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Everything posted by Big_Stu

  1. [quote name='Geek99' post='930857' date='Aug 20 2010, 01:02 PM']I have a law degree as it happens. The OP should be entitled to his money back, but the shop are first entitled to take 'a reasonable time' to inspect the goods to see if they can repair.[/quote] My understanding of the law is that IF you accept a repair being done you automatically lose a lot of your rights to a refund later. BUT the law is defintely different when it comes to used gear. I've just taken a valve bass head for an overhaul & I'll be getting told by Monday what's wrong & how much. Three weeks is a bit strong to have no answer. Has the OP told the shop that you'd like a refund in the off-chance that you find something else, but you'll take it back if they can fix it before you do?? PS. you're not talking Music Ground are you???
  2. [quote name='Annoying Twit' post='927484' date='Aug 17 2010, 12:51 PM']Brilliant. I'm no longer the most recent person to post this on basschat. Now as long as I remember not to post links to those 17 string basses on ebay, I'll be OK.[/quote] he/she/it should get together with the bloke in the gold jacket playing drums like Animal who generated about 26 different threads on here a while back.
  3. Big_Stu


    In the brief time I've been here I've come to respect his thoughts & opinions as being from one of the forums "Old Guard". He will be sorely missed I know.
  4. [quote name='Delberthot' post='924978' date='Aug 14 2010, 04:13 PM']I was nearly burned at the stake on the Rickresource for suggesting that Lemmy's Rick was a copy and having a Rick signature model made for him wouldn't make sense as he's never played a real one. Just like posting on Talkbs that Jaco was pish I like a larf[/quote] Saw one of their gigs in Glasgow where both of his custom jobs kept dying on him & he was switching them about.
  5. If you're looking for something really special, and a bass that will cure all gas for the future I'd be thinking of finding a good luthier for a custom, tell them everything you want it to do & how it's to sound up front. Either that or speak to either of the brand Custom Shops with a spec. Both of them will have waiting lists which will stop the cash burning a hole in your pocket, and any of them will give you something no-one else has.
  6. [quote name='Sibob' post='921903' date='Aug 11 2010, 07:34 PM']You're suggesting that all fenders pre '65 were made on massive factory production lines?.....what mass-manufacturing technology existed back then in your world? lol.[/quote] Oh none obviously, as Henry Ford would have attested 43 years previously!
  7. [quote name='Lord Sausage' post='921877' date='Aug 11 2010, 07:04 PM']I Think Gibson and Fender have more class than other guitars as they are original. They are like The Beatles and The Stones. Everything that came after was because of them. I don't think we'll ever get to the point where say an old vintage Ibanez or Jackson, whatever, will be viewed with the nostalgia and awe that is given to Fender or Gibson.[/quote] But, but, but ...... what about the re-issue classic vintage Tokai Les Pauls, weren't they worth the money?
  8. [quote name='Lozz196' post='921229' date='Aug 11 2010, 07:35 AM']Certainly does! For some reason, I always expect Gibsons to be kept in pristine condition, whereas Fenders I assume will show some battle scars, and have a few tales of life on the road.[/quote] That's because way back when, before the corporations got involved, Gibsons were made by craftsmen, Fenders were made by machines for cheaper production & easy repair. It's a natural progression for Fenders to go over to China or Korea to be made by a cheap labour force on machines, while Gibsons craftsmen die out & top dollar is charged by the few that can be bothered to train up to the job. Those that don't knock out the run of the mill Gibsons with flaws, then buyers say they are over-priced. I don't much like Fenders, can you tell? Only because they're too common, too every-day. If they float your boat then fine, but I really don't get the "other" forums that show endless lists of near identical Fenders & they drool over them like they're some grail.
  9. [quote name='Stu-khag' post='920344' date='Aug 10 2010, 09:03 AM']Neil Sedaka?[/quote] No, Jimmy Lea's of Slade, but it used to stand on Nod's side of the stage as No. 5 in a block of 8 of them. It was used as a monitor of sorts among the backline (they didn't use wedges) & to give a better spread of sound to the front of stage audience.
  10. I've got a (bass) cab that used to belong to a famous bassist???
  11. Hearing this a few times eventually made me get a bass built like it. High o'put pickups & an onboard overdrive. Especially like the chords intro section of Spirit In The Sky at the end of it, what a grind! If you can't stand the song FF to 2:58 [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKJePz9A958"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKJePz9A958[/url]
  12. There's no way I'd take stick like that from anyone in those circumstances. As regulars she should have known the routine of paying up during your packing time AND obviously how much it should be. Obviously taking the piss & I'd have said so, in as sarcastically diplomatic way as possible.
