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Everything posted by Big_Stu
[quote name='Delberthot' post='908678' date='Jul 28 2010, 09:43 PM']I once had a Pioneer Stereo and it was sh*t.[/quote] [quote name='discreet' post='908790' date='Jul 29 2010, 12:30 AM']Bad choice.[/quote] Oh I don't know, you're entitled to your opinion of course ........ but you'd be wrong. I don't think you realise how pivotal and pioneering some Pioneer can be. I still have my Pioneer A400X amp, it was one of the first, if not THE first non valve amp to feature a straight through non-adjustable sound, it's all about the tone you see, it seems uninformed to think otherwise. It's great at Jazz (as in Ellington, Basie, Kenton, Parker and worked through Pop to Prog etc etc) so my stance is not an anti-technical thing; my tastes in music run from that through pop, rock, metal, punk and pretty much everything else.
[quote name='chris_b' post='908205' date='Jul 28 2010, 02:02 PM']McCartney took bass playing from dum-de-dum to Sgt Pepper. After that there was no way any bass player was going to escape his influence. He opened the door and the rest of us just walked through![/quote] Almost a quote by Bo Diddley about himself, "I opened the door for a lot of people, and they just ran through and left me holding the knob.”
[quote name='Chris2112' post='907788' date='Jul 28 2010, 02:21 AM']I think in the grand scheme of things, Mark didn't really use Jaydee that long - they practically vanished after 1988 when he got his hands on his Alembics, supplementing the Status basses he had. I think it's just because Mark used them a lot back when the band were getting bigger and bigger and so many people remember that. If you look, the basses Mark has used longest continually would appear to be his Status basses post millenium, I think he's played them exclusively for ten years now after coming from those slightly iffy Jazz basses and GB basses (which just never sounded too good IMO).[/quote] Thanks for the update, didn't know much of that. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='907788' date='Jul 28 2010, 06:16 AM']For me it will always be the appearance of Mark King on The Tube, playing the solo slap piece, that started people talking about him, and that bass he played was a Jaydee. From then on, I remember stocking those basses in our shop and selling every one quickly. The problems came when Diggins produced a batch of basses (metallic finish, as I recall), and the lacquer or paint was faulty, causing him to recall them. Apparently, it almost bankrupted him at the time.[/quote] I 'met" Mark King once, totally star-struck & barely uttered a word (Me, not him ). He came into JayDee's workshop when I was in collecting a John Birch bass John had rewired for me. JD told me I should have gone in the day before, I'd have met Tony Iommi.
And "Ca Plane Pour Moi" is a classic! Seriously!
I've never owned a P bass so can't help there, but I've got a Laney Bass practise amp she's welcome to keep. Can't remember the wattage, maybe 25watts? PM me an address if interested.
[quote name='Waldo' post='907272' date='Jul 27 2010, 04:25 PM']No-one is attempting to 'deny' your opinion.[/quote] There were plenty on here trying to change, ie. deny, [i]various[/i] posters opinions. Trying to brow-beat a person to change their mind, or to regurgitate statistics, again, to try to force people into changing their mind is fascist in it's approach. Of course it's allowed on here or certainly seems to be, as I already posted eleswhere I'm glad it is; it sure beats the alternative of having the place shut down every time it kicks off. Seriously, the Beatles as well as religion, race & gender should be made off limits on here, too many folk who deify their favourite artist to make gathering OPINIONS worthwhile.
When I was a kid I used to annoy my Mum by playing "My Sharona" endlessly. I haven't got a copy now but from memory the bass doesn't follow the riff anyway does it?
[quote name='Waldo' post='907214' date='Jul 27 2010, 03:42 PM']Becuase being logged on means that I'm spending 100% of my time crafting responses to you? [/quote] Or doing spell checks. So the answer to the original OP is, "no, some don't think at all, some think he was great, some think he is great & the rest are somewhere inbetween "yeah, whatever" and "what a crock". And the answer to the second question is "yeah, most care that folk are allowed present their opinions without being slagged for them", which seemes to be the final thought on here. [i]Apart from one up there who can't grasp that denying people their opinion is a symptom of fascism.[/i] Exeunt stage left.
Hey, you're fairly coming on, in a few years you'll have hairs on your chest AND be able to get your joined up sentences into double figures. Considering you were logged in as a I typed that last post you've only taken ooooh half an hour for those four.
Interesting enough piece, thanks for the link. Strange no mention of the Jaydees that he used for so long, or do you think there was a bit of brand promo going on there?
Hooray, the last few sentences sum up the entire thread. We're gonna have to live with other people's opinions which is what the OP asked for. No need for perosnal abuse, no need for Waldo at all who obviously doesn't understand the word "fascist" or how to type more than one or two sentences all in one go.
[quote name='Delberthot' post='906966' date='Jul 27 2010, 12:39 PM']...............that is my personal opinion, you don't have to like it or try to argue it.[/quote] Ahaa, hooray for the rational thinker. It's only taken 8 pages but at last we have someone that knows what having an opinion really means.
