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Everything posted by Big_Stu

  1. [quote name='Diablo' timestamp='1397256065' post='2422366'] Are you saying you can tell where something was printed by the size of the card by eye? Amazing.[/quote] Hardly amazing, just professional observation - and the comments of many people who can spot them a mile away. [quote name='Diablo' timestamp='1397256065' post='2422366']FB and twitter only work if you actually keep them up to date and current. As soon as it is on a card you are committed.[/quote] That's why I wrote "if applicable" after it. And if you don't get on with either just take them off the next batch of cards - they're not going to break the bank, and they're tax deductable anyway. The only ones who would notice someone leaving would be other FB ot Twitter users, who if it hasn't worked - won't matter after all. Instagram is rapidly taking over in the youth SM from FB - again "if applicable". [quote name='Diablo' timestamp='1397256065' post='2422366'] I don't use either. If you want to give updates you have a website so just use that.[/quote] What works for you may - or may not - work for the OP. Having 3 avenues of access rather than one website gives more opportunities for engagement.
  2. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1397251814' post='2422340'] If the vinyl is hanging off but looks like it could be stuck back down then you might be able to rework the adhesive using gentle heat (like a hairdryer) - I saw a video tour of the Marshall factory (it's somewhere on YouTube) and the glue they use there is heat activated and the guy in charge mentioned the hairdryer trick.[/quote] I watched a guy in Marshall fully cover a new Lemmy Sig. 4 x 12" in around 5 minutes; it was phenomenal to watch. I think that's the matching 4 x 15s in the background. [url="http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Maddogcole/media/P4020002_1.jpg.html"][/url]
  3. Vista print dimensions are instantly recognisable and nothing says "cheap" faster. If that matters to you then it matters. You can get better for not much more if you shop around. Digital printing machines don't "know" the difference between colour or b/w so it won't cost you extra. If you want to put relevant pics on the back, do so. name, occupation web-site, email & FB +Twitter IDs (if applicable) with logos. Don't use any pics/images off the internet unless they're clearly royalty free & you gained permission, you can be nailed to a door if caught.
  4. FWIW I would go along with never, ever play for free unless it's a charity fund-raiser. IME Unless your act is so red hot & distinctive that you couldn't fail to be recognised in the future, or be heavily featured in the reviews IF there are any; you'll get nothing from it apart from follow-up requests to play for free.
  5. Depending where you are on the bill - and what his kit is - check out whether your drummer is expected to let his kit be shared? Happened to my son once in Glasgow, he caved - and at the end of the festival he was short £500+ of cymbals that went walkies.
  6. [quote name='Green Alsatian' timestamp='1396997906' post='2419708'] Funnily enough, I've just watched my 'Bruce Foxton Live From London' DVD from a gig he played in 1985 (a fiver on Amazon!). He was using his black P-bass with mirrored scratchplate through his Marshalls and his playing was flawless throughout the concert, fantastic tone. Not a patch on seeing him 'in the flesh' though - I'd love to see him in action live. [/quote] They're in the middle of a huge tour so grab your chance; a mix of acoustic & full gigs; the link doesn't work properly, but "From The Jam" are listed high on the left left......... [url="http://www.animalsandfriends.co.uk/live-2/forthcoming-gigs/"]http://www.animalsan...rthcoming-gigs/[/url]
  7. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1396380810' post='2412996'] We were on twice, Stu. On the BBC Introducing show. The first time they played You Always Did IIRC. If that was down to you, thank you mate! [/quote] I've no idea at all if it was, glad you got the plug regardless. I'd been talking with a couple of producers about s'thing completely different & they asked what else I could suggest, at the time the CD was on a table near me so I mentioned that.
  8. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1396374293' post='2412877'] Thanks Stu. It's a real shame but I reckon she made the right decision, and I'm over it. Looking forward to her new music.[/quote] Ah well, did you ever hear from BBC Radio 6? I tried a bit of plugging while the first EP was new.
  9. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1396300479' post='2412160'] My main band, Kit Richardson, whose music I love and whose band was marvellous to be a part of, has been dissolved.[/quote] That's a damn shame, genuinely sorry to read that.
  10. I got a cover, for a Hiwatt 4 x 12 that I had, from Roqsolid. At the time they'd never done one before so I had to do a full measure up. The finished result was fantastic; the Savile Row suit of amp covers, perfect fit with the handle holes bang on. Bryn said it's my measurements that they now use Don't think it was close to £75 either, but it was a few years ago.
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1395757674' post='2405852'] What to do? I love Jack Bruce but Steve Wright is a monumental bell-end... Thanks for the heads-up, though. [/quote] [i]Hands up if you think "Wrighty" is a bell-end[/i]........ woooh, wooh, wooh, ............erm, damng! can't get this can of artificial applause open. To be fair, it's nearly as convincing as his "talking to his colleagues" in the pre-recorded Sunday show.
