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Everything posted by Big_Stu

  1. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1456736251' post='2991739'] Two nations divided by a common language. Don't know who said it but it is true. Three hundreds years of evolution into very different cultures. [/quote] Don't know if he first phrased it but it's a book by Christopher Davies, I have a copy. Pg.97 says "The Beatles were over-rated". * [size=2]* One of these sentences may have been made-up for this post.[/size]
  2. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1456723836' post='2991688']When I was waiting in line to see Paul at Miller Park in 2014, I felt like I was waiting to enter the promise land. I had the same feeling when my Dad took me to see The Beatles at Shea Stadium in 1965.[/quote] You were 12!! BTW. Even when you quote to reply then delete or edit your post, I still get to see what you originally said in an email notification. You should seriously check your Trump-esque "debating" technique ........... or put the bottle down.
  3. [quote name='gelfin' timestamp='1455231511' post='2977414'] Well chaps, that's a poor show.[/quote] [i]"Absolutely old boy, very second eleven!"[/i] [u][/u]
  4. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1456605051' post='2990743'] I just don't [i]get[/i] the Beatles. So what if they sold 1.6 billion singles just in the US? Or 600 million albums worldwide? Or that the '1' album was the biggest selling album from 2000 to 2010 even though the band split 46 years ago. That's just trivial, piffling ephemera compared to the fact that [i]I[/i] don't like the Beatles and never think about them except when I want to make people notice me on internet forums. Look, the Beatles were just a band and totally unimportant compared to - say - musical comedy of the kind performed by my Tiny Tim tribute band. We're huge in Trowbridge and there's nothing the Beatles can do about [i]that.[/i][/quote] You don't get it - even your band is influenced by them, what about your cover of "While My Ukelele Gently Weeps"?
  5. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1456500043' post='2989703'] I know there was the thread last year but want to bring this up again. Im wondering if it would be possible to make the bc market place easier to use. Or should I say easier to find what your looking for. Say different price sections or basses only in the uk, basses just for trade, sale or both. Have a separate trade only section. And another for our foreign members. This would make it so much easier all round. [/quote] What was the verdict last year, that I presume you want to overturn on appeal? Not that I use it, so my opinion is largely irrelevant, but I'd have thought lots of multiple sections that basically all say "Bass for sale Mk1, 2, 3, ad nauseum", would be more of a slog, not easier.
  6. [size=5][i]"You're all doing very well!" [/i][/size]
  7. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1456327768' post='2987914'] Well, we have a large (ish) gig on 12 March (about 500 if they sell out) and it's come to the point where our band has swapped places with our support band so we don't have too late a night Where's me slippers [/quote] Dennis Dunaway's band did that with Steve Cropper at a local gig a couple of years ago. Most of the crowd left when Cropper finished, because they assumed he was last up and so missed an excellent gig by DD.
  8. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1456082808' post='2985249'] Another night the text was ' I am in same bar as Noddy Holder but too nervous to say hello'. Seems like proud parents visiting, as myself and Mrs ET did last week.[/quote] If they were there as a family they're best left alone, he doesn't appreciate them being interrupted then, but if he's on his todd and looks amiable buy him a malt & he may well "hold court". I met up with him after a book talk he did before Xmas and we were slavering for the best part of two hours; his touring days, guitars - he still rates John Birch, family, catching up on who's doing what now & a "guess who" as to who he says did a much better Xmas song than Slade's.
  9. [url="http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/6-way-pod-light-n17dz"]http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/6-way-pod-light-n17dz[/url] [color=#606063]"Light pods detach to form various arrangements"[/color] [color=#606063]I had similar from Tandy years ago and it had a constant light function too.[/color]
  10. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1456080586' post='2985215'] Son of ET texted me late one night (from Liverpool) saying ' I just met Noddy Holder's son'. [/quote] Very possible; Django is at Liverpool Uni & plays in a band too. He has very proud parents, his Mum told me all about it when we met up over the drawing I did.
  11. [quote name='rushbo' timestamp='1456073416' post='2985117'] Come to Halesowen, where everyone knows someone who knows someone whose dad used to go to school with Robert Plant. Or Glenn Tipton. [/quote] I've met at least a dozen pensioners who all "used to live next door to Noddy Holder's Mum" - and she didn't even live in a tower block!!
  12. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1456046534' post='2984695']'Love Me Do' must have sounded like something from outer space.[/quote] No, that was the one that was at No. 1.
  13. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1455494404' post='2979655'] I think it's more traditional to dissolve beeswax in turps (turpentine) to use as a wood finish[/quote] This, with real turpentine, not the manufactured stuff ^ and you can use pure olive oil as a wood finish, I've done it many times on wooden bowls that will be used for food. But - of which there's always one - the trick is to do the polishing while the bowl is still on the lathe. I assume it's the high speed turning that seals the oil in.