[quote name='flyfisher' post='906766' date='Jul 27 2010, 10:27 AM']You may be confusing objective with subjective. Statistics are objective, opinions are subjective. It would be stupid to suggest that the Spice Girls were not wildly popular for a while but the statistics would show The Beatles to have a rather more enduring influence and legacy.[/quote] You don't even have to start trying to go as deep as that, just have the pathetic pro-McCartneys here accept that a lot of people just don't like what they hear when they a Beatles or McCartney song comes on, it's not difficult. [quote name='Waldo' post='906770' date='Jul 27 2010, 10:30 AM']I haven't been on here on a while so someone will have to help me out on this: Is this guy some sort of wind up merchant?[/quote] Is that because you're not capable of asking direct?
What the pro-Beatles party on here don't seem to be able to grasp is that statistics prove NOTHING, if it was the case then there'd be a part of this that belongs to the Spice Girls or Westlife. When you get the "experts" using the phrase "so called musicians" against other posters here or decrying their abilities or tastes in any way just because their tastes differ from yours is nothing short of FASCIST!! Music NAZI's. What the hell is wrong with you people, was it something in your upbringing that you HAVE to have agreement in your personal tastes? Does it make you feel secure, does it make you belong? As has already been proven on here MANY people don't like what McCartney did/does, that is their perogative, it's mine, they bore me, they send me to sleep, it's musak, I'd sooner stick pins in my eyes GET IT????? Are you McCartneyists too DIM to understand that, or do I need to click my heels & salute while I say it?
[quote name='Bloodaxe' post='906439' date='Jul 26 2010, 10:54 PM']Won't argue with either point Stu, BUT... The 'British Invasion' - spearheaded by the Beatles - woke America up to what they'd already got & gave guys like CB, Bo, Muddy & John Lee Hooker a huge lift and helped get them mainstream recognition. Take out the Beatles Factor & I doubt that would have happened, and I'd venture that popular music would be rather different today.[/quote] Going to have to disagree with you there. The Brit Invasion started before The Beatles got over there. And it was the Stones who were playing Berry, Waters (he personally creditted The Stones with his massive career boost due only partly to the band name), Diddley & Howling Wolf in their set from day one, it was the main reason Richards & Jagger go together in the first place.
[quote name='jezzaboy' post='906198' date='Jul 26 2010, 07:00 PM']Hey there Big Stu!! Akkerman left in 76 on the eve of a British tour as he couldn`t get along with Van Leer. He was replaced by a guy called Phillip Catrine (pretty sure that was his name) who was quite a decent player. The people who bought tickets for the tour were offered their money back when Akkerman left. I went and seen Akkerman at the Ferry about 2002 and a guitarist friend who was with me was so impressed by his playing that he was nearly suicidal that he would never be that good. Strange man.... :wacko: Focus are still kicking about and are still a good band . Jez[/quote] Hey Jez! Yeah, the Ferry is/was a cracking venue. I used to go there a bit when I lived in Edinburgh. Saw Jan A there once, can't remember the year. He had a black Les Paul, which IIRC had a Gretsch pup in it, presumably not the one Wombatboter saw/heard trashed. I know someone who booked Focus in Europe a couple of years ago & met Thijs Van Leer, apparently he's a lot bigger (larger) now & doesn't like talk of Jan A.
[quote name='jezzaboy' post='880332' date='Jun 28 2010, 08:52 PM']The track was written by Van Leer-organ, flute and yodelling? and Akkerman-guitars. Sadly for Akkerman, he gave up his royalties to his wife when they got divorced!![/quote] Jan Akkerman left Focus a long time ago, I believe it's just Thijs van leer + A N Others these days. Jan Akkerman does an annual solo tour, he's played The Robin in Bilston (EXC venue! I go there a lot!) and The Ferry in Glasgow a few times.
[quote name='JTUK' post='905118' date='Jul 25 2010, 07:26 PM']He would never be my type of bassist anyway but I agree the chemistry between Entwistle and Moon worked ...upto a point.[/quote] Entwistle was a bass god despite Moon, not anything to do with his talents. Moon was "self-taught" to the point that he couldn't even hold the sticks properly. Not that anyone self-taught is necessarily sh*t, but he was a deffo exception.
[quote name='bubinga5' post='899294' date='Jul 19 2010, 07:20 PM']ok thanks WB...where exactly do i spray it..the cavity side is a PCB board...i cant get to the actual pots like say on a jazz bass.does it matter[/quote] I bought a can of Servisol from Maplins that came with a thin tube attachment that gets into small gaps.
[quote name='Rich' post='903011' date='Jul 23 2010, 11:36 AM']Opinions are like arseholes, in that everybody's got one. When you think yours is the only valid opinion, you start [i]being[/i] an arsehole.[/quote] That's how I've always tried to relate to anyone else, in my job it's essential. But when someone voices an opinion different to the masses on here all you get is a few or (sigh)s and such like. Or general child-like name-calling as to why a person's own personal preference or opinion is flawed. The same people will then go on & on, often using imported quotes as if it's possible to PROVE to someone why their own personal taste is wrong, rather than just accept a differing opinion, which is usually reserved for Rickresource players.
