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Everything posted by Big_Stu

  1. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1408521785' post='2530896'] I've just Googled her name and managed to find the few pictures that don't include the weird "surprised cod" expressions. Apart from the Wikipedia entry, most threads are the subject of the "faces"[/quote] That's a bit of a shaim , they do nothing for me, the sets I've watched on TV etc all seem quite "samey" music wise & I'm curious how much of it is down to the novelty of a female band that actually plays. She may end up as the female equivalent of Mick Jagger.
  2. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1407890547' post='2525166'] Had forgotten this thread until recently when I went shopping to try and find a neutrik[/quote] Maplins used to have an extensive range of Neutrik jacks.
  3. [quote name='Fozza' timestamp='1373443480' post='2137545'] This is an Epiphone 1960's Limited Edition which was in production briefly about three or four years ago. I have one myself and it's really just a short scale version of the standard Epi EB-3. [/quote] They did a long scale ltd edition at the same time - which included a white one which was in rocking horse sh*t territory. Dawsons in Manchester advertised having them but when I went to check it out it was the shorter scale one I've no idea why they seem to stretch the headstock on Epiphone's SG basses - but from what I saw the Ltd Ed ones didn't have that.
  4. [quote name='darkandrew' timestamp='1407769313' post='2523782'] On the back of a previous thread on here discussing insurance policies and their small print, I rang the providers of my policy to check that I actually have the cover that I thought I had ... and it turns out that I don't. Although my policy covers individual items valued up to £2500, including musical instruments, for individual items valued at £1500 or more a valuation certificate is required (which I don't have). So, does anybody know where I can get valuation certificates for a couple of basses in the London/South-East area? [/quote] Vintage & Rare offered the service to me a few years ago - but Musicguard didn't recognise them as experts but yet wouldn't tell me who they did approve of. That and the fact my bass has no serial number meant their "computer says no"
  5. [quote name='Mickeyboro' timestamp='1407689365' post='2523057'] Interesting that Herman has rejoined…at one point the only original was the drummer Mind you, that's also the case with the Animals… [/quote] Like The Animals I think there's more than one Herman's Hermits, one either side of the Atlantic; it's also true of The Sweet. In the past there's been two versions simultaneously of The Glitterband, Bay City Rollers - and three Boney Ms!
  6. [quote name='Dazed' timestamp='1407349606' post='2519725'] I'm from the era when grolsch = Bros Now that's very un rock n roll ! [/quote] Only if you thread the ceramic bit onto your shoes laces - or - erm - so I'm old.
  7. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1407258156' post='2518898'] Agreed at the ad seems to suggest that the strings are also included in the price that is why I thought it seemed good value but like the others have pointed out if it is just a quick set up and tidy up it may be a touch dear mind you both guitar shops around her charge just shy of £50 for a set up without strings but I guess that is kind of cos they have the monopoly hence why I learnt how to do my own [/quote] Yeah, factor in the cost of a set of bass strings - and assuming I'm right about the courier & what's left ain't much as a rate + all the admin to do.
  8. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1407233256' post='2518510'] You get a similar thing on Amazon too, sellers calling themselves 'CDBargain UK' or something, are either in China or the USA. They're still advertising the [u][i]stings[/i][/u] here[/quote] Brilliant freudian slip there!
  9. If the return next day courier is in with the price - and it doesn't seem to say otherwise - I wouldn't like to work out what his hourly rate is but it's not much. Though a lot of what's described as "inspect" could be a two second look. Outside of that he seems to do quite a bit for the price. edit: I know/knew of two techs attached to shops who have a min charge of £65.
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1406835860' post='2515229'] The monotonous hum of the rotary paper waxer! [/quote] But you were grateful for it when the heating packed in during the winter!
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1406822388' post='2515062'] Yes, and I bet none of 'em even know what a Rotring Pen is let alone know how to use one... In my day, blah blah and so on and so forth, etc. *Mumbles on and on* [/quote] Aaaay! The roar of the Spraymount - the smell of the Cow Gum!
  12. My first boss told me you're not a real designer until you have at least one scalpel scar on your left hand. [i]disclaimer; caused by work that is & assuming right-handedness.[/i] Lets see these 'ere young 'uns live up to that!
  13. A printers I used to work at used to have a conversation at least twice a week with various clients; I heard a sales guy saying this many, many times. Him: "Eeeeerm, about this file you've sent us for your [i]*xyz*[/i] job?" Customer: "Yeah?" H: "Well it's RGB, you see, it needs to be CMYK for printing". C: "Oh no, I'd no idea, what can I do? I really need that job" H: "Well, don't worry, we can fix it for you - but it'll cost another £50-£60 to be able to do it" C: (now hugely relieved at this massive favour) "Oh great, no problem, thanks very much". He then calls us in the studio, "Stu, that RGB file, can you make it CMYK please" Me: click>click>Save (2 seconds) "Yeah, done it" [i]and that was only up until we changed plating software to one that did it automatically.[/i] Or you get into the scenario that ALL designers have come across of a client who supplies a file off their web-site that's all of 12kb and doesn't believe you when you say it's useless for print. "But - it's what my last designer gave me to use". The same printers as above used to lose a fortune redrawing logos that a client couldn't get a file for but didn't want to pay for having it re-created. I know a couple of good builders, a fair bit of their work is fixing DIY jobs that someone has hashed, or that a bloke down the pub did for a couple of pints - or free. Not ALL DIY jobs are cr*p, but when they are you need someone to go to to fix it. Same with many jobs.
  14. It's not just the little guys who expect cheap/free. I've worked at two printers who have closed due to constantly having their prices ground down, but with the dangled carrot of "other work" which rarely appeared; one was tied into a contract with a supermarket chain which always threatened to go abroad if their demands weren't met so their jobs lost money before the files even arrived. Another had a deal with a large group within the entertainment industry (think Leicester Sq & red carpets), the turnaround was so tight that it meant stacks of overtime. I worked out that it lost money every week at the moment the plates left the studio.