  13. [quote name='Fiorenza2' post='915815' date='Aug 5 2010, 12:18 PM']Hi all, I recently purchased a bass through eBay, but as soon as I got it, I knew it just wasn't right for me.[/quote] In a shop you wouldn't have a leg to stand on. Changing your mind is no reason at all to get a refund. Some shops do it just to keep your future custom but there's nothing in law to force them. Don't know if buying online is any different.
  14. [quote name='chrisd24' post='916282' date='Aug 5 2010, 06:55 PM']just been to see it (and buy it!) its a really nice neck and im pretty sure i got a bargain (£80)[/quote] Excellent, all you need now is an Epiphone Thunderbird body to put it on.
  15. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='916280' date='Aug 5 2010, 06:54 PM']I've been in Cuba for the last ten days. Travelled around a lot and heard many Cuban musicians playing mostly Cuban songs. I must have heard [i]Guantanamera[/i] fifty times. There were occasions when I wouldn't have known whether it was strictly Cuban or not. Sat in a restaurant one lunchtime, our driver, Emilio, leaning over and pointing at the musicians, says, 'No Cubans, Mexicans'. However, I also heard a few non-Cuban songs played in Cuban style: Hey Jude, And I Love Her, Michelle, Let It Be, She's Leaving Home.[/quote] I'm very pleased for you, my son had a couple of weeks there last year & highly recommended it to me, very friendly people who need the tourism he said. His regular cab driver took my son & his g/f home for dinner with his family. After such a wonderful time I'm surprised you felt the need to jump right back into stirring it up on here. Especially since in your absence there have been several posts agreeing with my point that P McC isn't to everyone's taste & that equally everyone is entitled to their opinion without being told that their opinion is wrong. Which were the two points I was making.
  16. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='916266' date='Aug 5 2010, 06:42 PM']Read the thread. I gave up responding to him ages ago on page 4/5 when he could only manage personal abuse rather than reasoned discussion.[/quote] You two trolls should get together. What kind of retard dregs up a thread that's been dead for days just to post an inflammatory POS like that? "Reasoned discussion"??? You've just proven what I said originally.
  17. [quote name='Hutton' post='910930' date='Jul 31 2010, 08:04 AM']Really surprised about the Grovers. I've still got the original set on my Martin D28 and it stays in tune for looooooooooong periods of time. I can take it out of the case after weeks of non-playing and it's still in tune. I've had the guitar from new in 1979 and it's just fantastic. Are the tuners definitely Grovers? Is 'Grover' stamped on them? I've never heard anything bad said about them. However, I've also never seen the subject raised on this forum so who knows! [/quote] +1, I've got Grovers in my SG Junior & they're absolutely solid - never had a problem with them & they do get hammered. Though like Hutton I know they do seem to get a bad press but not in my experience.
  18. [quote name='essexbasscat' post='914080' date='Aug 3 2010, 05:38 PM']Ah, there are other causes of numbness in areas of the hand, from the fingertips to everywhere else, which no-one has mentioned here. If the problem persists after following the advice on here, I would recommend you seek some advice from a GP or healthcare professional T[/quote] +1 The tips of my left little & ring finger went numb last year. It was caused by a trapped nerve at the back of my neck!!! Drs were talking about spinal ops & assorted crap like that. A good sports physio told me what it really was & popped it back into place in one move.
  19. Hope they don't mind you bodging it a bit yourself. I know of at least one shop that would see you've been adjusting it & making fresh holes as a cop-out to say you're stuck with it.
  20. [quote name='vmaxblues' post='910012' date='Jul 30 2010, 10:47 AM']Musicguard looks promising.[/quote] In my experience it depends what you've got. My last valuation from E&L was £4.5k for my bass (which I thought was an over-estimate but there you go). I asked Musicguard for a quote & the girl said it was too obscure for them to give a figure for so I had to find a competent company to give a valuation. (I did ask why a specific music insurance business would say that, which leads me to believe that they're just a cover name for a generic insurance company, same as E&L) I got a letter from Bonhams music expert who said £3.5k; not good enough for Musicguard. I asked Vintage & Rare for one & they said - after about 3 months - that they didn't know enough about John Birch to give a qualified opinion. So right now I'm at a loss as to who to ask for cover.
