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Everything posted by Big_Stu

  1. It might matter to you what you intend playing on it? Do you have an image in mind, what kind of sound do you want to have? Not much point in having a HM pointy-all-over-bass if you want to play jazz for eg. Personally I don't like Fenders or Fender derivatives, because everybody & their auntie has one it seems, so I do like something that stands out, but not to the point where I'd look a knob. (well, no more than usual )
  2. [quote name='RussFM' post='778144' date='Mar 17 2010, 11:43 PM']We had some done recently, turned out quite well considering it was 9am on a Sunday morning after a heavy Saturday night! [/quote] Black Country Museum, Walsall??
  3. [quote name='benebass' post='771006' date='Mar 10 2010, 10:15 PM']Bought a Status Groove bass through a postal deal & there's really dodgy-looking ding on the neck bolt area - it looks like someone's tried to shove a screwdriver through the finish.[/quote] Looks to me like someone started trying to move a strap button, thought better of it when the finish started to crack & left it. It won't weaken anything but yeah, I'd run s'glue into the crack & forget it.
  4. [quote name='JMT3781' post='766949' date='Mar 7 2010, 03:12 PM']I got to the venue bursting for a tinkle to find a turd in the only urinal[/quote] To be sure, would that be being a major turd, or a minor turd, bejasus!
  5. One of the touch up brush paints from a car shop. You get a choice of "blacks" for a better colour match, it's tough as hell, quick drying & you can built up the layers as and when you can be arsed doing it. Once you've got it thick enough a light rubbing with Duraglit type metal polish will hide the edges. Been there done that with my Tele when it got loaned out & came back with an even bigger chip than yours has, but in a similar place.
  6. Worked wonders on a Squier Telecaster body that I had, really boosted the sustain & created the Tele jangle which was missing. But you'd need a good jig to drill the holes with otherwise it looks terrible on the back.
  7. [quote name='evilLordJuju' post='748784' date='Feb 17 2010, 06:47 PM']Really? What bass was it? And what finish? Did you use it on the fretboard or the actual body or just the fingerboard? My lemon oil specifically says not to use on maple fretboards, but i've never really known why. What is the UK product called please?[/quote] The bass was my John Birch custom EB3 which has a nitro finish on top of a sunburst. I only did the body & got the shock of my life when I saw a big white edged circle on it. Took a LOT of getting rid of as I said. Lemon Oil on it's own is used mostly to renovate rosewood fingerboards, but if you use too much it can loosen the frets. Maybe it's even worse to use it on maple? The UK Gibson product is whatever they call Gibson polish here. It's in a pump spray with an orange label. The US version WITHOUT lemon oil is in an aerosol spray, not a pump.
  8. Not sure about your bass specifically but I always avoid the polishes like the UK version of Gibson polish. I admit it was partly my fault when I sprayed directly onto the bass instead of the cloth but the lemon-oil in it made a big round "scorch" mark in the finish of my bass. I managed to get it out with VERY careful use of metal polish & now have the USA version of Gibson polish sent over by a friend, it has wax & no lemon-oil in it.
  9. [quote name='geoffbyrne' post='747895' date='Feb 17 2010, 12:01 AM']................allegedly.................[/quote] Oh yes! Allegedly! Apparently the dodgy Hiwatts are easy to spot because the ( ) around the Hiwatt name on the spec plates are out of line with the text inbetween; the genuine old ones never were.
  10. I've been told that they use the Doncaster address now as their Hiwatt office; dunno if that's true or not, but their involvement alone is enough for me to never want a new Hiwatt. On the Hiwatt plexi forum they've been proven to adapt old amps & sell them off as vintage whatevers. A favourite is to buy slave Hiwatts cheap & make them up into full amps then sell them at a massive profit as vintage. They've even made fake spec plates with fake S/Ns on them.
  11. Let's just say that if you have money to spend on gear you'd get more original, genuine gear at other places for a better price.
  12. I have a custom made fitted case for my bass, it cost me £247 about 8/9 years ago. Wouldn't want to carry it more than 50 yards or so, & wouldn't at all for an hour or so before a gig; stretches arms & hands out of place etc. BUT it is guaranteed to 30,000 ft they said. There was a company that advertised every month in good ol' MusicMart who sold the whole kit for making your own if you're handy with a rivet gun but I don't remember their name.
  13. [quote name='silddx' post='736741' date='Feb 5 2010, 10:32 PM']Jeez, it was only a little quip, a phrase, people are getting pissed off with me because of it. Not one person has screeched at me because they are offended by my Helmand Province reference. [b]SORRY TO ALL GLASWEGIANS![/b][/quote] The Gorbals is like Wester Hailes, Pilton or Granton but wi'oot the culture.
  14. A few years ago, my son went ahead & did lend his kit for the use of a few bands at an all-dayer in Glasgow. The thanks he got was to have £500+ of his cymbals nicked at packing up time. Obviously by one of the band members he'd helped out during the course of the day. Never, ever, ever again.
  15. [quote name='LawrenceH' post='724692' date='Jan 25 2010, 11:05 PM']...my ability to spot a seaside-style double entendre has evidently seriously atrophied in the last year spent living in the Middle East![/quote] If that girl in the picture was to ask me for a double-entendre .......................... I'd give her one!
  16. I've got an 'Gator case for my SG; only been around in the UK. My Fender case has been into Europe & back a few times, and looks like it but the contents were always fine. I had a full-flight case made for my bass in Edinburgh, the insurance insisted on it. The company (I forget the name) say it's guaranteed to 30,000 ft, tho' I've never had to test it. Cost me £247 about 6 years ago, and weighs a ton!
  17. [quote name='BOD2' post='1334' date='May 18 2007, 11:20 AM']For those of us North of the border I can highly recommend - Dennis Marshall at [url="http://www.emersonwilliams.com"]http://www.emersonwilliams.com[/url] Land line : +44(0)1506 826333 Mobile : +44(0)7713 251211 Emerson Williams Limited, 10 Links Court, Bo'ness, West Lothian, EH51 9UD, Scotland Email: [email protected] Dennis is a Mesa Boogie specialist and approved repairer, like most of these guys he is a tad eccentric but nicely so. His preamps are the mutts nutts but are not cheap. He's one of the old school who repairs things so they work, not just to make money, if that makes sense. He takes pride in what he does and goes beyond what you'd expect him to do. --------------------------------------------------[/quote] Dennis is THE MAN, an absolute Guru! He also lives & breathes Sound City. He's the guy who fired up my ex-Noddy Holder Hiwatt after it had been unused totally in a damp lock-up for about 17 years!
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