  15. [quote name='lee4' timestamp='1406636485' post='2513220'] OK,it's the sprog's 7th today,and he has received a drum kit as a prezzie. Should I consider lessons or adoption? Perhaps just setting fire to it would be simpler? [/quote] Congrats, my son got his first (Philips) electric kit about that age, battered it to death in a year or two. Bought him a "Percussion Pro" (??) kit when he started lessons at school. Went to his first school gig when he was 15 (opening act, blackened stage, a pin-spot picked out his hands as he counted them in on his sticks raised above his head. Their sound exploded as the lights came on and my bottom lip quivered "that's my boy") Bought him a silver Pearl Export kit for his 21st and he still plays, though not as much, at 31. Only had trouble once. A neighbour phoned the police to complain about the noise because she was on night-shifts. I told the police it was the first we'd heard of it & if she'd come and said I'd have told him to change his practice hours, so they went over and bollocked her for wasting their time. Over a few years I was roadie, manager, agent, promo, driver & minder (only needed a couple of times with club/pub managers wanting to rip them off) One of their self-written songs by one of his bands "Poplar" (as in the tree) was John Peel's record of the week once and is still in my Top 10 fave tracks, though they do "industrial metal" now .
  16. [quote name='Painy' timestamp='1406568689' post='2512565']Did once have a guy turn up to audition for an old band who claimed to be Dave D of Dave D, Dozey, Beakey , Mick & Titch but seeing as he said he was the drummer and Dave D was actually the singer I'm inclined to think that he was just lying. [/quote] Or Dave Clark with a bad memory.
  17. Charities by their nature can be short of cash and/or qualified people who have any clue what's involved in putting a show on. I'll try to suss out whether they have anyone already onboard who knows what they're doing, or failing that if they have any organiser who even knows they need someone who knows what they're doing - or cares. If I have the spare time to assist or guide I will do - but if it looks like they have the attitude "It'll be alright" - or who's doing who the favour then I bail without a second glance. Many "charity events" I've seen in recent years have been ego trips by people trying to build a rep or career.
  18. [quote name='flunkie' timestamp='1405972080' post='2507146'] Hi all, So, I'm playing in a covers band doing classic and modern rock. They have a (fairly sensible) rule about only doing well known, crowd pleasing, danceable songs. Most of the stuff we do is fairly easy on bass. I wondered if anyone could suggest some songs that meet their criteria, but are more challenging for me. (The guitarist is not one for learning difficult pieces, just to add to the problem!) Thanks for your help [/quote] Played how Jimmy did it - not the Oasis way - Noize is a busy one for bass. Intro it with "Got any Oasis fans in?" for added laughs. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=du_Afzm9wiU"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=du_Afzm9wiU[/url] OK - I give up - which button is it to embed direct to YT these days?
  19. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1406403289' post='2511279'] I had a mental picture of a cushion with a logo on it. Uncool here, but ........[/quote] your other half would still want three of them for the back window of the car and 4 on each item of furniture in the living room.
  20. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1406200386' post='2509225'] If you can hold out til March I'm sure you'll get one for a good price from Cort at the LBGS... [/quote] Maybe not........unless a new version being brought out explains this............ [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QlGNeUivg0"]https://www.youtube....h?v=4QlGNeUivg0[/url]
  21. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1406231734' post='2509666']Steven Seagal - some dreadful racket served up as blues! [/quote] I went to see him on a tour about 7 years ago. I felt compelled to send a note to the venue for his attention pointing out that his backing band "Thunderbox" had a name that meant toilet in the area. During the gig he claimed to have had guitar lessons off (IIRC) Muddy Waters and Albert Collins while "sat on the stoop of the family home". Apparently he also claims to have had martial arts lessons from a Japanese master who was dead before Seagal was born - but his band isn't called Thunderbox anymore.
  22. [quote name='Westie9' timestamp='1406068197' post='2508125'] Don't - arrange to meet somewhere halfway!!! I sent a bass earlier in the year through Citylink. Had an on -line chat with one of their representatives over insurance costs to which I decided to go with them. The bass was packaged very well inside a hard case and then packed again into a guitar cardboard carton. It arrived damaged.............[/quote] One of my suppliers has recently ditched CityLink due to numerous complaints. In my case one of their drivers, two days in a row, lied that he'd attempted delivery. Firstly the recipients CCTV proved he hadn't been near - and when challenged CityLinks own GPS confirmed it.
  23. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1406047312' post='2507849'] It looks remarkably similar to this one: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/241620-bass-mods-7-string-jazz-bass-with-hard-case-kent-armstrong-pickups/"]http://basschat.co.u...strong-pickups/[/url] [/quote] Ha ha! Well played sir! I believe the young uns phrase is "pwned"
  24. [quote name='casapete' timestamp='1405861377' post='2505883']...... could have done without Il Divo & Ronnie Corbett (WTF?).[/quote] Ronnie Corbett was probably a token gesture for the locals - he's a local lad done well for himself & there'd been complaints in the press about a lack of Scots acts celebrating a Scottish games. Last I heard he was poss living in or near Dunbar just along the coast - a mate of mine served him in a shop years ago and said he was a complete & utter
  25. Bought around 1979/80, together with the Marshall amp they cost £150. The bass was £165, my first bass was a Gibson - my mate was ever so jealous! I bought the afghan waistcoat from an ad at the back of one of the music rags in the 80's, Sounds, or NME or such in '78, There was never a time when it didn't stink My brother adopted the cab for his disco when I left home and I sold the amp to get another Marshall, one of the tranny models.
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