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Everything posted by Big_Stu

  1. [quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1399368345' post='2443408'] Crikey, that's going back a bit![/quote] That kinda tells you the last time I bought a piece of hi-fi. "If it ain't broke don't fix it" & "It's not the hi-fi that's dated, it's my ears that are knackered".
  2. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1399330501' post='2443266']I have got some very modest but well-chosen cables in my hifi , but I don't have any fancy power cables. I do have a fairly inexpensive power conditioner, though.[/quote] Don't know if they still do it, but Richer Sounds used to loan out a case with a variety of their hi-fi interconncets in it - to try out on your home system. If you brought the case back and said "I couldn't hear any difference" you got a free carton of cotton buds off them.
  3. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1399213420' post='2442117'] Just unplugging all the interconnect and speaker cable connections on you hifi and then plugging them back in again a couple of times every once in a while is usually enough to remove any build up of oxidization and subtly improve the sound. [/quote] Now I don't beleieve you want to be doing that....... Gold plated plugs and sockets is what you should be having! ey? ey?
  4. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1399065442' post='2440752'] Why does the hole have to be parallel to the back and front?[/quote] This^ pretty sure an angled drill head would be too big. A long drill bit at a shallow angle drilled half way from each cavity to meet in the middle. Plenty of masking tape to protect the finish or wood surface & also to draw the path onto to help you keep straight. Then a length of soldering wire that you thread through the hole(s) to drag your electric wires through taped to it. Decide how many wires you'll need first, cos once one or two are in you'll struggle to get any more thru.
  5. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1398086286' post='2430239']my guess is that either Ped or Kiwi are offering a new service[/quote] I heard one of them wants to make her a Sticky
  6. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1397637977' post='2425820']So the Landlord is expecting that band to bring in a minimum of 20 people, I'd say...plus his 30 odd regulars and you have a start of a good evening.[/quote] I assume that's a constant average of 50 for the whole night then? That would rule out many small pubs being able to handle a crowd that size, once staff wages, band payment & profit are factored in.
  7. I was stunned to find, when I went to my old home town, last week that the last pub that took live bads on hat closed down some time before. When I was younger I'd be in there three nights a week at least & they had bands on for two them. RIP "The Wellie" The pub I first ever played live in, same town, shut down many a year ago & is semi-derelict with steel curtains now. RIP "Weavers Arms"
  8. [quote name='geofio' timestamp='1397520119' post='2424845']i just think it adds more interest to the for sale section if there were genuine rics for sale for other guys on the forum to buy them[/quote] This is that little proviso that you keep just adding on in there though isn't it??? Since you keep refusing to answer I'm guessing "no" - you wouldn't put yourself up to be the one who takes the flak off Hall - but you would like one of the BC admin to do it for you. There's a word for that. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1397541906' post='2424869'] If it's been tedious all along for you, why didn't you just go to another thread instead of staying on this one, trying to be Paxman? [/quote] Ooh - questions, is it a quiz, was that my starter for ten? Actually I only posted on this thread well after the half-way point. The point where I noticed three hypocrites were wanting things their way to suit their personal wants (rather than how the BC admin democratically agreed to operate) without wanting any responsibility for the consequences. edit: FWIW - for quite a long time I've been looking for a Rockinbetter 4001, so it would suit me to have them available on here, but it has to be a particular model & colour which is why I haven't snagged one yet. However, unlike some, I agree entirely with how the admin have dealt with Mr Hall (why do I keep wanted to put a Rickenbacker "Rs" in front of his name) to remove in the quickest & easiest way a possibility that would remove the BC site entirely.
  9. [quote name='geofio' timestamp='1397518338' post='2424835']it is getting tedious[/quote] It's been tedious all along. members wanting rules changed in their favour but left out of any trouble should it arise - you being one of the main instigators.
