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Everything posted by Big_Stu

  1. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1469136657' post='3096118'] What is the best way to promote a gig here in the UK at the moment Bandcamp, Facebook, Lemonrock or old fashioned posters and fliers? What do people out there do to try and get the audiences in? [/quote] Depends on the crowd you're trying to attract and the reputation/punters of the venue. if it's a younger crowd and originals then the distribution via Friends of Friends on FB is a good start. Posts on FB and Twitter get many times more views if you have a pic attached so make your poster landscape and reduce it to 900px wide to display as a photo then # it to the venue and any local rags or radio you'd like to cover it. For older bands with an older crowd posters and flyers are the thing. Older folk don't tend to use the i'net enough to look for things to do or gigs to go to.
  2. [quote name='Prosebass' timestamp='1465602267' post='3069661'] Bugger, I remember watching a band called '7 Year Itch' and now I am confused as to which one I saw! [/quote] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sluZeTbhET4 I've got this somewhere, as the only reply says, the b side is better.
  3. In the late 70s a mate's band "7 Year Itch" were doing OK, they were actually "big in Spain". They were taken to court by another band with the same name. They lost. No problem they thought, they just changed the bands name to an abbreviation of the guitarists name, which brought the world "Wamm", just prior to a certain young duo's first hit. They gave up soon after that.
  4. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1463771662' post='3054021']Speaking of Skol, he did mention that a set of speaker stands made the world of difference to his setup and mine are currently sat on my desk to maybe the 5005 and a set of stands is the way to go.[/quote] He's not wrong. It's one of the best and cheapest mods you can do. Richer Sounds do a good selection. I bought a pair there years ago for £20-£30 & they were further improved when they suggested I fill them with damp sand. They used to suggest that you bought the height of stand which would bring the speaker tweeter up to your ear level.
  5. [quote name='casapete' timestamp='1463046528' post='3048008'] He has certainly had a large chip on his shoulder for a long time. This is very evident in the 1987 movie 'Hail Hail Rock n Roll'. If you have n't seen it, it shows Keith Richards attempting to put together a top notch band to back Chuck for a concert to celebrate his 60th birthday. Lots of rehearsal footage (with some strained moments) to get the band sorted. And then the gig? Chuck just does his usual winging it routine, even playing some stuff in different keys, much to Keith's annoyance! Great film nevertheless. I've seen Chuck in concert many times, some great and some just okay. Always entertaining although playing to his contracted time to the minute! No encores, just pick up the case with the cash in it, guitar and coat and straight into the Mercedes which he rents in Europe and often drives himself. His rider below is certainly interesting! [url="http://www.thesmokinggun.com/file/chuck-berry"]http://www.thesmokin...ile/chuck-berry[/url] [/quote] If you get the two DVD set which includes "the making of" it shows even more gory detail of the same. Chuck repeatedly not showing up, stalling for time, refusing to co-operate and THEN when the project was running over refusing to continue until he was paid extra over the hours he was contracted to do due to his own bad attitude. Having said that, he feels he was royally shafted by first the white racist system which put him in prison for armed robbery (he actually used just a broken off pistol barrel - but the cashier wouldn't have known that). Being repeatedly abused in prison by the guards and then when he made it being ripped off something senseless by Payola and Alan Freed and the record companies who took a large chunk of his royalties "or else". He almost bankrupted himself in regaining the exclusive royalties which took him a few decades. He has a clock in the wings which counts down his contracted hours and hits his last note as the last second ticks. You really do only get what you pay for with Chuck. edit: met him for a few minutes after a gig in Edinburgh, reluctant to sign a CD cover for me at first but mellowed. A very quietly spoken man, and at 68 as he was then much taller than I expected.
  6. The answer to all threads asking about leads shall be "OBBM" within the first three replies. Swift and terrible shall be the smiting of those that raise challenge to this response by making thine own.
  7. [quote name='Chiliwailer' timestamp='1462218297' post='3041244']Is the bridge in the right place for the new neck?[/quote] [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1462220257' post='3041274']I would think the bridge location is fine, the bass was put together by an excellent luthier so can't see that being a problem[/quote] This was my thought as soon as I read "new neck". It would be easy to measure the bridge position and no luthier is so perfect that they don't let an occasional slip through.
  8. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1460910229' post='3029715'] ..........When you register the trademark you have to do so in each and every country you want it to apply for...........[/quote] ........ and there's a few countries that will just ignore that and copy them anyway.
