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Everything posted by Big_Stu

  1. https://www.etsy.com/listing/735780542/ibanez-soundgear-bass-guitar-headstock No connection to the seller or maker.
  2. My first bass was a Gibson EB3, or as I later found out, an EB0 converted into an EB3; bought in 1980 from JSG Music in Bingley W.Yorks, for £150 (I still have the card receipt!!) It was a 1969 model, in very faded cherry, s/n 907469. It had a DiMarzio I neck pickup on it & strangely when converted had a Gibson (with the engraved logo) guitar pickup in the bridge position. I had the guitar pickup switched to a Schaller twin pole model of some description and was ripped off in the process at Mary's Music in Accrington, Lancs. Whoever converted it had put a toggle switch on it in the Les Paul position so I had that filled and a proper rotary switch where it should have been, sadly no Fuzztone though. I sold it in Edinburgh in the mid 80s at Mel's Music in Stockbridge (£230 iirc) and later saw it years later in Boston's junk shop on Leith Walk. It had been badly beaten up so I was only briefly tempted.
  3. Phone him? He's a really nice guy. JayDee is run by his son now, but John still spends a lot of time there and is a very nice guy. He worked with John Birch in the 70's making the weird customs for the glam stars. On that basis he offered to wire up my John Birch bass when JB died close to finishing it. He has an encyclopaedic memory of his work so should be able to tell you something about your bass. Which looks fantastic by the way. https://www.jaydeecustomguitars.co.uk/contact.html
  4. I've just had a guy try to do a similar job with a CNC cutter on a MIJ Strat plate, I wanted a couple of autographs made permanent. The friction melted the edges of the cut & quickly clogged the machine as well as melting the edges of the cut. a non-starter. Another guy has done what I required using a laser etching machine. It doesn't go through the plate completely, just recessed with a colour applied into the recess.
  5. Not quite down to sewer level yet!
  6. I believe so - they're doing a psycho-billy festival in Sept.
  7. Dukes Of Bordello - they are the proverbial! In Manchester, three weeks & counting. For those who are into stand up bass he's using two piezos, one under the fingerboard one on the bridge and a mic inside an f hole.
  8. Yeah, a gig in Italy would be a bit of a trek from this direction. Keep going to the gigs though, better than keeping yourself isolated.
  9. I've been in that place and it's not good. It's a very tough call to be approachable in a room full of strangers. Having said that gigs can be a great place to meet folk; I have many good a genuine friends that were once strangers at gigs. If you're in the North West I'd be happy to meet up for a gig to break your cycle, my shifts at work permitting. To get back on topic. Just booked for Homemade Sin ( had an ex who was big into Georgia Satellites, which kinda obliged me to be as well). John Coghlan's Quo in August, Blockheads in Oct (I think).
  10. Result!!!! Apologies for the delay, my other half has been seriously ill for a while, so this project had been put onto the back burner. The neckplate was delivered earlier today and I am beyond happy with it. I've struggled to get a picture that does it justice. The plate I supplied had a high gloss chrome finish, and the etching has made the image a very matt black which contrasts perfectly. The best bit is that the maker is our very own Basschat @bertbass. I really can't stress how excellent this work is, so pleased with it. Buy with confidence if you're going to get one. The next step we're going to try is imaging onto a scratchplate, so hopefully other possibilities will emerge. Next step is the custom headstock decal which I've ordered from the link recommended on the original post.
  11. This is what I've asked for, if it's not too complicated.
  12. Sadly the man from Timpson changed his mind when I took it in. He phoned their imaging centre and they said they only did stock items. Doing custom parts would be too much admin. However, after trying as many keywords as I could think of I've traced the original website that I'd seen. I've sent off my artwork & am currently waiting to see if they can do it. http://www.tcslaser.co.uk/g&bparts.html
  13. Well it did help, so thanks!! There's no market with that facility near me but your post made me think of Timpsons the shoe repairer. They sell Zippo lighters and dog tags that you can have pictures etched on to. So I asked the question; and the man from Timpson he say Yes!! They need two separate artwork files, one for the text, one for the graphic & I'll be giving it a go later this week. Many thanks!!!
  14. Hi, I've been and gone and lost a link to a UK supplier who can laser etch an image of your choice onto a Fender style neck plate. I remember he was a bit cheaper if you supplied your own neckplate; which I'll have to do as mine isn't a standard sized Fender plate. Does this sound familiar to anyone, I've got artwork ready to go and I'm itching to get the project finished. Thanks in advance.
  15. I'll give it a look thanks. I've been avoiding Amazon and the prices on there for such tape vary hugley.
  16. Perfect!! - Many thanks!!
  17. I recently acquired a gift of a Stagg Strat at a commemoration event for 70s star Alvin Stardust. I'm pleasantly surprised with many aspects of it, the machines and bridge seem to be good solid kit. The body is solid wood, I expected ply, beneath it's (pink) gloss finish. The body was signed by all of the stage participants so I've had a car body repairer put a good strong coating or three over them. To make it a total package as a commemoration piece I'm having the neck plate laser etched with an image and date of the event & thought that a Fender style transfer for the headstock, but reading "Alvin Stardust" rather than "Fender Stratocaster" would be a nice touch. If anyone has ever had a custom transfer made I'd be grateful for a recommendation for a supplier?? Parts wise I have an old trio of custom John Birch "Full Range" Strat pickups, about 20 years old and never used, so I'd like to hear what they can do. i also have an unused Fender TBX cut/boost tone pot in my parts box, so that can be used too.So on an all black scratchplate I'll have a black Tele metal vol knob, and two black chicken-heads for the tones. The pickups are matt black with covered poles. I'm also looking for a recommendation for a supplier of copper 50mm earthing/screening tape to line the cavaties with?? Many thanks!
  18. No, I was "obliged" to sell it once I got married. Last I saw of it was in the window of Bostons junk shop in Edinburgh in the early 90s. It was looking very shabby by then. I remember seeing lots of cig burns around the nut. I do however still have the receipt from when I bought it, from JSG Music of Bingley, W Yorkshire.
  19. A 1969 Gibson EB0 converted to an EB3 & with a DiMarzio Model "I" at the neck. s/n 907469
  20. There's one of those in our local Crack Converters, they want £500+, which I thought a tad but I could be wrong.
  21. My favourite was/is a Scottish band "Raj Against The Machine"; it helps if you understand Scots slang.
  22. Why not have a BC hi-res logo available for a paid download for the buyer to then make their own arrangements to their item preference and cost? Yes, it takes away quality control, and to an extent it's open to abuse, though I like to think 99.9% are trustworthy here; but then it's up to the downloader as to whether they want to look cheap or not.
  23. Pick for me, trying but not quite succeeding to emulate this bloke. Props to any finger players, I also love Duck Dunne's playing.
  24. Wasn't he the guy that wrote Tin-Tin?
  25. When you get fed up off it - again - I'll maybe make you an offer you can't refuse.
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