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Everything posted by Big_Stu

  1. [quote name='crag42' timestamp='1412236708' post='2566930'] yes mate. ..a band I was in supported focus a couple of years back[/quote] Cool, met him a few years ago & made the mistake of trying out my basic Dutch on him, trying to be polite but ended up looking a bit daft (or more so than usual).
  2. [quote name='crag42' timestamp='1412198012' post='2566783'] good call. .. Great album, fantastic band [/quote] Is that Thijs Van Leer you're with in your avatar?
  3. [quote name='blisters on my fingers' timestamp='1412134618' post='2565981'] [b] Parcelforce Fail Again [font=courier new,courier,monospace][font=times new roman,times,serif]remember this ?[/font][/font][/b] The only time I had a package coming thru customs they wanted enough duty to make the "collectors item" (an SG Junior scratchplate) cost about the same as if I'd bought it here. I told them to just send it back, I wouldn't pay it. Ooooh! They were NOT happy bunnies.!!! " Once again .......the item came "thru" customs... "they wanted enough duty.... "collectors item".. ( as described by the seller in the USA ? ) cost about the same as if I'd bought it here etc. You didn't realise you would have to pay duty. This is paid to HMRC. Not Parcelforce or Royal Mail.[/quote] The only person at any stage who used "collectors item" was the guy at RM on the phone, when I was asked to call them in a letter saying that they'd held it for 3-4 weeks pending a customs levy payment from me. That was his reply (hence the quotes I used) after I'd asked why the levy was such that it doubled the cost of the item. The rest of your post........ [quote name='blisters on my fingers' timestamp='1412134618' post='2565981']Do you always hide behind the crowd ?[/quote] [quote name='blisters on my fingers' timestamp='1412134618' post='2565981']Do you ever make any sense ? [/quote] etc ............. I've reported as deliberate trolling/provocation. Since you've spent almost half of your posts so far on sniping I doubt your genuine intent on being here. I won't be indulging your pedantry any further.
  4. [quote name='sellisnba' timestamp='1412101251' post='2565701'] Hi all Not sure if this in the right place. My dilemma is, I have a bass neck with silly small tuning pegs in it.I want to fit proper size one[size=4]s but the best way to do it is with a drill press.[/size] [size=4]Thanks[/size][/quote] I've only done that job once & was advised, by a luthier, in advance to run the drill bit in reverse to reduce the chewing up around the edges of the hole. It worked for me but maybe others who have done it could chime in?
  5. [quote name='Weststarx' timestamp='1412003886' post='2564741'] They quoted £255.... A lot of money, but I guess its the costs of the labour. I'd much prefer to drop it off myself locally, sending my bass off to someone who I havent met is a scary prospect for me [i](no offence to anyone here as im sure you would look after it - its just for my own piece of mind!)[/i] Even at £255 its still very tempting because I just love that colour. [/quote] I was quoted £350 about 4 years ago to refin an EB3 from cherry to white. Another place was £280 but only if I stripped it myself first. I was quoted £120 by Andy's of Denmark St for a cherry refin about 30 years ago, so maybe the £255 isn't that steep [i]IF[/i] the quality is high?
  6. looks like "blisters" the newbie is trying to come in hard from the start to create some kind of rep. Not been here long enough to take a dump yet trying to start rows instead of doing his homework. I guess you must be right, I even bet the thought of that will cause even more blisters in all your excitement. Since the 'plate was just advertised as "SG Junior scratchplate" and I paid (IIRC) $18 for it + postage - about 12 years ago I'll have to bow to your expert knowledge on whether that would be a "collector's item" price or not. Since PF had also taken about 3 weeks to even notify me it was on hold pending payment I didn't lose any sleep over it. Neither did the seller, since I made other purchases later.
  7. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1411938778' post='2564197'] Ah, hecklers, don`t you just love them. We have a song that doesn`t have a specified slot in our set, we just use it when we see fit - if a heckler starts up, we dedicate it to them. It`s called W*nk*r.[/quote] [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rY5whysdxo"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rY5whysdxo[/url] ??
  8. Maplins do several optical>phono converters. It used to be Maplins larger branches had an engineer who would advise and/or make up custom gadgets from their stock. Might be worth asking the question. edit; Closest I could find with a quick search, so I might not be reading right, was this [url="http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/digital-to-analogue-audio-converter-a14kf"]http://www.maplin.co...converter-a14kf[/url] On a similar gadget a buyer mentions a lag between video & sound, but it can be adjusted for.
  9. First heard them on a 70s compilation. Their version of Gimme Shelter leaves the Stones version in it's wake (IMHO). Fantastic bass, vocals and brilliant false finish.
  10. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1411711823' post='2562067'] What a strange post - if you're saying that he should have calculated the total cost in advance, I think the point was that the item was unexpectedly hit with an expensive 'collectors item' classification, rather than the standard goods cost. [/quote] Yes, that was the main point, glad to see that it wasn't missed, thank you. Though I also thought the decision by HMRC that a scratch-plate alone could be a "collectors item" was strange too. So it could be, presumably, if you import a cheapie guitar that has an after-market item on it you could be deemed to have to stump up more without realising. I did enjoy the irony in the newbie's post of having a spelling mistake in a sentence about doing homework.
