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Everything posted by Big_Stu

  1. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1390156311' post='2342081'] It's a shame there aren't more customers like you. We had a gent today who came in, unlocked a guitar on the wall (ie helped himself despite 2 of us asking if he was ok or needed help etc, to which his response was a flat 'no'). He then dropped the guitar (acoustic) cracked the back, passed it to me and said 'here *passes instrument*... Sorry', walked out of the shop and so we now have to recoup the items cost despite the damage which he hasn't paid a penny for.[/quote] That's disgusting. I read a long time ago that signs such as "All breakages must be paid for" haven't got a prayer in law, don't know if that's true or not? Couldn't you have done him for criminal damage for such an expensive item, if you'd called the police in?
  2. [quote name='jonsmith' timestamp='1390154835' post='2342053'] You have to make the coffee yourself by the way![/quote] is that true? it'd be a bit of a grind if so I think it was their reaction to a few chains who are miffed that folk are going into some all day, buying two coffees, one in the morning & one in the afternoon & using the free wi-fi. Personally IF I saw a bass in a shop I was serious about and wanted a decent pop at it, I wouldn't be opposed to spending a fiver to be sure one way or the other.But in saying that 5 minutes isn't long to do so, so maybe £1 a minute is a bit ambitious. PS. Anyone here prepared to admit that they've "show-roomed" a shop with no intention of buying there & going online to get it once happy with how it plays?
  3. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1390152001' post='2341992'] 90p for a cappuccino ?( if I stay for half an hour) . Bargain. I know there's corruption in Russia , but this sounds too good to be true. What's the name of this coffee shop? Is it a chain ?[/quote] "Ziferblat in East London" according to the paper. edit; UK's first branch of a Russian chain it said. It was just a passing thought, maybe I should have just let it past. Certainly would be one way of getting rid of time-wasters. I'm also in the "it's rare I see something actually in a shop that I want" camp but all of those used basses that are returned under distance regs have to end up somewhere - do they pay return postage or does the returning customer? I've never done it so don't know; if it's the punter doesn't it cost more than a £5 shop trial? "£1 a min" was just a fr'instance, would it work if it was a less cost? [quote name='Len_derby' timestamp='1390149253' post='2341949'] Mmmm, I'm not sure about in-store but I'd be prepared to pay a reasonable amount for a take-out rental. For example,I've never touched a Warwick and paying for a weekend's rental would be an appealing idea. It might cause a bad attack of GAS though. [/quote] I think Scayles in Edinburgh used to do that years ago, certainly hired out backline but I would guess at the higher end insurance and security deposits etc would be an issue.
  4. Apparently a new Russian style coffee shop in that London is open which offers [i]free coffee[/i] and [i]free wi-fi[/i], but charges 3p a minute "rent" to customers length of stay in the shop. As an extension of that - I mused; would it work for guitar shops that suffer from show-rooming customers, [i](who trial an item in the shop but then buy for less online)[/i] to charge a fee (eg. £1 a min?) for an in-shop customer trial - refundable if it's then bought. If the item [i]isn't[/i] bought then the amount of that trial's rent is discounted from the then ex-demo guitar/bass's price? Thereby if a guitar is demoed enough someone eventually gets it for a steal. Would you pay it - or would it put you off going into shops that did such? Would it deter the long traditional Saturday afternoon kids who widdle-widdle for hours on their dream guitar then put it back until next time? [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1390146419' post='2341902'] I'd say it's absolutely worth a new thread. Great theme, and can be discussed from many angles. Please do make that thread. (I had written an answer, but have deleted it, and will wait and see.) [/quote] OK - if it doesn't pan out - it's your fault!
  5. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1390078021' post='2341287']The US Parcel Service itself is great in my experience. Super fast, reliable, regularly updated tracking... It's a state run operation and very well organised.[/quote] Very much +1 I recently sent a very important package to Nashville. The Post Office here screwed up & didn't send it trackable in any way, I was panic-stricken that it would be lost - as has every single non-tracked package I ever sent to the US until then. It was delivered there by a USPS guy after 10 days from posting. I've sent stuff "International Signed For" at three times the cost which has taken a month to arrive.
  6. Not worth a new thread, but since it's fees related - but not BC fees............. Apparently a new Russian style coffee shop in that London is open which offers [i]free coffee[/i] and [i]free wi-fi[/i], but charges 3p a minute "rent" to customers length of stay in the shop. As an extension of that - I mused; would it work for guitar shops that suffer from show-rooming customers, [i](who trial an item in the shop but then buy for less online)[/i] to charge a fee (eg. £1 a min?) for an in-shop customer trial - refundable if it's then bought. If the item [i]isn't[/i] bought then the amount of that trial's rent is discounted from the then ex-demo guitar/bass's price? Thereby if a guitar is demoed enough someone eventually gets it for a steal. Would you pay it - or would it put you off going into shops that did such? Would it deter the long traditional Saturday afternoon kids who widdle-widdle for hours on their dream guitar then put it back until next time?
  7. Should look nice when it's finished.......
  8. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1389954455' post='2339828']This sort of thing really pisses me off! It's always the complainers who get listened to.[/quote] +1 What happens if Night & Day is closed, or restricted and this "just visiting resident" moves on again like he seems to do?? The damage is done then.
  9. Big_Stu