  10. [quote name='geofio' timestamp='1397517752' post='2424829']we should end this here it isn't getting anywhere, apart from certain members trying to wind other members up. you can't buy or sell Rickenbacker Basses on Bass chat that is it no point dragging it on.[/quote] the winding up started when the question was first asked (again) & "certain members" took the lead to chip in without wanting any part of the possible consequences.
  11. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1397517071' post='2424823'] You, and you alone, have decided that a single individual would have sole responsibility for every aspect of overseeing Rick sales on BC, including fighting and financing legal ripostes to an imaginary army of legal rottweilers. This is an entirely implausible hypthothetical invention of yours, and I don't understand the relevance of answering silly questions about daft fantasy scenarios, regardless of how often I'm bludgeoned with them.[/quote] I didn't say that at all - you win nothing by making up lies. You keep saying how easy it is, and how it should be do-able. You've had it explained several times why it's not a good idea but you still keep saying how easy it would be. It wasn't just you, there were others - but you're the one still saying it should be do-able, you said it again in your recent post. So if you wouldn't step forward and say that yes you would be prepared to make that offer of responsibility - how do you expect any member(s) of the BC admin to do so?? Because keep making that point - is by consequence - making that assumption that they will.
  12. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1397513960' post='2424779']The problem with your straight question, Mr Big_Stu, is that what you've done is dream up an entirely hypothetical & unrealistic scenario and then attempt to back me into a corner where I'm forced to agree to some random set of fantasy preconditions you've pulled out of thin air - or perhaps from somewhere darker, damper & more whiffy. Sorry mate, not playing. .[/quote] Oh but you are "playing" - becauseyou then go on in the same reply to make exactly the same point (yet again) that you won't answer the question on........... [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1397513960' post='2424779'] there is a simple solution to the problem of Fakers being sold, because they're easy to ID[/quote] No "random scenario, or "fantasy preconditions" - Will YOU - set yourself up as THE person to decide what is or isn't a legit Rick and accept responsibility for BCs legal costs should JH decide he does want to sue???? It's a straight yes or no answer, which you should be able to manage if your premise on fakers is so concrete. This is the only question asked - and no matter how long your answer is - you're avoiding answering it.
  13. Holst - The Planets on vinyl (mono) virtually mint from 1958 and 50p at a "collectors fayre". Didn't know until today that "I Vow To Thee My County"'s music was robbed from "Jupiter" - and Holst was none too happy about it. Then Booker T & The MGs "Uptight" OST on vinyl (again) and by coincidence, also mono.
  14. [quote name='geofio' timestamp='1397505384' post='2424650'] Big Stu, for your info sir i am no way a JH fanboy.pisses me off when folk start this fanboy stuff i play ric basses end of pal. [/quote] You still didn't answer the question either.
  15. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1397501589' post='2424583'] All I've said is that I'm confident in my ability to tell a Faker from a real one, it's not misplaced self-confidence but knowledge based on years of near-obsessive interest & study! What's so hard to accept about that?[/quote] Nothing whatsoever - only your reluctance to say something to the effect that [i]"Yes I'm such an expert & I've got so much spare time in my life that I will monitor every single Rick or alleged Rick that is offered for sale on BC, decide on their validity - and personally finance any legal action that may arise from my offer"[/i]. After all - by wanting BC to open the door again it's what you're expecting of them. It's a straight question - are you up for it? [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1397501589' post='2424583']Interesting you mention the JBs - they were about the least "authentic" of the vintage copies, superb instruments but really only cosmetically resembling a Rick.[/quote] He never intended them to be - and guess what the JB Company is still making and selling them.