  12. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1395314779' post='2400952'] Jeez, what an insane morning I've had! I just have to share.... I went to the works canteen this morning and bought a cup of tea - like I do every morning - and there were TWO tea bags in it. I can only think the lassie who works there picked two up by accident, instead of one. [/quote] She'll be telling all your colleagues that she tea-bagged you now
  13. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1395311368' post='2400900'] I used to play a game with myself whenever I went into second hand record shops was to look at 'dad rock' type compilations and see how far I had to go down the track list before 'Centerfold' by J Geils Band turned up. Not sure which your Island comp was, they did a couple called 'You can all join in' and 'Nice enough to Eat' so might be one of those? [/quote] I worked in a CD/DVD/Games factory for a few years that designed & printed the sleeve inserts. Any compilations we saw started a quick game of "Bingo". IIRC by far top of the list for appearances was "Paranoid" & also "Don't Fear The Reaper", "On The Road Again" & "Ace Of Spades". House!
  14. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1395240372' post='2400083']a flight to the Netherlands is currently about £50 I think - almost worth taking it yourself.[/quote] I did that with a Tele once, had a nice chat with a Dutch customs guy too. It was in a new Gator case in the hold, no padding, picked up a few scuffs but that was all - which the new owner liked for the added authentic "cred". I was a bit sus that the customs guy was quizzing me to see if I was trying to smuggle a valuable item but no, he was a player who was genuinely interested. Great people the Dutch, I love the place.
  15. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1395151154' post='2399206'] Hi I'm taking a trip from the North East to Liverpool soon, (possibly via Manchester). Can anyone recommend any good bass-related shops I can take a look in on the way? Thanks [/quote] Johnny Roadhouse on Oxford Rd Manchester is always worth a check for worthwhile used gear. Bonehead offloaded a Jazz there a few years back, realistic prices too. I've seen Ricks, a vintage Dan Longhorn & various Fenders & Gibsons since then.
  16. [quote name='burno70' timestamp='1394452985' post='2391409'] The problem with music gear specific insurance is that there are so many exclusion. I was with Music Guard for a few years but then decided it just wasn't worth it - gear cannot be visible in a vehicle - which rules theft from most cars out. Theft from a place outside the home was only covered if your are in the room that the the gear was stolen from. So if you're at a gig and take a leak and some turd nicked your bass from the side of the stage - no cover. Also, storage rooms outside the home were only covered if they had a mortis lock - so the band's lockup, locked with a padlock at the rehearsal studios, wasn't covered. Might have changed from 5 or so years ago, but it didn't give me any peace of mind at all and didn't seem worth having in the end. [/quote] Well reading that has eased my conscience - thanks! Music Guard had me jumping through hoops for months to get a valuation for my bass. they wouldn't take years of policies from E&L who I binned off. Nor would they take one from Vintage & Rare, Jaydee or Music Ground* as "qualified opinions" but neither would they tell me who they would accept. I gave up = their loss! * this one you can understand - but I doubt MG were clued up about MG.
  17. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1394470811' post='2391660'] Cheers guys, think I'm going to opt for one of these; [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HEAVY-DUTY-GS-TUV-APPROVED-ALUMINIUM-FOLDING-HAND-TRUCK-SACK-BARROW-CART-TROLLEY/350817236218?_trksid=p2047675.c100011.m1850&_trkparms=aid%3D222006%26algo%3DSIC.FITP%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20140107083358%26meid%3D5390485806519392535%26pid%3D100011%26prg%3D20140107083358%26rk%3D0%26rkt%3D10%26sd%3D360798255398#ht_1735wt_1203"]http://www.ebay.co.u...#ht_1735wt_1203[/url] [/quote] Cool, Screwfix do similar but holds almost double the weight for £30 too
  18. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1394449976' post='2391356']Everyone of my age remembers Sparky's Magic Piano because everyone listened to Junior Choice!![/quote] Every Xmas season they have Ed "Stewpot" Stewart back in for a one-off show and apparently "Sparky's Magic Piano" is the most requested track every year. I got my nostalgia fix!