    [quote name='ead' timestamp='1389878146' post='2338978'] We should start a 'show us your Afgan coat' thread. Mine disappeared in very myterious cicumstances when we moved; my parents denied all knowledge.[/quote] Waistcoat - if it counts. [url="http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Maddogcole/media/Me_18.jpg.html"][/url]
  10. [quote name='The neighbour, 27, who does not want to be named,' timestamp='1389912164' post='2339591'] We have lived in flats around the city centre for three years and we love the shops, bars and nightlife in Manchester.[/quote] If they've lived in flat[u]s[/u] (plural) for only three years in one area then they're either an estate agents worst nightmare or they're renting and for whatever reason moving on frequently. Smells fishy to me. Might be worth a bit of checking their background if possible, one bell-end[sup]© xilldx[/sup] shouldn't be able to dictate like that.
  11. [quote name='barkin' timestamp='1389874107' post='2338881'](I doubt that a 30W amp has a 30W speaker...)[/quote] It's quite possible; I had a Laney B something-or-other 30watt many years ago & I wasn't long in blowing the speaker. It was a Laney labelled homebrew speaker rated at 30watts at 8ohms. You don't get many extras at them prices. I replaced it with a Celestion 100w 10" (Celestion were very good at advising me over the phone whether it was suitable) & it was running well for years after it. My cousins kid is using it now. No extra volume obviously, but certainly no drop either & it held the bottom end much better than the original one did.
  12. Has this been verified as genuine? Only reason I ask is that a similar story went round about the Robin2 in Bilston W Mids a few years ago and IIRC it turned out to be a hoax.
  13. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1389727216' post='2337303'] [b] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]Commodore 64 Bass[/size][/font][/b] [/quote] She should have used the James Bond version, for more cred.
  14. I got my Levy one half price at a guitar show over 10 years ago; might be worth going to one of those you're interested or close enough anyway.
  15. A while ago I received a few emails from Ebay asking why I hadn't been back. There were only multiple choice answers, nowhere to write that I'd heard too many horror stories about folk being ripped off & the arbitrary way they operate Paypal. Looks like I didn't miss much from many of these replies.
  16. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1389607880' post='2335945']What was that all about?[/quote] When I was at art college a tutor told me that doing it for a living was entirely different to doing it for enjoyment. The skills had "to be turned on and off like a tap". I've done a few jobs which were entirely acceptable or better even if I wasn't "in the mood" - I suppose must have turned on the tap; but I still get more stoked when I feel "in the zone" and it just flows.
  17. Big_Stu


    [quote name='alembic63' timestamp='1389653558' post='2336704'] I can still smell my Afghan coat from the 70's..... [/quote] Yeah - they had .................. character!
  18. Big_Stu


    [quote name='alembic63' timestamp='1389651846' post='2336678'] Did you ever see Mick Box's silver platform shoes . ......all cred went out the window in the 70's mate ,think I went in my brothers 2 tone loons.. [/quote] jeez, now you've got me remembering. A gig in Blackpool in '78 wearing green Oxford bags, Docs, blue & red rugby shirt - and an afghan waistcoat!
  19. Big_Stu


    [quote name='alembic63' timestamp='1389651220' post='2336670'] I had a Uriah Heep scarf exactly the same bought from the Free Trade Hall Manchester [/quote] I would have assumed Uriah Heep were too "cred" to have silk scarves - but it was the 70's after all. The Free Trade Hall in '77 was the second Slade gig I wore that one at.
  20. Big_Stu


    Vintage 1975 and veteran of 30+ Slade concerts and a few non-Slade ones. Jumpers for goal-posts etc etc. [url="http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Maddogcole/media/Scarf_lo_zps9d0326d5.jpg.html"][/url]
  21. Bought "Uptight" an OST by Booker T & The MGs on mono vinyl just before Xmas, it wasn't as mint as stated so to back it up I got it on CD too. Favourite track is an elongated "Time Is Tight" with a lazy intro. Lo & behold Cropper has put a partial video of it up on his FB & Twitter pages, with excellent Duck Dunn fingerwork on the bass. [url="http://www.ina.fr/video/CPF07009789"]http://www.ina.fr/video/CPF07009789[/url] at the 4 min mark..
  22. I never really wanted - or tried - to "make it" in music, I just loved the sound of the bass and it's role. By pure chance I did end up working on the very fringe of music for several years & have always taken an interest in it's machinations. I do love my job, but what I've seen of the music industry it is as cynical & snotty as it was in the 60s, leaving many who have "made it" either in front of or behind the scenes the same way or disillusioned. Good luck - sincerely - to the OP though, at whatever role and level you aim for.
  23. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1389549932' post='2335420']Why? Well come on everyone, we all know a bass is a phallic symbol so it needs to go in the appopriate place. Even if you're a girl.[/quote] So THAT'S why all bassists do actually "play solos" but try to deny it!
  24. "Yeah - I do like it Enzo - but can you give it a scrub down with a brillo pad so it looks like I haven't looked after it for years?"
  25. It's vastly over-priced these days (wasn't it always - but they do an amazing burger) but Edinburgh has an excellent Hard Rock Cafe at the top end of George St - the first main street back from Princes St. If that kind of thing floats your boat.
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