  16. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1397499563' post='2424547']no-one ever made a copy with this exact spec. J.[/quote] No - John Birch's were far better - which IIRC was what got JH's back up
  17. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1397499563' post='2424547']I've already said I'd be happy to be involved in a vetting/authentication process[/quote] Yes, but would you be willing to be [b][i]the[/i][/b] one, because you consider it to be so easy, to carry the can IF JH carried out his threats of legal action against BC if your self-confidence is mis-placed and you - as sole responsibility - do let a rogue copy appear on here. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1397499563' post='2424547']I don't know how "legal responsibility" would work in this context[/quote] Simple, you (or the others who want the facility but none of the responsibility) are so confident of your own knowledge that you in effect sign a blank cheque for BC to defend any action JH might bring, should you be wrong and let a bootleg Rick appear in "for sale". [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1397499563' post='2424547']And again I'll ask - why on Earth would Hall take action over the sale of a genuine used Rickenbacker?[/quote] No-one has said he would - but he would take action in the above two scenarios, you don't think he would - you could well be wrong. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1397499563' post='2424547']I've been discussing this with a mod via PM and it ain't gonna happen[/quote] Lucky you! You nearly talked yourself into a very precarious legal position there.
  18. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1397498062' post='2424527'] They're not "brave words" - it's a simple fact. Hall wouldn't sue because selling a legitimate Rickenbacker is 100% legal in every way. The man might like to bluff and bluster but that doesn't make him an idiot. J. [/quote] You're not answering the question - if it's as easy as you say & so confident that Hall is bluffing - are YOU going to be the one that carries the official legal responsibility of authenticating every "Rick" that is offered for sale on here - IF it was to happen?
  19. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1397492264' post='2424447']As I have said numerous times, the differences between copies & genuine Ricks are clear, obvious, and easily recognisable. J. [/quote] Brave words! So - are you going to volunteer to be legally liable for all losses and costs suffered by BC if JH sues?
  20. [quote name='geofio' timestamp='1397487112' post='2424381']when folks start going on about legal fee's etc it is a nonsense. John Hall likes to Bark that is it.[/quote] How very dare you! A Rick fan-boy saying John Hall is barking!!!
  21. That current price (£14.50) is quite good if you want to join the bidding. Over on the Plexi Palace forum there was a guy a couple of years ago had some repos made - but I think they cost more than that. I've seen it done with a piece of bent wire to replace it, obviously a dangerous thing to do - to either yourself or the amp. You could try looking through the recommended amp tech thread & if there's one near you get in touch with him to see what he can do - or maybe has a spare plug.
  22. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1397485139' post='2424356']Is it really "gnawing the bone" asking if there is any change in opinions after about a year? [/quote] Well, as has already been pointed out, JH frequents the Rickresource forum. You could go there and ask him if he's changed his mind yet about going for soft targets. OR - if you're volunteering your services as the safety net for any legal consequences you could sign on the dotted line for BC?
  23. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1397483843' post='2424336']Would those same volunteers also put it in writing, witnessed and legal that they would be fully liable to BC for any losses, damage and costs involved if one of them made a mistake in his diagnosis of real or fake which led to either legal action from JH or a shut down of the site.[/quote] [quote name='geofio' timestamp='1397483643' post='2424333']i don't see the problem.[/quote] Well? Would you?
  24. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1397480528' post='2424285']I have little doubt a "real" expert and a faker expert would volunteer to do it. That's the nature of most folk on this site.[/quote] Would those same volunteers also put it in writing, witnessed and legal that they would be fully liable to BC for any losses, damage and costs involved if one of them made a mistake in his diagnosis of real or fake which led to either legal action from JH or a shut down of the site? I can't believe that there are still BCers gnawing on this bone when it should be obvious what the issue is and have done with it.
  25. Just a dozen of stacks of business cards I've been given in the past two years or so, some for reference, some to redesign, all - so I was told from Vista, all of them 50mm deep - and of varying lengths of up to 100mm. I [i]believe[/i] these sizes are based on the US standard, they're certainly the same size as the cards I have off mates in the US. If Vista have changed their sizes it can only be a good thing. IF I was asked to use them for a job I would do. You pays your money & takes your choice. [url="http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Maddogcole/media/Bcards_0893_zpsd6b5d60f.jpg.html"][/url]
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