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Everything posted by Big_Stu

  1. The body outline is like an early Ampeg.
  2. Slade's "Everyday" was begun by Jimmy Lea's wife, when he said at a party that "anyone can write a song", then him & Nod finished it off........ platform shoes and glitter on your face is optional. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pPL9PPy1MI[/media]
  3. [quote name='The Funk' timestamp='1437947446' post='2830338'] If you don't mind my asking, how much was it going for? [/quote] Can't remember sorry; I do remember thinking it was more than reasonable. Very similar to this apart from colour. The "Confessor" guy (not the same as the present day band of the same name) also used a Moog Taurus pedal.
  4. I saw a HM band from Leeds, "Confessor" a few times in the late 70s/early 80s. Their singer Krys had a CMI sunburst EB3/SG 4/6 thru' a Marshall tranny headed stack & it sounded immense. They were only a three piece when I saw them but he was great at switching between the two. I saw the same guitar(s??) on Ebay a few years ago - and had it confirmed by a mate that it was his but I couldn't justify it.
  5. Met my other half 7+ years ago and had a few CDs the same, Bowie & Blondie I remember + some others. But the last concert she'd been to was Adam & The Ants - the first time around!! I've since taken her to a few concerts, met up with some of the artists there - but SHE's the one who ends up on LinkedIn with them!
  6. [quote name='Phil Adams' timestamp='1437637163' post='2827679'] My DPD driver is spot on and on time. Perhaps I'm lucky, time will tell. Good luck. [/quote] This - every time - though it's rare they have the time to stop or chat, let alone a tea.
  7. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1437569202' post='2827119']I was at Reading 1980 (i.e. when it was still a proper festival) when Slade were drafted in at the last minute to replace Ozzy. They completely smashed it, I'm guessing dave had juiced his guitar sound a bit to suit the occasion.[/quote] Dave was using a John Birch custom by then with an onboard treble-booster, with 300w of Hiwatt stacks behind him, a mate of mine in the USA owns the 200 amp now. Slade had until 2 days before, split up. Dave had left due to lack of income in the previous 2-3 years of doldrums for the band. Chas Chandler had talked him into going out with a final blast - and the rest as they say............. Jim's backline here, including the power-amps behind it was 9000+ watts. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1437576011' post='2827211'] I worked with Roy Wood's niece and I used to see him in The Wheatsheaf in Walsall quite often.[/quote] There's a story that Roy Wood, Noddy Holder and Robert Plant went to a quiet little boozer in their home area for a few jars years ago and no-one bothered them. The punters were either locals who knew them or any others just wouldn't have believed you'd see all three of them together so left them alone.
  8. [quote name='Donnyboy' timestamp='1437413178' post='2825791'] Done & liked - would've good to have seen Slade & Quo touring together back in the day --early/mid seventies in Australia I think - that would been [b]a bit on the loud side[/b]. [/quote] Just a tad! They still keep in touch since then, & Rick & Francis were seen several times in the wings at Slade gigs in the early 80s. *distant trumpets* and [url="http://www.pledgemusic.com/projects/when-slade-rocked-the-world"]http://www.pledgemusic.com/projects/when-slade-rocked-the-world[/url]
  9. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1437390521' post='2825499'] Liked. [/quote] Excellent! Apparently there's going to be a "major" Slade announcement on FB at 6pm tonight. Nod was talking about wanting to do a solo album in Harrogate, but I highly doubt it's that being made official.
  10. [quote name='Nicko' timestamp='1437395301' post='2825561']Although he's offered to pay for the work I feel like this means I have limited say in the results and so far I'm not keen. It all looks a bit kind of 80s death metal to me. And we're definitely not that![/quote] If you told him you didn't like it and it's not being edited or discussed then I'd see that as an indication of who sees theirself more as controlling of the band. Other than that, see it as a bonus.
  11. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1437331340' post='2825134'] liked mate[/quote] Cool, - there's plans afoot to to nominate them for some kind of award. Strange that they've never had any of the "lifetime achievement awards", RRHoF or any of that other showbiz baloney.
  12. Good to hear there's so much bon-homie for Slade here. They're all good guys to talk to. H likes his malt whiskies, (hint: if you meet up with Jim these days you'll get a longer chat if you talk gear rather than Slade). I met up with Nod for an hour or so at a do he did in Harrogate earlier this month (he signed some prints for charidee that I had made off a drawing I did of him - his Mrs has the original ) Don keeps in touch quite well considering he now lives in Denmark. Could anyone who's interested please like this FB page for Alan G Parker of "Hello Quo" fame wanting to gauge popularity for doing a similar job on Slade. [url="https://www.facebook.com/sladefilm?fref=ts"]https://www.facebook...adefilm?fref=ts[/url]
  13. [quote name='Fisheth' timestamp='1437106179' post='2823610'] Wish I was nearer to this and not in the North East. Foxton was one of the bassists that got me into taking it seriously and not just following the guitars! [/quote] From The Jam[color=#CCCCCC][font=tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif][size=2] [color=#000000][b]October 2015[/b][/color][/size][/font][/color][color=#CCCCCC][font=tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif][size=2] [color=#000000]Wednesday 7th [/color][color=#000000]'Sound Affects'[/color][color=#000000] The Green Room, Darlington[/color][/size][/font][/color][color=#CCCCCC][font=tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif][size=2] [color=#000000]November 2015[/color][/size][/font][/color][color=#CCCCCC][font=tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif][size=2] [color=#000000]Saturday 7th 'Sound Affects' 02 Academy Newcastle.[/color][/size][/font][/color]
  14. A pro player I know came to our house for dinner. First thing he noticed was the DAB "Marshall" radio, "OK", he said, "so at least we know we're in the home of a musician". For that [i]similar[/i] reason alone, this will sell in droves.