  9. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1460895368' post='3029567'] Surely it's a patent not a copyright and in the case of the headstock a trademark. [/quote] Isn't it "patent an item, copyright an idea"? In the bottom of Leo's drawing there he's making a claim for the design of a "bass guitar", which iirc was the unique part of it. I thought - from having seen the original Tele application drawings in books that he was claiming things like the one piece bridge, detachable/replaceable neck - and such. It's all in various Fender books but I can't be bothered looking for them.
  10. The mighty Jimmy Lea, live, I saw him play 36 times with Slade and once solo. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heldvX8uqgw
  11. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1459253143' post='3014740']There were several songs we just couldn't do as he has to lead on them, so we just cut them out. It really was one of those moments where you hope the ground opens up and swallows you.[/quote] Tell him they were his "Swan Songs"? edit: As a stopgap I'd be looking to get a guitarist (assuming you have more than one) to learn the fiddle parts, ala something akin to the Glen Campbell thread.
  12. [quote name='ikay' timestamp='1458757769' post='3010608']What does the pot control and is the centre detent really needed?[/quote] With the centre detent is that just a cut & boost pot? If so it'll work the same as a Fender TBX pot won't it?
  13. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1458665075' post='3009639']I was thinking that some sort of tweed might look nice as a speaker cloth and I was wondering if material cut from an old jacket (that I would hope to find in a charity shop or something) would work? Or is it just a stupid idea? I don't normally use speaker cloth so am not sure enough of its properties to determine suitability.[/quote] Real Tweed is waterproof from natural oils and quite thick, I'd guess it would affect the sound. I've got a blue jacket for my "Dirty Harry" look You wouldn't get the colours obviously but Maplins used to do speaker cloth off the roll.
  14. Big_Stu


    [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1447431709' post='2907678']That is a silly price IMO. I saw Jerry Lee Lewis supported by Albert Lee and James Burton and they were £90 but I was 3 rows from the front[/quote] Cropper was lined up prior to Albert Lee for those shows, I'd have gone of he hadn't had to pull out.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vb7XM6NZorU Strangely enough, amazing as his whole performance is here, it's when the horns kick it - every damn time!
  16. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1458174554' post='3005402'] That's Bambi![/quote] yeah, he went on to work for Disney, along with that other Nero that @tauzero was talking about; how he expected HIM to play a fiddle OR a lyre is beyond me!
  17. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1458216060' post='3005637'] Nice pic stu [/quote] Ta, the best bit is it even sounds far better than it looks.
  18. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1458161837' post='3005272'] Harry Potter had a donkey..? [/quote] Careful - that's slander!
  19. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1458157566' post='3005223'] ... and your spell-checker is on the blink. [/quote] I know - I fired his ass! - Harry Potter is over-rated anyway.
  20. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1458154730' post='3005206'] That's not Bamber Gascoigne. [i]This [/i]is Bamber Gascoigne in his heyday... [/quote] I'm fart oo bloody subtitle for you lot aren't I???
  21. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1458126014' post='3004874'] There's a famous Niro and a famous Nero. Dammit, I'm too well educated for this place. [/quote] I knew that - Boys only Grammar School Headucation A level Classics AND Archaeology here. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1458126234' post='3004880'] PS. Nero, of course, didn't actually Fiddle as the violin hadn't been invented at that point, not was he actually in Rome when the fire broke out though one might implicitly think he was. He did perform on the lyre, however. Exactly how well is impossible to say as he is unlikely to have had any critics. [/quote] I knew that too dawg gawnnit! I don't know, I salvage your post from RATM's ire - restore peace and tranquility to a doomed thread - and you go all Bamber Gascoigne on us!
  22. Yes - that's a cassette deck you see amongst that lot. Sadly my precious Marantz CD player is broken, but it does look like I've found a localish guy who's up to the job of reliably fixing it and doesn't want something ridiculous as an "assessment fee". I was at a trade show last weekend that LINN were providing the sounds for - anyone want to buy a kidney? one fairly careful owner, low mileage.
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwcX-fZvnu4
  24. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1458064462' post='3004370'] No need . You didn't find the post funny . I didn't understand tau zeros comment (fiddling) [/quote] My guess was there's two famous Niros - One's "Bob D.", the other one did a violin solo while Rome burned allegedly. Laugh? I nearly bought a round in!
  25. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1458040922' post='3004072'] Moody Blues - nights in white satin Jefferson Starship - Jane Eagles - hotel california Van Morrison - moondance (sorry someone had to)[/quote] One hit wonders?
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