  14. [quote name='bonzodog' timestamp='1455991869' post='2984398'] Went to Ikea recently and bought my daughter two very cheap table lamps. You put a white LED bulb in and a coloured plastic cover lamp shade shaped goes over the top and they are about 6 inches high. They were £2.50 each and I bought her a red and a blue one. Total cost with LED bulbs £12.00 I got home and put them either side of her bedroom and they looked really effective with the red and blue mixing well. It then got me thinking. Her bedroom is roughly the size of most spaces we get at pub gigs where currently we use LED par cans that cost £250. I don't really like lights flashing too much so if we used these table lamps on constant I think they would look effective. We could always place them behind speakers if having table lamps on stage looked odd. May give it a try at gig tonight [/quote] Worth a pop. At Slade gigs in days of yore Dave Hill & Jimmy Lea used to have wooden steps knocked together by a roadie, like a big L shaped box about 2ft wide and 4 ft hight, just two steps. The top was thick perspex for them to stand on and inside was just a car headlight pointing up. Very effective. edit: Maybe fixed them onto wider bases for less chance of them being knocked over and of course watch the wiring safety.
  15. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1455978849' post='2984196']......t every day there is an effin' Beatles related thread within the first few topics of GD! Just the same as that K**** W*** thread won't f*** off and die![/quote] Oh yes, I respect and admire West's ability to speak his words quickly in a regular staccato manner; I've been known to do the same myself on many an occasion. But if he was to say "I'm better than McCartney" or "I write better "songs" than Lennon", I should say, "OI!! West!! NOOOOOOO!!!! You're entitled to talk crap in the land of the free, But it'll upset up Blue, And put Hiram off his tea It's been done before By that MC Hammer, So get off my lawn and stay outta my manor!
  16. Are you telling me to "calm down"?
  17. [quote name='rushbo' timestamp='1455977336' post='2984166']Oh wait...are you being...sarcastic? [/quote] "Cuz that's one of 'is least favourite fings - saarcaasm!"
  18. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1455940631' post='2983842'] Yes,agreed, and what made it such a magical time? I'll tell you. What stage in life were many of us in that were at the tail end of the baby boomer generation? Yes, we were in the first boy meets girl stage of our lives. Many of the first things I learned about women were from Beatle lyrics.[/quote] Oh stop it! You're embarrassing yourself now! Not withstanding that you took my quote totally out of context to the polar opposite of it's meaning. You've already told us you were twelve!! - 12 ffs! when you had the revelation of seeing them on Ed Sullivan!! You weren't "there"! What were their lyrics going to tell you about "women" when you were twelve?? How to "always be true" - how to "hold their hand"?? Yeah - we get it, you're a terminally manic Beatles obsessive, but even the people who genuinely actually were "there", and I know many who were, (including some who had/have an inside perspective on it) and even they don't obsess to the point you do. Get a grip, have a word with yourself. Seriously - consider changing your colour from "blue" to rose-tinted.
  19. Noddy Holder tries to come in early on the second verse of this song from their film at 1:28 and strangely it's been kept on all of the releases when it could easily be fixed these days. The knickers routine at the start was lifted straight off Slade's stage act. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ocrw6Mue14
  20. Since they were (afaik) first intended for camera memory I'd take a punt at a few camera shops that do s/h cameras. The mainstream ones would have stopped restocking once they were phased out. Does it have to be 5.5?
  21. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1455830156' post='2982873'] This has mileage, seems like one of the best moves I have encountered in a long time. Someone should organise a poll - what colour is the basschat 'deceiver' bass [/quote] Black & Decker* orange, having been also reliced with a Black & Decker. [size=1]*other brands of power tools are available.[/size]
  22. Radio 2 is currently plugging a gig he's doing with the BBC orchestra that they're broadcasting. Part of the plug is that he was the most successful UK artist of the early 70s with 7 top twenty singles . I'm finding that difficult to believe but I suppose it depends how they define that success. Certainly not in quantity, there were a lot of acts that beat that statistic but maybe sales volume if the releases sold stacks during a quiet spell - IF the early 70s ever had such a thing. Or maybe it's financial success and he had a good accountant.
  23. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1455872159' post='2983066'][color=#323232][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Justify your Gear!......... [/font][/color]What's your excuse?[/quote] It was a bargain!
  24. [quote name='mr zed' timestamp='1455848762' post='2982990'] And this proves it - they even nick the water![/quote] On the plus side it was probably recycled - more than once - anyway.
  25. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1455839823' post='2982963'] I'm not a fan, and was born long after they split up. I do think that the 'beatles' probably wouldn't have been so groundbreaking if any single one of them hadn't been there. What really did any of them do afterwards, besides the odd moment here and there ? I also agree strongly with the above comment. [/quote] I find Wings far more listenable than 99% of Beatles stuff, there's a fair few classics (IMHO) in that catalogue and they were huge in the mid/late 70s.
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