[quote name='oldslapper' post='902848' date='Jul 23 2010, 09:32 AM']memo to self....."dear O.S. don't post on discussions about individual players, you patronising tw@t, it always ends up with handbags at dawn" [/quote] Only if the shoe fits, can't say as I saw you say anything relevant? [quote name='EssentialTension' post='902851' date='Jul 23 2010, 09:35 AM']Well, I don't see it, but Steve can respond if he wants to. Who else? Remember you said: 'Never in my life have I seen [u][b]so many patronising tw@ts all in one thread[/b][/u].' There must be quite a few people.[/quote] You're obviously capable of reading back, [i]even though you put your own slant on it[/i], I'll let you do the donkey-work. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='902851' date='Jul 23 2010, 09:35 AM']I didn't make the 'automatic assumption that what he did is liked', it is exactly what you said:[/quote] Yes you did, your words I quoted were [b]all[/b] about [b]liking[/b] what he did, I didn't put the emphasis on [i]my[/i] words you did. IF I had used emphasis I would have put it on the word "if". IF a person dislikes what he hears a person play then he's more likely to do something different to it & therefore evolve the music form. A person who likes what he hears is more likely to emulate, i.e. copy it, not evolve. If you're incapable of interpretation of discussion without it being spelt out to you in words of single syllables please don't try to twist my words into a meaning to suit your own.
[quote name='Big_Stu' post='878498' date='Jun 26 2010, 11:12 PM']Keep a regular eye on the 2nd hand shop at the corner of Queen Street & Frederick St. They regularly get some good gear in there. Not cheap always, but that's why you keep looking back. Last time I looked about 2 months ago they had a Gibson 70's EB3, can't remember how much & a Musicman for £690. Always plenty of Fender copies too.[/quote] The EB3 is a mid-70's walnut one at £780 & the Musicman is a sunburst Stingray at £580; dunno if that's a good price or not, for anyone who's interested. I had a quick look in the shop on Monday.
[quote name='EssentialTension' post='902738' date='Jul 23 2010, 02:46 AM']I take it from what you say (quoted below) about my answers that you may not have meant me, but it certainly sounded like you meant several people.[/quote] Steve-soar to name but one other? [quote name='EssentialTension' post='902738' date='Jul 23 2010, 02:46 AM']I don't see why that would be the case even if everyone did like McCartney (or whoever). If I like someone's playing, even if I am influenced by them, why on earth would that stifle me. It doesn't follow.[/quote] No it doesn't, not if you make the automatic assumption that what he did is liked? But if someone was to dislike what he did then they'd develop their own alternative, different style, sound, writing, horizons & so music evolves. [quote name='liamcapleton' post='902739' date='Jul 23 2010, 02:49 AM']....... it should be allowed for people to voice their opinions regardless.[/quote] Which is only what I'm looking for, opinions voiced without the author having it implied that they're tasteless, thick, unknowing or anything else. If something doesn't float your boat that's cool no matter what. If it wasn't the case we'd all be shaking our heads about, shouting "woo, woo" with one eyebrow up in the air wouldn't we?
[quote name='liamcapleton' post='902733' date='Jul 23 2010, 02:29 AM']Did we read the same post? You've got to admit... there's a sh*t lot wrong with that statement.[/quote] Now you're saying "post" - I saw "thread", big difference. The guy ventured an opinion, the main thing wrong with his statement is using the word "most" I'd say. I wouldn't say "most" pub band players were better, but there could well be some. I knew a guitarist in Edinburgh who was leagues ahead of most major league names/players; I guess he just didn't get the breaks. I reckon 100's pf people across the world could say the same thing. But put the word "most" in it?? Nah.
[quote name='liamcapleton' post='902708' date='Jul 23 2010, 01:49 AM']It's a thread about loving McCartney. ................. If he'd said something like 'I'm not a fan of McCartney, but each to their own' etc. then it wouldn't have merited the same roasting.[/quote] Not in the thread title I'm seeing on my monitor it isn't. And since when is an opinion such as the one you quoted in need of any kind of "roasting" at all? [b]Essential Tension[/b], not what I said. Or are the thought police alive & well on this forum & any answer other than the stock deification of the guy not allowed? FWIW so far as I noticed most of your answers have been reasoned opinions of your own. Personally he does nothing for me whatsoever either in music-style, ability or personality so far as I've bothered to take in; despite which I do have a small number of Beatles CDs for the odd track or three. Of his era I would put the Stones ahead in listenability (even if it was a word) and excitement. And would put Chuck Berry & Bo Diddley way ahead in creating rock music as we know it today rather than what the Beatles did after them. [size=7]BUT[/size] (obligatory) If everyone liked what he or any other individual player did in the past in would surely stifle progression or development of the many and varied musical genre that have followed since.