  19. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1385916362' post='2293575'] I currently use a smallish holdall that comfortably carries what I need. Leads, tuners, mics, tools, tape etc but it's a bit of a pain cos' it's just one space and it's difficult to find anything. Has anyone got a good solution or adapted something that's not gig specific but works a treat ? I was thinking of something like a smallish fishing tackle bag with a large space for leads but some compartments for organising stuff.[/quote] I've use the middle size one of these; I think they also sell them separately - they did at one time......... [url="http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/flight-case-triple-pack-with-dividers-n50ju"]http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/flight-case-triple-pack-with-dividers-n50ju[/url] Enough on open display to see stuff easy with enough dividers to keep stuff tidy too. Maplins is a great place for repair kit, so in the case I've also got at the same time; a soldering iron, switch-cleaner spray, spare Neutrik jacks, straight, angled + a jack socket, allen keys, screwdrivers, gaffa tape, cuddly-toy, teas-maid, good game good game etc etc.
  20. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1394370067' post='2390709'] Wow, that one takes the clank pretty far! Did he always sound like that, or is he using the Ric-o-Sound outputs and they forgot to mic the bass side of the rig?[/quote] That's the only one I've ever seen him sound like that, there is other YT footage fo the same song with the same bass which sounds OK, so I'm guessing it's a tech problem, you could well be right with the outputs. Steve Priest does sometimes post on the website linked in the vid - but he seems to be quite precious most of the time, so while you could ask him I doubt he'd answer. Though he did once ask me what the bass is that I had in a profile pic then.
  21. You want Rick "clank"? [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feonDHNvhiQ[/media]
  22. Back then, like now I suppose, primary school kids hung around in gangs, but with none of the modern day implications. To belong as a lad of 10 or 11 in 1972/3 you "had" to like Slade. I got their GH album "Sladest" for Xmas in '73. You got real cred at school if you'd actually seen them. My Mum encouraged liking Slade, my dad was into Don Williams & Johnny Cash. He had a habit of singing the opening line to one of their songs, hum the rest for a few minutes, stop for a while then start over. Girls liked Marc Bolan, Cassidy or The Osmonds. First concert I went to was Slade in 1973, and 1974 & 5. Then I saw Quo and Nazareth with my sister.
  23. [quote name='bigd1' timestamp='1394128054' post='2388258']I have found people seem to get these mixed up with repetitive strain problems, as far as I know RS is a strain and Physio can help with this. I think RS is a tendon problem not nerve (but I might be wrong on that)[/quote] My issue is when the "people who get these mixed up" are the GPs. Either I've been incredibly unlucky with mis-diagnosises or there's too many doctors prescribing going under the knife before making sure. THIS is why I urge Mel to get a second opinion from someone who doesn't immediately opt for operations or lifelong dependency on drugs. My most recent case of this was being told I needed a carpal tunnel op for persistent pain in my arm. Went to a sports physio for a second opinion & was told it wasn't CT but RSI. I didn't know until then that RSI is - or at least in this case (several experiences doesn't make me an expert). Due to incorrect playing posture the three tendons in my fore-arm had "welded" themselves together. It was mildly painful when she used her fingertips to probe between the muscles in my arm & wiggle them to separate the tendons; two sessions & some exercises & it's cured - no CTS op which wouldn't have worked anyway. A good physio can give you a quick test too, that will tell you which it is, nerve damage or not. Same with my "ulnar nerve" issue that would have needed an op to my wrist for numb fingers. Different GP 200+ miles apart, 10 years apart & different physio that I saw at the same time. He instantly traced it - not to an ulnar nerve issue but to a trapped nerve in my neck, which wasn't even a nerve issue as such but a twisted vertebrae in my neck, which was fixed in 5 minutes - again, no op! Since physio doesn't involve operations etc it doesn't mean you can't go back to the GP route if you find it doesn't work. From the reverse view point it could involve you not being cut open unnecessarily, which could cause inconvenience & pain with no positive outcome..
  24. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1394094773' post='2387786'] I haven't got that far yet, money is an issue. But this is one step. I've edited the OP to include a clarification, and thanks very much for all the posts and PM's, I'll reply properly at lunch time. But for now, hi ho, hi ho... [/quote] Yeah I can understand that, they're not cheap. The only reason I push it is that apart from the ganglion I've been diagnosed with all of your other issues by my GP and she spoke of operations, anti-inflams etc etc. I saw my physio and he fixed one of the issues - the numb fingers there and then in less than 5 minutes - which kinda proved the carpal tunnel was a mis-diagnosis. The tendonitis took three visits but was fixed, none of the problems have ever come back. IF you can - a good sports physio won't string you along, if you can manage an initial diagnosis session they'll tell you whether they can help. I've only found one who was a waste of time & eventually I told him I wouldn't be back. It is a bit of a chance, and an expensive one, but I thought it worth trying to avoid an op.
  25. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1394058218' post='2387578'] Some of you may remember a thread I started ages ago, moaning about my hand/wrist/finger pain, and a lot of folks recommended I see the doctor............[/quote] What did the sports physio say that you also said you'd go see?
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