's gone stacks of them. He even has an agent in the UK who finds them. Last one I heard of was in Denmark, I was offered it, Greg bought it but it was lost in transit.[/quote] THIS is the most recent JB job I found for him - and it'll be the last ............. (JB customised a lot of Gibsons) If it's the same guy you're talking about?
  22. [quote name='gub' post='1210211' date='Apr 24 2011, 06:24 PM']Not me selling btw i just came across it! [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160571849665&category=4713&_trksid=p5197.c0.m619"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...d=p5197.c0.m619[/url][/quote] He's baaaaaaaack! It's our old friend Peter B again! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=127853"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=127853[/url] (NO connection with the Pete B of this forum!!!!!!!) Someone really should take that sandpaper off him. I'll have a word down at the local DIY store.
  23. IMHO, when I see the words "Member No.: 502" against someone's name I think to myself, "Hmm, this is a guy who's been here a loooong time, & is more than likely going to be a stand up guy & trustworthy. Even if I actually know jack about him I'd give him the benefit of the doubt, rather than think he'd rip for the sake of what? ...... a difference of £200 tops?"
  24. I know someone who fixed old strings across a pair of gold humbuckers then dabbed paint-stripper across the gold. The strings were there to protect the bits where the strings would normally be. I saw the finished thing & they looked convincing. IIRC he did it more than once, a few minutes at a time, until it was aged how he wanted it, same with the bridge parts. [quote name='icastle' post='1208739' date='Apr 22 2011, 11:02 PM']Have you considered using matte spray? It's a clear acrylic spray that they use on film sets to remove metallic reflections and is supposedly permanant (as opposed to dulling spray which is wax based and wipes off after shooting).[/quote] I had the dulling spray put on my specs (before I got contacts) when I was in a C4 docu
  25. [quote name='Tom_Strutt' post='1208507' date='Apr 22 2011, 05:50 PM']My 78 Jazz has just stopped working.. I have a gig tomorrow night which is getting recorded and I ideally want to use it! I opened up the part by jack input and cant see anything lose or wrong and it was literally working 2 hours before I discovered it wasnt working... What can I do? Please help![/quote] Have you another lead and amp to check it's definitely the bass? If you're certain that it's the bass, I had a Tele do exactly the same on me last year, it was the jack socket, sometimes the insulation just "goes" and you need a new one. An easy fix if you're half good with a soldering iron, a new jack socket from your nearest Maplins is less than two quid. That's if the bass is dead, ie. no buzzes, completely silent. If you wiggle the jack while it's plugged in do you get noise? If you're getting constant buzzing it could be a pickup wire, could be a dead pot but usually you'd get crackling as you play before that goes altogether. To check for anything other than a jack it may take time, and a circuit tester.
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