  11. [b]Born To Be Wild by Slade 1981[/b] [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9m0_7nZHw2c[/media] Another in the "great skills, not entertained for long" camp. FWIW this is the way I like bass to sound, though you don't hear it on it's own until about 1.50 - but that's mostly how I prefer it too. I liked it so much I had a custom copy of that bass made, complete with on-board overdrive.
  12. Point of order Mr. Chairman [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1410793219' post='2553190'][i]One-hitters: [/i] Kenny - The Bump, Fancy Pants Cozy Powell - Dance With The Devil; [color=#ff0000]Na-na-na[/color] Ringo Starr - Back Off Boogaloo Pilot - January, Magic Brownsville Station - Smoking in The Boys' Room Chicory Tip - Son Of My Father; [color=#ff0000]Good Grief Christina[/color] [i](with an intro Mark Radcliffe would be proud of)[/i] Sailor - Glass Of Champagne, Girls Girls Girls Hello - New York Groove Barry Blue Racey[/quote]
  13. You'll also need a strange shaped guitar, still available from John Birch Guitars (RIP John) for around £1400 your cash......... or drool over pics instead. These CDs would be essential listening in prep.
  14. Get a pair of pliers on your singers nuts & you could do Rubettes "Sugar Baby Love".
  15. You'll be either a ) knackered or b ) on fire, ..............................for the second gig - no pressure!
  16. [quote name='Sean' timestamp='1410701407' post='2552055'] USPS = United States Postal Service UPS = United Parcel Service Different organisations. [/quote] True, might be a bit of confusion going on. But on the bright side Parcel Force are talking about starting Sunday deliveries to be more competitive in the marketplace. The only time I had a package coming thru customs they wanted enough duty to make the "collectors item" (an SG Junior scratchplate) cost about the same as if I'd bought it here. I told them to just send it back, I wouldn't pay it. Ooooh! They were NOT happy bunnies.!!!
  17. [quote name='taurus1' timestamp='1410293057' post='2547978'] I'm thinking of selling my cabs to buy either a GK or Aguilar 412.I just thought I'd ask if anyone has experience of getting either of the above in a Ford Focus?.I'd feel a bit of a dolt committing to buying one and being unable to get it home.I've never seen either cab in the flesh,as it were and not sure it would fit.Any opinions gratefully received.Thanks. [/quote] I've had a Hiwatt 4 x 12 on it's front in the back of mine with the back seats down. What you won't like it the chiropractors bills for when you're putting it back in after a gig on a regular basis. Factor in your bass, amp in the space left and it drives like a slug - but that's the Focus for you.
  18. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1410257137' post='2547498'] Did Slade make any jazz albums?[/quote] They "dabbled" as a nod (geddit?) to Stefan Grappelli........ [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7iQ_r7BmdE"]https://www.youtube....h?v=C7iQ_r7BmdE[/url] ...... and Nod named his son Django.
  19. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1410270296' post='2547674'] Is this the Ikea catalogue?[/quote] Time out - while I dry my monitor!
  20. [quote name='jezzaboy' timestamp='1410032701' post='2545605'] Neil Murray is one of the best rock bass players around. Search M3 on ya tube. Moody, Marsden, Murray and other guys doing classic Whitesnake material.[/quote] Saw M3 twice at The Robin in Bilston. They did a meet n greet after it, Bernie & Neil were really nice chatty guys with plenty of time for their fans.
  21. Looks very much more like mahogany, similar tight grain to beech but mahogany has more grain figuring - and much more likely in a 70s build. If you blag a drop of teak oil off a joiner/wood yard and put a bit on it you'll see the shimmer off the grain, even on that patch, beech doesn't do that.
  22. Sorry, can't help ..........but if the cost of the bass justifies it, it's less than 3 hrs direct by train Manchester to Hull. I'd be inclined to do a day trip & know for sure I wanted/liked it before parting with the ££. Maybe matches the cost of courier + packing?
  23. [quote name='dougieb' timestamp='1408361752' post='2529307'] Playing in July with Don Powell of Slade fame to promote the National Autistic Society of which Don is an Ambassador, very nice dude. [/quote] Let me guess, your set list was......... ‘Sharp Dressed Man’ ‘Smoke On The Water’ ‘Thrill Is Gone’ ‘Route 66’ ‘Another Brick In The Wall’ ‘Born To Be Wild’ ‘Alright Now’ ‘Spirit In The Sky’ ‘Johnny Be Good’ ‘Cum On Feel The Noize’ (it's on his web-site ) [url="http://www.donpowellofficial.com/"]http://www.donpowellofficial.com/[/url] He is a great spoke, despite the life he's had in the music biz he's one of the two nicest guys I've ever met in it. Great place Hawick (Hoik!) had an ex lived there, used to go to the common ridings.
  24. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1408494357' post='2530798']Even Ronnie Wood was on wages for the first 25 years before they gave him full band membership.[/quote] That's true, I remember him saying so when doing an i'view in a mag shortly after he came off the payroll.
  25. I try not to get into new bands these days since in the past my buying their albums seems to put the kiss of death onto their careers. Exhibit A, Ocean Colour Scene and Exhibit B White Stripes as examples.
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