  15. Literally stop breathing? this one, the impact on your chest from the pressure when you're stage front does genuinely take your breathe away.... [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uhZcnv8Zw8"][media]http://www.youtube....h?v=9uhZcnv8Zw8[/media][/url]
  16. There's a follow up "making of" type i'view on YT.
  17. I've only lately put a toe in the water of FB. Not impressed so I'm trying to keep it low. I'd like to think NWR would tell them where to shove a knighthood but I don't know what he'd actually think.
  18. The Blockheads are playing Band On The Wall, Manchester on Friday & Kendal Arts Centre on Saturday, Oi Oi!
  19. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1436200660' post='2815913']... any suggestions about what laptops are good these days? (or not good?!)[/quote] Depending on what offers you expect the duty-free to have - and that the warranty would still be valid depending on where you bought it...... If you have a job that qualifies you for Costco membership try having a look there first. We buy all our high priced household gear there whenever possible. EG. My Mrs bought a fairly top of the range Toshiba laptop there, it was £150 less than discounted shop price, came with a free 2 year guarantee and Costco have their own US based freephone helpdesk for any issues. She had problems with the wi-fi dropping out on it last week, it was days away from the 2 years expiring but they had it fixed in minutes - it also turns out the helpdesk seems to be a permanent thing for Costco members & doesn't expire with the guarantee. edit: they also do Macs and being wholesalers they have all the latest models.
  20. [quote name='cloudburst' timestamp='1435512518' post='2809554'] What do folk think of the Lemmy documentary that was on telly...specifically where he starts boasting about "banging" (as he puts it) all the other band members' wives/girlfriends?[/quote] IIRC that was when Hawkwind conspired to eject him (in his opinion) using a Canadian drug bust as an excuse. It was a revenge thing, though I'm not condoning it. It may well be the story's been [i]enhanced[/i] over the years since. My other half has very little interest in rock music of any kind but even she spotted Lemmy's voice when Silver Machine was played this aft on the radio. The guy has lived - and will probably die - by his own code. He's created a unique bass sound & in many people eyes is still trying to "live up" to the "classic line-up. In the band's inbetween years they (he) lost a lot on royalties etc; Motorhead is now more a corporate machine, with much more merchandising, admins and PAs etc. The last time I met him, still a few years ago tho', I was shocked that they all had individual rooms in the venue, no groupies, press, hangers-on, just him, his bandit, Marlboros & JD - and even those latter 2 are gone now. I just hope it's all still on his terms.
  21. [quote name='Mark_88MPH' timestamp='1435432562' post='2808797'] Man ace of spades was painfully slow [/quote] I'm still trying to work out whether he was singing the lyrics to "Ace Of Spades" when Mikkey & Phil were doing the first half of Overkill because he was confused or as a joke. I know he doesn't like playing "Ace" these days but does it for the fans expectations.
  22. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1435314093' post='2807523'] Well a bit of an update Reidys MD rang me up this morning which I really appreciated as the guy was actually on holiday we had a very good chat on the phone and he was also unhappy with the service which I had received and has promised me that he will do everything he can to put things right which I think he will as he seemed genuinely upsest about what had happened and he actually seemed like a nice chap ....[/quote] [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1435181739' post='2806384']If it was me I'd be writing a letter in the manner of your OP to "Paul Nuttall", MD of Reidy's. He's a good guy in my experience and has run the place since at least the early 70's to my certain knowledge.....[/quote] Well I did say - it could well be God help any of the staff who get a name check for messing you around. He is a "nice chap" and is also very proactive when he's in the shop, though to be fair I think keyboards is his personal strong suit IIRC.
  23. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1435161978' post='2806111'] Well spoke to Rimmer's and they say they are nothing to do with Reidys......[/quote] Yeah, that's true - Reidy's is about 5x bigger than the Rimmers Blackburn branch, but it's only a 5 minute walk between them. If it was me I'd be writing a letter in the manner of your OP to "Paul Nuttall", MD of Reidy's. He's a good guy in my experience and has run the place since at least the early 70's to my certain knowledge. Send it SD typed for his personal attention. IMHO they have too many staff for the low footfall in the place, I beleive most of their business is MO now; so it could well be a p*ss-poor breakdown in communication.
  24. By a very long way - this......... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxkFcDWRPNo[/media]
  25. Mods please delete if inappropriate; it's just another FB likey page - of sorts....... Alan G Parker, the guy behind the "Hello Quo" & Kiss movies is looking into the practicalities of doing the same honours with Slade, who rather paradoxically were one of the inspirations for Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley going all glam overkill - so they've a lot to answer for. Anyway - to gauge music fans fervour over such a thing he's asking for those who'd watch such a thing to like this page.......... [url="https://www.facebook.com/sladefilm"]https://www.facebook.com/sladefilm[/url]
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