  21. Don't touch E&L, murder to get a hold of even to renew. Just heard that they're even worse when it comes to making a claim.
  22. [quote name='vivbanana' post='909204' date='Jul 29 2010, 01:24 PM']Hi i have managed to pick up a shaftesbury les paul bass but i cant find any info on it,ive been told it was made in japan and was imported by rose-morris of shaftesbury avenue.Not sure if this is correct can any one help? thanks a lot viv[/quote] If you've anyway of knowing that it's a 1970's model then yeah it's spot on, I used to have one. Newer or older I couldn't say for sure.
  23. [quote name='4000' post='909182' date='Jul 29 2010, 01:06 PM']I don't expect you to like him, it's fine that you don't like him and I don't expect (or even want) to change your mind. I do think however it's ridiculous to..................[/quote] That's three times you've done that now and YOU are asking ME if I'm reading things properly??? I haven't even bothered reading the rest of your post it's obviously a complete and utter waste of time, you must get sleepless nights if anyone doubts the magnificence of the object of your undoubted obsession. I'm outta this complete waste of space. There's a bloke just gone for lunch here, he's "influenced" me into doing the same because obviously no-one's ever done that without him thinking of it have they?
  24. Had a chat with Lemmy after a Glasgow gig once, about signature amps & Marshall, long story short, a few years later I was invited down to Marshall to "test" his new amps for him before they were shipped out to Germany to catch up with their tour. Around the same time I had a phone call from Don Powell and went to one of their Scottish gigs. The band, crew & myself were in the hotel bar after the gig; Don doesn't drink but Dave Hill is a sump, asked me due to living in Scotland for so long about malts and then proceeded to get the rounds in & we all got royally wrecked on whisky. Went to a benefit gig at Hammy Odeon a few years ago, got there too early so went to the nearest pub & Andy Scott of The Sweet was in so ended up having a good ol' chin-wag & drinks with them. Went to see Steve Cropper in 2008 & found we were in the same hotel. Had a drink & a chat with him. Very nice guy, incredibly modest of all that he's done. Spoke a lot about the recent loss of his mate Bo Diddley. ..... and with apologies to those who have seen it before; le piece de resistence! this is now mine .......
  25. [quote name='4000' post='908880' date='Jul 29 2010, 08:39 AM']FWIW, I don't think anyone is wrong to dislike him. If he doesn't float your boat fair enough, and he's certainly not a great technical player. I can completely understand why he wouldn't be some people's cup of tea. I do think arguing that he hasn't been influential is ridiculous though; that's not arguing taste at all. I don't like Clapton but to say he's not been influential as a guitarist would be ludicrous. Arguing that Macca wasn't at all influential is like arguing that the Romans never invaded Britain (I mean, what have they ever done for us? ).[/quote] You say that, but you & many others do the same thing. You say you respect other people's opinions but then in the next sentence say why they're "ridiculous" or imply "tastelessness" (in this case) for having such opinions. My replies have merely been to say that it's incredibly rude to do such a thing. If it hadn't been happening this thread would be nowhere near as long as it has been. The last few pages of it have been more about pro-Maccas trying to brain-wash folk who think him "twee" or any other description into thinking that their personal opinion is flawed. I also believe that the word "influential" is thrown around far too easily; I've a list as long as my arm of people who believe their favourite artist was "influential". Again, it must go back to some ingrained need to see approval for their chosen idol. "Influential" in that it inspired someone to pick up a guitar to see what they could do? Yeah, sure, a cast of thousands, but in that respect Dave "Wammy" Walmsley, a mate of my dad's with the unfortunate band name "Wamm" was more influential to me, not McCartney. [i]Lemmy falls into that category, McCartney was part of his reason for going to bass apparently (in an i'view I read) because of the sound of it, not [i][i]his[/i][/i] bass, just the bass sound in general. And no-one is going to say Lemmy has any of The Eyebrow's style are they[/i]? "Influential" in that I copied what they did or a variation of it?? Absolutely not, far too boring (to me & many others on here) for that to happen. That is a mixture of my certain knowledge and my beliefs. Neither you nor anyone else will change them, no matter how many permutations of "allowing someone's opinion; aah BUT" they may come up with. What [i]I[/i] really don't "get" is why the Pro-Pauls are the ones who are having to keep coming back to harangue non-Pauls into changing their minds.
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